Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Ignatius Akaruru says:

    Hi To All my Fellow Neothink Warriors and Neothink Secrect Society members All Over the World. It good to see that Mark Hamilton was able to get back all our post that we send to him, as this will prove to the government that we are real people from all over the world that see and respond to our founder call for help and support. One thing that amaze me is in the last year to this present time government and president all over the world that has abuse their power or who where dishonest was quickly removed from power by the people, and still in other part, people are fighting for their FREEDOM with their lifes. Our prayers and hope to all the Syrian people who had been murder by their own President and governments were their only crimes is to march down the street to voice their concern to Freedom. We seen it happen to Libya were their leader was shot dead by it own people on life T.V. and in other part of Africa president was removed by the people and government removed from power.

    People power is powerful as no guns or bullets can stop it, as citizen are willing to die for their Freedom and for their children. In our case We preach about honesty, freedom from government that over regulated our lifes which lead to failure of future endovers and business. In the last 5 months all I have seen here in my country Australia is our current government in trouble for lies and broken promises and miss management of government or public funds. In other State government were voted out as people got sick of their dishonesty. You look abroad in Europe government has change as people put them on notice, their failure to served them honetly get them booted out of office, and more people are marching down the street to voice their concern. Again if the world look at our Prime Law is the only Key to Freedom and honest government that is there to protect us not imprison or over regulate us that make our life so hard and business suffer, the end result company closed down and moved abroad to country that give them freedom to run their business.

    In my last post I mention about my ill treatment from work and my unfair dissmissal.
    Well I believed in “KARMA”, to those who abused their power and position on their workers. I was sack on 5 May 2011 for helping a very poor pensioner as my council fail to listern to his concern and complaint. The end result my manager knew he was taking the poor pensioner to court even though the pensioner advice them that his father has die two month before the end of 2010. On the 11 May 2012 my best mate from my previous job had advice me that my manager and general manager has both loss their job on the same day or date 5 May 2012 the same day that I was sack back on 5 May 2011. The old saying what goes around comes around to those who abuse their power. I miss my good paying job, but I am happy to what I did to help a poor pensioner from his stress and anxiety. It had change my life I earn less now but will suceed in my own business. God bless America, God Bless Mark Hamilton.

  2. Dante Moore says:

    I love the idea of a new law, a whole different new world. I also love the idea of having someone new in my life. Mark when I became a member of the illuminati you told me that I can have any women I wanted. Rihanna is the only women in the world that I want, I see her being my queen. Do me a favor and let her know I’m glad she’s feeling better and that God is ready to give her a angel!

  3. Jon McClure says:

    I concur with Mark Hamilton, and all the above posts. You keep doing, (current government), and you keep getting the same results. Hello?

  4. Dave K. found that says:

    The absence of the Prime Law and the lack of its application all together are human beings self-condemnation to mediocrity and misery. I hope now that it is out, it is a great opportunity given to all, without exception. It is time for you and I to tape into it, and begin to make a difference for a better life for ourselves and for all others without discrimination. Let’s give Prime Law a chance, which, in fact, is the best of chance that we can give to ourselves at this point and time in history. Let’s get started, today, now.

  5. Jerry Ranson says:

    It is peronal opinion that the prime law is a criticle element to be be added to the
    constition and the laws of all other countries of the world when people are free all the
    people will benifit.
    nations will prosper when people are free everyone including goverments prosper.
    agreson and force is not the answer

  6. Onto says:

    The quickest route from point A to point B is a straight line.

    The Prime Law is the simplest path for breaking down the obstacles to prosperity, peace and happiness. The Prime Law is the straight line.

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  7. The prime law is for the people from all corner of the world there is no in justice for the people every one will live the life the where meant to live, With the twelve Visions party in full control. Then and only then we con move forward to a better world No I have a dream, Before I start to read Mark Hamilton Neothink society my dream was stagnate now I have hopes for me and my family . Every one person will move forward with a supper puzzle idea value production with integrating purpose in life. every unman been will see their true purpose. we as a society can not stop thank Mark Hamilton the God Father the creator the founder of the Noethink Our twelve vision world, I void for the twelve Visions party is the prime law the fundamental of protection, “Preamble” *The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.

    *The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.

    *The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.

    Article 1

    No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property, or contract.

    Article 2

    Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1.

    Article 3

    No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.

  8. Avery Williams says:

    The PRIME LAW is the first stept in the realizing of a world in which no force is tolorated and people will have a world that is best for all making everyone rich including the poor that is what we have allways wanted and now is the time we all stand and support the Prime Law .

  9. Michael Edwards says:

    Our founding federalists, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, etc. meant well, but copying England’s political system concentrated too much power at the top – just as the anti-federalists – Patrick Henry, George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, etc. – warned. It’s a very rare human being, George Washington comes to mind, who can be trusted with such power. As a species, I believe that we would be much better off diffusing power as much as possible. I’ve felt this way for a long time. Then, Mark Hamilton and NeoThink come along with the ultimate diffusion of power – the Prime Law. This idea should appeal to every thinking person who has come to the conclusion that the initiation of force is the greatest evil that people perpetrate on one another; or, as I like to say: people should be free to do what they will as long as they do not do damage to persons or there property or infringe on someone’s liberty, i.e., don’t violate the rights of others and you’re free to do what you want. The Prime Law is a brilliant concept. When enough people are conscious enough to realize it, the Prime Law will mark the next step in societal evolution.

  10. Salome de Colon says:

    This prime law is a very important turning point in the history of politics and people, many, specially those who study that field will find out that the prime law is the missing Eureka! that they have been looking for! The prime law is for people who want to know how to work under honesty and constructive manners in the matters of education and job creations, full trainning on human relationship and human value towards a nation . With the prime law we the people of United State of America are going to have the best political leaders that will guide the people from all type of life standards towards superior school systems, education, medical technology, industrial technology, and a great financially healthy life expectation. The prime law is a great human benefit.

  11. Marie Carr says:

    When you read the Prime Law and allow the clarity simplicity, and purity of its meaning to enter into your heart; you can’t help but smile. This is one law that everyone will want to read, even a child will understand it’s clear and simple meaning. When is the last time you enjoyed reading any law of the land? You have often heard people refer to the law of the land as an Ass ! The Prime Law is above the mind of the creators of the law of the land. Read it often and allow it to sink into the depth of you being, then go help to “Make It So”

  12. Jessika Thomas says:

    The Prime Law is absolutely necessary for the average American to break free out of the stagnation trap that our government has placed around us. Our government is a forced backed government designed to keep the average person in the rut. The Twelve Visions Party is a whole new breed of government. The Twelve Visions Party is specifically designed to free the people and send our nation and the world into a prosperity explosion! It is designed to free the people from jobs of labor, stimulating jobs of the mind. I cannot wait for the civilization of the universe to find it’s way home. The Twelve Visions World is the way that life is supposed to be, and I am honored to be a part of this movement, that will ring in an entirely new and better way of life. I want to thank Mark Hamilton for allowing me to be a part of the the world I always knew existed. Again, with the deepest grattititude, I appreciate all of the opportunities that have been presented to me through your organization, and others like it. Don’t forget to cast your vote for Jill Reed and Thomas Cary for the presidency in November 2012! Love, live, laugh, learn, and always embrace the light!

  13. Super says:

    The Entire Universe uses this law and we are glad to see that others on Earth has known about this law as well. It has helped me to go further to meet my other family across the Universe and to REMEMBER my Extra Terrestrial purpose here on Earth… The Universe Inc. works with the Earth, richly honestly and in neon harmony with Love, Success and natural Wealth coupled with ur dreams — and ur neighborhood Solar System ruled by the beautiful neon zodiac constellation clock… not war and a fake banking system made out nothing with no riches behind it — thats a scam. Wealth comes from Riches from the Universe Inc. adding wealth to the printed Currency on Earth. These bureaucrats are penniless. Honest Business is the only values can be made… not an Election scam. Kudos to Neothink and their telling me Politicians are a delusion rising from my old hard wired brain like the Harvest Moon dilema. xoxoxoxo -Super

  14. Leonard Broach says:

    Freedom without fear! What a concept. Can you imagine? The prime law is that freedom taking us past our well meaning forefathers for our wonderful country. It truly is the cap stone to the constitution and the intentions of our forefathers. Just criuse through the truthful world history and you can see clearly the one fault in our existance. Open your inner eyes and foundation of true heart and feel, see the truth of all of our destinations without FEAR. Our new dimension in plain sight!

  15. Jay Bouse says:

    there is no way that the rule of man can bring us back its to far gone the prime law is the answer to our problems we will turn our country around and end the rule of man against us so that all people will be able to be wealthy as you are saying

  16. Louis says:

    I encourege you to support THE 12 VISION PART so that we can impliment THE PRIME LAW into the Constitution of This United States. This will give prosperity and well – being. 1. Change poverty 2. Multiply the standard of living. We should not be control by another adult, ( our Government ). With The 12 V.P. we will have wealth, long health and universal prosperity and peace.

  17. James Parker says:

    The Prime Law is the most important agenda that must be accomplished very, very soon if our human society is to remain in existence on this planet Earth. For instance look at the condition of the United States. Our monetary system collapsed and we nearly went bankrupt as a Country. Many other countries of the World did go bankrupt. The World money tree died. The United States responded by printing more U.S. dollars and bailing out banks and businesses worldwide. It is a temporary fix. There are millions of people Worldwide that are homeless and starving. Is this the way that we want to forever live and go down in history? I don’t think so. What we need is the Twelve Visions of the Prime Law. This will make our World one of prosperity and peace for everyone living in it. The Prime Law will produce a purely free and prosperous civilization for the first time on this earth. Our force free civilization under the Prime Law will bring peace and prosperity not only to you and I but to every individual on this earth. Isn’t this what you want? I know that it is so let’s all put our brains together right now and put the Prime Law in motion.

  18. Charles says:

    There is no Question weather Prime Law should be the direction to advance to a better World for everyone. The turnaround needs to happen now, we are accelerating in the other direction for fear that the Grip They(Politions and Neo-Cheaters) have Might/Will Slip Away.

  19. I am submitting my “like-drive” for this important video,
    Held Back for 3000 Years, Now Revealed,
    Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law,
    Now! One shouldn’t fear the future and what it must bring because the future is necessary, for without it there would be no tomorrow and inadvertently no past. One shouldn’t be constrained to the present norm if it is not correct, no matter how permanent it might seem now and how real it is within our lives. The Prime Law is only purity in its fullest sense. It is only honesty and being honest with yourself. Under an imperfect system there will never truly be equality. There will always be someone being left out but not under a perfect system such a thing would not occur. Even if you’re not the one being left out now!, you must admit that such a thing is only fair and in the best interest for everyone. I’m not saying that wanting to have a lot is bad; I’m just saying that everyone deserves an honest try at it if you will. Everyone deserves an equal shot at life to say the least. Deep down you know I’m right. No one should be left out that deserves a chance, and you shouldn’t be afraid to voice that even if other people know that you’re the one saying it. One shouldn’t be afraid just to study something just because some people might not agree with it. It’s just like having a conversation or exchanging ideas with someone or having a dialog. It’s not like your swearing your life to it; it’s just taking an honest look at it. You shouldn’t be ashamed of just studying something because you still have your free will at the end to decide what you want to do with your life. By exposing yourself to it, it’s exposing itself to you as well and your point of view. So, in the end both sides have been informed about each other’s view. Both sides are “touched” if you will, and one shouldn’t be ashamed of that, just taking a look at something. What are you afraid of? What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Just ride the wave so to speak to its conclusion and see what you think. One shouldn’t be so narrow minded afraid to try new things; and who knows you may just like it better or it may be better for you. Don’t be afraid to take things to the conclusion because who wants to live forever if you’re not even going to be happy. It’s not about quantity but it’s about quality, and who knows you may just get both in the end. Let all knowledge propagate throughout the universe and beyond. You can complement each other and provide what the other one is missing, fill in the gaps so to speak. Neothink is a good spacial anomaly that demands respect even if you’re not going to follow it. You can still benefit from it even if it’s only bits and pieces of it that you’re going to absorb and make use of or assimilate. This is my third testimonial to date.

  20. Ronald Maslanik says:

    Mark Hamilton is right, we cannot let our political leaders keep on taking our freedoms away. The computer revolution is bringing us so much progress in such a short time, that we’ll soon be bringing in knowledge at the speed of light, only to have our leaders and big business stifle what we could accomplish by regulating what they don’t want us to find out! Their personal agendas and needs to be kept in power, are all they are concerned about. They will lie to us, hide the truth about big business, you know they won’t let us know what they know about things like UFO’s and even curing diseases because they wouldn’t profit from it! We need to take back our Country which was supposed to be run by the people and for the people and set all our geniuses and garage entrepreneurs free to do the research and take the steps necessary to cure all the diseases and problems known to man!!! Those regulatory bureaucrats like the FDA and other groups and politicians need to be shut down by the Prime Law. Then we could all enjoy a prosperous life where we all live safely and without fear of being left in the dark and in poverty led by the ruling class. We need a big change, now, before the economy collapses or we run out of resources, because our leaders aren’t listening….

  21. I have known Mark Hamilton since May 2007 and that was the greatest day in my life. Before that day I was not a very happy person with the way everything in this life was. After, my eyes were opened and I could finally learn what life is. The Prime Law releases all of us from the Law of Man to the Law of Law. No longer will anyone have the Power to Rule over you. We will all become self leaders and know the kind of freedom that we have never known. Our future will be honest, wealthy, pure love and great health. No longer will the Big Pharma rule. The geniuses will be able to cure us from all of our dieases and ailments. Bad health will become a thing of the past. We will finally be able to enjoy our family and friends without fear of ill health. We will all know pure love. There will be no more poor, middle or elite class. This is a step into our future like none we have ever known. It is at last in our grasp and we can have the life we are all meant to live. We need to vote for Jill Reed/Tom Cary in the 2012 election so the will add the Prime Law into our Constitution. See you at the poles. Pat

  22. Kevin Lehman says:

    The Prime Law reflects everything we need in society today and nothing else. Simple ,logical,uncomplicated and beneficial to everyone that has become disallusioned by the Federal Bureaucracy of stagnation and dishonesty for the benefits of the few. This country was founded on the 3000 year old scheme that has run its course and will be replaced sooner or later by intelligent free-willed highly motivated independant truth-based honest value creators who seek to do everything that is good for society and the common man.

  23. Ronald says:

    The prime law is a necessity at this point in time. The civilization we live in currently is headed in a direction that most of us cannot understand. We have to initiate change, real change, for all our loved ones and for the world we live in. Thank You Mark Hamilton for your insight.

  24. In acting the Prime Law amendment into the US Constitution will forever change the unnecessary cost of hundreds of billions of dollars going into the everywhere you go where corruption from the Federal, State and local judicial system to random acts of depravity. From the hunger and death of innocent children to the mass murders of wars. In acting the Prime Law permanently through our blood, would atone for the tremendous hard work of our members in this civilization would become the most obvious panacea to cure the world, and bring prosperity and immortality into the future paradoxical dimension of Life forever.

  25. Lynn F. Moore says:

    I have been with you since I recieved my first letter. The Prime Law is the idea whose time has come. I sincerely hope that the 2012 elections can put us in a position to start on the road to getting the Prime Law passed. Good luck to Jill and Tom on their way to the White House.



  27. This is one of the most important thing to happen in our lives.I would like to comment on a true story that happened to me.I just recently retired ,thought I would be alright financially.Was I wrong.Out of the blue my wife and I were evicted from our own home witch was paid for and taxes paid in full.Somehow my house sold in a tax sale.It turns out someone put a lean on are home without our knowing.We called the Governor our attorney the attorney general office,they all said that can not happen.But truth is, they do not care.Long story short we were out on the street! If even part of the prime law was in place,protection of property and people were in place this could not have happened!!But I know that this will benefit me greatly.I do not know how but it will I assure you.There evilness can not benefit them just my wife and me.Sensually yours ,things are getting better Randall V.

  28. It is evident to me that; The Prime Law is not that hard to see in the Light of its own integrated Simplicity,it Synchronize’s Life with Resource’s for the Rapid Evolulutionary excelleration . Long Overdue !!! The children I’ve talked with 4yr.’s old ,& up all agree that the Prime Law ; Its Just Playing Fair. I figure if it makes sense to the children as playing fair,Ive got to ask myself What Kind of a World do I want to Live in .How about You ??? Love,Arul-g.H.

  29. Patrick & Terri says:

    This is truely the most awe inspiring guide to a force free will and global community that will exist forever, The Prime Laws, the only laws. And, truthfully, if oyu look at all the case laws from the original consitution and all of the amendments, sometimes ya wonder why all the lawyers get headaches much more then the Courts Justices. The Prime Laws establish the most fundemental basis of any form of law needed… where properity now begins to grow.

  30. Don piercey says:

    The prime law is the best thing I have ever seen in history, it will surely change the course of history as many other things that have been just as great, it will in fact be even more valuable and more revolutionary than anything I else can even imagine. So please take a look at it and give it some serious reflection, and do follow my encouragement
    and give it all the attention it deserves!!
    Don P.

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