Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Soussan Shafeei says:

    Dear Mark Hamilton,
    I wish i could describe my happiness and feeling exliration inside me since you found me and showed me the right way to health,wealth, happiness and secure life and finally have the heaven on our earth.I received the answers to all questions that were coming into my head constantly every day.Now i know what i was suppose to know and i try to transfer my knowledge to whoever i could .THE PRIME LAW .Yes is the answer.Iam hopping to review this page years later and will say:YES WE DID IT!I am waiting to see the prime law on top of everything on our planet.See The People around the world are happy,wealthy, healthy and creator ,They are in Peace, love each other,Care about each other and help each other .That’s the way should be.I want to see that day!Thank you again and i Send my love to all soulmates.

  2. Shayn says:

    Mark, you have taught me that we are the Nephilim people!

  3. Ralph M. says:

    The Prime Law Ideal, and the Protection only TVP Program, work hand, in hand, and are designed to re-instate the Universal Freedoms, and Individual Rights, of Citizens that put their trust in the present government. The message in the 3000, year old secret, indicates, and describes, ‘How’ and ‘Why, the government has Geared the System/Establishment against its own citizens, through ‘Initiatory Force. Amending the Prime Law, puts an end to Poverty, to Crime, Financial Slavery, and a Multitude of ‘Problems’ created by the Ruling Class to Deceive American Citizens. The present government, will ‘never fix’ the Economy/Financial problems. [WHY ???} because they were created to do , exactly what they are doing. To create Poverty, and Sustain the Ruling Class. “We can not live as Second Hand Citizens” The Twelve Visions Party, will Down Size, and Outsource, the present government, to create Prosperity, and Wealth!
    Ralph M.

  4. K.T.S. says:

    The Whole idea that the Society is an Evolution Breakthrough. Though we, as people, face more problems as we Evolve our thinking and our minds, our Struggle to Evolve is Still Very Difficult! We as a Human Race need to be Free of Government and Religion to have an Open and Wealth Mind/Life! From Discovering Fire, to using a Microwave, we are Still Yet to Fully live to our Full Potentials. Stay Strong and Believe in Yourself, so that Many Others will Believe in What You’re About in Life!

  5. Michael says:


  6. Fecther says:

    The way to a clear mind is eradicating the obstacles. Those obstacles are the limitations placed on us by the law makers who continue to subdue our creative nature for their own greed of ruling you. These obstacles have infected the population of the entire world for centuries. If all the people learned to focus all their creative energy toward values for society we would naturally be following the Prime Law being discussed here by Mark Hamilton. The world as we know it would be different.

  7. Kenneth T. says:

    The Prime Law will bring us a great technological revolution where prices will rapidly fall in all industries just like the computer revolution where prices fell rapidly and ordinary people were able to buy computers that just a few years earlier only millionaires could afford. The Prime Law will bring us a service-based government with only one purpose, to protect the people from initiatory force, threat of force and fraud. We will then have an honest government whose sole purpose is to protect, and all bogus bureaucratic entitlement agencies will cease to exist. Wealth, Health, Peace for Everyone!
    Kenneth T.

  8. Francisco A. says:

    Thanks Mark Hamilton for your literature and Neothink Manuscripts which inspired me to convey your ideas for positive change for a better world . Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law, are the essence of our Neothink Movement. For a better world without mysticism and a promising future for our generations. Thanks once again Mr. Hamilton
    Francisco A.

  9. Kenneth T. says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton for revealing the 3000-year-old secret to us. The Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution will free Americans from the bureaucratic regulations that holdback society and take our government into a new dimension where initiatory force is not used against the people. I am proud to be a part of the Twelve Visions Party® movement which will catch Americas fall into insolvent bankruptcy, eradicate poverty, and improve the quality of life for all Americans including the poor and the elderly!
    Kenneth T.

  10. E.D.I. says:

    Mr. Hamilton your knowledge is the best! with you life have so much meaning! Thank you!

  11. TRE says:

    All GOOD things are SIMPLE—food, water, love, FREEDOM. The PRIME LAW is simple and it will work! There is no added bullshit in the fine print to keep you confused—-like the fine print you find in credit card statements, or the drug side-affects later told AFTER they say the drug is good for you– (yet may cause DEATH!!!) It’s the same with our country right now. Do we continue to take the “poison pill” that keeps us all asleep while LIFE is stolen away from us, our children & grandchildren??? It’s time to WAKE UP!!! ** Please read the Prime Law before forming your opinion and jumping to conclusions. ** You won’t be disappointed.

  12. E.D.I. says:

    Life without the knowledge that you have share with us Mr. Hamilton will be like living in somewhere without sun! Like milk without berries! Like mountains without lakes! Thank you Mr. Hamilton for providing to all of us the understanding that we human’s R capable of our own responsibilities about the continuation of learning and developing new gates of job opportunities and determination of dealing with the games and systems to build and to create and advance .

  13. Rick B. says:

    I believe in The Prime Law, and the concepts of the TVP. Thank you Mark for all your efforts to remove the lies that have been “pulled over our minds” since birth. I look forward toward and work for a world where we understand Who WE are and Why we ARE here! I am in alignment with this! ~Rick B.

  14. The prime law is the only law that will change things for the better good for all menkind. thank you for the chance to join with the mentors and of cause mark hamilton.

  15. E.D.I. says:

    I am someone who forever will appreciate the knowledge that you have share with us. Without you I will never understand all about systems, regulations of people and countries. From where I have develop a capability of recognizing and evaluating how thing are working for us the people, and to work finding out new gates on how to do something that will benefit ourselves and also the economy of our country. You have done something that I have never read about before in my life.

  16. M.C. says:

    We really need Mark. I have been following Mark Hamilton for the Last 18 Years and can attest the facts about his sincerity and his knowledge on HONESTY. The WORLD NEEDS the TWELVE VISION WORLD to save guide human dignity and much freer with ability to do something better than we do today.

  17. ROBIN NEWMAN says:

    A Day of Thought
    Many , most people, if you ask them if they could make a difference, would they?
    Naturally governed by the forces of nature or human instinct we would say yes.
    The word yes seems to flow out of our mouth simultaneously.
    Wanting to change comes from man’s desire to improve himself!
    But actually making the commitment to truly change is almost impossible!
    You see…when one stands to say, if I could make a difference I would, we fail to think.
    We fail to see that we are creatures of habit and habit is hard to break!
    If you could make a difference, would you?
    If you could bring success to yourself and society, would you?
    If you were given the opportunity to make that change, would you?
    If you were given the secret to uplifting yourself and the world as a whole, would you?
    Today if you were given the power to change the world, would you act?
    Do you believe if the world were more like you things would be better?
    Well guess what , here is the secret of discovery, you are right!
    And herein lies the key to unlock all of our desires.
    It is the forbidden knowledge that lies within!
    Knowledge without wisdom is the sum of zero!
    It is the knowing but failing to think.
    Thinking for oneself, being oneself, is the greatest kept secret of all times!
    A Day of Thought can change the world!
    When and If we Think!!!

  18. Julette says:

    Greetings to you Mark Hamiltom.
    My Mentor and Guide for revealing to the World the 3000yrs old secret to the benifit of humanity:
    When is enought is enough? I say now!
    We have all seen the Ugly faces of Poverty and we seem to continued to embrace this disgrace, in the ac, by allowing and supporting The Rule of Man: Thank you for the revelation of this 3000 year old secret. The Prime Law. The Prmie Law forbids the use of initatory force, fraud, or coercion against any individual, The Prime Law also Gurantees the safety and freedom of the people to become wealthie, healthie in our society in the Twelve Vision World. The liberty and freedom of the people will be Protected under the Prime Law of Protection, allowing all individual to be the person they were ment to be, staying younger, living longer and living endless days, nights, years of Prosperity and security into the C of U, where all the people are rich including the poor. The Prime Law and Tomorrows Twelve Vision World offers the life you were ment to live in the C of U:

  19. Carl Anthony Cooper says:

    The chief cause of poverty has always been governments’ reliance on initiatory force. The ONLY valid reason for any government’s use of force is to protect its own people from initiatory force. Eliminating all use of initiatory force, fraud and coercion would make the people wealthy. However, the rule of self-serving man cannot eliminate governmental use of initiatory force. The Prime Law does provide the means to eliminate initiatory force, fraud and coercion under any government that adopts it.

  20. Ed Burnett says:

    Mark, all the people must join together and change this corrupt bunch of politions and elected officals before they bankrupt us and we lose our freedom and our country.

  21. James Divers says:

    The Prime Law : Our Savior. Thank-you and your family, Mark Hamilton.

  22. My name is Curtis T.and my interpretation of the Prime Law is this. In the beginning the law was love. In its creation an example would be the big bang theory. The law was then muddle in the graden of eden which created the forces and fields of good verses bad or evil. Of course the law did not die eventhough it has been pushed or deviated for many centuries. It now presents itself in todays civilization or world in an unique geometric energy fields for those who have read and understood the law signficant meanings. When read with understanding a cause and an effect takes place. You will become the law which express for all the people. including the poor. Now tell me, who does not want to live in a civilization which allows health, wealth, prosperity, the biological immortality end.

  23. William Snyder says:

    Words can’t express the overwhelming joy I am feeling right now. A new horizon is fast approaching for us as a species and it’s good. I cried when I seen this, there is hope for us and I can’t wait for all of this to be reality…

  24. Kris Allen says:

    The Prime Law is the foundation of perfect balance for the freedoms and responsibilities of the individual and the the existance of all these individuals coexisting in ever-increasing positive growth and values. It smashes any so-called validity of the elitist ruling parties and philosophy. It sets the framework for ridding the world of the hindering burdens bureaucracy. When integrated into general, widespread acceptance, the Prime Law will deliver the momentum that will propell – even catapult humankind into a fulfilling near future of brilliant magnificence and super-abundance of wealth, health and happiness. In fact imagining this golden age and looking forward to it with a certain knowing of its truth, creates a preview-reality-scale of it in one’s life even now.

  25. Robert H says:

    Today what are on my mind are Benjamin Franklin and Mark Hamilton; I believe that he was a great American universalistic at age eight-one and he reincarnated as the modern day Mark Hamilton. I believe that he was too feeble to address the 1787 Continental Congress Convention on its handiwork that the U. S. Constitution has a lot of faults in it, but Mark Hamilton is addressing the faults of our U. S. Constitution. However, I believe that Franklin thought that General Government would be necessary for the American people, which I strongly believes that Franklin believed that General Government wasn’t going to be a form of government that the American people would have their blessings in, which Mark Hamilton is very much informing us, today! I believe that Franklin thought that a well-administrated government would only leads and ends up into despotism, which Franklin and Mark Hamilton are boldly on record of their predictions. And I believe that both predicted that the American people would drift into a deep corruption that only despots can rule them. To me it appears that even to this day that Franklin has been censored in which he was a very talkative person in his declining years, but Mark Hamilton is breaking his silent. The other founders of America’s societies were very concern for the secrecy of their deliberations that they had to assign chaperones to accompanied Franklin at dinner parties to in order to keep his mouth shut or hold his tongue, but today it’s the media and politicians trying to silent Mark Hamilton. I believe that the American people are depriving of the wisdom and the wideness of these two great universalistic men. Franklin explained that each nation make its fortune as a maritime power that tends to imperial expansion and Mark Hamilton believe that that expansion can be through technology and the Prime Law.

  26. Charlie Moore says:


    Without the Prime Law there is no hope. The only way to change things is the Prime Law.

  27. Keith Winans says:

    Hello Prime Law and my good friend Mark,
    Please to finally get a chance to post something for ALL of the SOS and GIN members. And, of course THE FUTURE generations to come. Furthermore, those that have been lost (Temporarily) to the sands of time…. (All Our Ancestors). So, Something for the books then 🙂

    To The Wanna-be
    You can’t fool me,
    You can’t lead me,
    You can’t hurt me mentally,
    I know too much about reality,
    The illusions of irrationality,

    The masked criminals that stab at me,
    I know the tools they use to try and hurt me,
    I even know when and why they strike at me,

    Because I see through to the foundation of their psyche,
    They can’t hurt me with this knowledge of reality backing me.
    It’s like an unbeatable shield and sword to defend those around me,
    It’s like a suit of armor coated with un-penetrable loving energy.

    They have a right to hate me,
    They have a right to fear me,
    I’m going to arm those around me,
    Those closest to me,
    With unbreakable shields of pure love for honesty.
    We will heal this world with overwhelming reality,

    So bring it on you wanna-be,
    As you will see,
    There are more and more just like me,
    Unbeatable gladiators with efficiencies for epiphanies,
    Like an unstoppable tidal wave of healing energy,
    Like nothing else in our past history,
    We’re a force that’s stronger than a tsunami.

    To the wanna-be,
    You’re nothing to me,
    But a bump in this reality,

    To the wanna-be,
    Change is coming to your reality,
    And guess what?
    It’s changing in a hurry,
    Were seeds of productive honesty growing in this huge illuminati,

    I have nothing else to say to thee,
    You silly wanna-be,
    You’re just an unfunny joke to me,
    An overwhelming waste of energy,
    Soon to be swept under the rug of reality…

    Good-bye you wanna-be,
    Enjoy wasting your destructive energy,
    Because soon you’ll be nothing to me but a bad memory…

    By: Keith W.
    The Governments Mentality

    What do you expect to see?
    When you look at the government’s mentality?
    Is it strength?
    Or maybe wisdom?
    Or a bogus democracy?

    Just a bunch of white-hats arguing across the table,
    I’m more important than he!
    I demand to be recognized A.S.A.P.!
    Or so help me!
    I’ll get a bullet put into thee!
    I’ll even get your family!

    You think you can go to war with me?!
    I’ll blow up every inch of your goddamn country!
    Ill rain down booms, bullets, even nukes all over your economy!

    You think you’re able to fight me?
    I have warships full of people ready to protect me,
    I even have the masses ready to vote for me,

    You think you’re able to stand up to me?
    I’m the M.A.D. mentality,
    Mutual – Assured – Destruction is my philosophy,
    From the air, land and even the sea,
    I can bring death to any and all individuality,

    If you think I’m blowing smoke wait and see,
    This hypocrisy is based on your cooperation with me,
    The fear I’ve installed in your psyche,
    Is how I’ve manipulated the last 2000 years of our history,

    Because man must be governed by my mentality,
    Otherwise how can I make money off his economy?
    Without your obedience to my authority?

    If you don’t listen to my commands of tyranny,
    I’ll get someone to blow up all the earthlings,
    Ill release a wave of destructive energy,
    And whip the slate clean of all the values and history,

    You think I care about all the chaos I bring?
    I’ll dance on your ashes and your destroyed love for honesty,
    I’ll laugh as I collect everyone’s values and rebuild MY economy,
    I’ll die a happy man knowing everyone’s dead, crying or buried…

    By: Keith W.

    Envisioned Reality LLC is back in Business!
    Reverse Engineer/Entrepreneur
    My birthday present to myself lol! 😀 Enjoy.
    Go home brew garage businesses!

    If you build it, they will come.
    Unlimited and renewable power at the touch of a digital button.

    P.S.S.S. I’m ready to meet you now Mark. And I’ve missed your dad’s guidance for so long…….. Seems like i’ll be in Vegas soon. Waiting on another appointment to come through to know when, exactly. Take care my friend.
    Peace Be With You.

    Love, Peace and Eternity,
    ~Keith W.~

  28. Tammy Jimerson says:

    The prime law is the first thing that has ever made sense to me, in order to interest me to vote; as well as to ‘ vote with something for the rigfht meaning.

  29. The Prime Law will bring about a free and prosperous civilization which is not just one man’s dream, but the common dream that is shared by homo sapien(modern man) travelling through the winding and rocky road, figuratively speaking, to the solution that the Twelve Vision Party can establish.

  30. I truly believe in my heart and soul that what Mr. Hamilton says in this video is the formula for changing our world for the better. His PRIME LAW, when set in motion, will indeed enable us to become the people we were meant to be, live the lives we were meant to live, feel extraordinary every day, slow down aging permanently, land the jobs of our dreams, build the businesses of our passions, experience the love of our lives, have the bodies we’ve always envied, become geniuses of society, have everything we’ve ever wanted, ride prosperity waves to riches, and enjoy nearly perfect health. Thank you∞

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