Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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First will be getting the Twelve Visions Party in office. That is the main objective! From there the Neothink President will implement the Prime Law in the Constitution.
Afterwords,get the senators to vote on it! I am very sure of myself that they will past such a law of total freedom. The prime law is the only law that is logical and right. I will soon be going in Toronto,Canada and make my stand for the prime law in my Country! Other issues are fraud on the internet. All in good time my friend as we are approaching the C of U. The Prime Law is brillant. Thank you very much Mark to have change my mind from the bicameral to the Neothink mind. A whole new mentalily. FREEDOM AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I can say is after I first read the first book I received, I started thinking differently. I know that Neothink helps individuals grow, rise above, achieve and have great personal power, freedom and great emotional mental spiritual health. Its great creative energy, Helps in business and industry conscious effort thinking to aid in the progress of life. Its a great value. It is what you put into though as with anything in life. I am glad that I purchased my books.
Tyler A.
Ruling-class power must be taken out of the hands of men. The very true fact is that freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when men created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, I believe that freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when men are taking away from creating, interpreting, and executing laws. When men are removed from the political and bureaucratic controls.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for the Prime law . The one valid purpose of government is Protection of the people Self defense is a fundamental right for every Individual. The Government with this valid purpose become a service based government that people will gladly pay for to have the freedom to live a prosperous life, free of crime and fear the freedom to walk the street in our community raise our kids in a environment that is free of restraint and limitations that stop their growth and development The Prime Law is the only thing that will stop America from sink into a self destructive mode. by taking the decision making process out of the hands of imperfect man all laws will have to be filtered threw the Prime law. no more ego Justice. and all these different opinions that are made into laws that are forced on people that destroy lives by the millions.
The Rule of Man inherently, punishes the many, because of a few, in favor of a few or to expressly empower the man or men, that make the rule. That is the way it has been for 3000 years or more. This describes the upside down paradigm we live in, which favors the few at the expense of the many. Understand, Mark is not saying, no rules at all. There are many rules we need in order for society to function efficiently. Like, the rules of the road, for instance.
Carl J.
By introducing this “prime law” we would rid ourselves of these money grabbing gun toting capitalists “and save the lives of millions of children, worldwide ! “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the World will know PEACE”
As it is, Man Ruling and Controlling Man, that Inner Creative Drive is Stagnated. Which results in unhappiness. With the Prime Law, that Creative Drive is unleashed in Everyone that leads to Happiness and Fulfillment in life. It’s in our Nature to be Creative and in doing so, Happy, and Living an Exhilarating Life. Everyone, Including the Poor.
So simplistic view on human nature!!!!!!!! This kind of law can only work at a national level if most of the people obey this “prime law”, this law is an ethical precept and not a law that could make a government work. The rule of men is imperfect because humans are imperfect, only if all men were perfect such a law could apply to human societies. And how can riches be associated with rule of law in this sense? Rule of law can be a base to protect human industry but ultimately is the human industry or work that brings riches and not a simple law, that would even not be respected. Maybe this secret has 3000 years old but at that time people could not know what modern societies would look like, so even if it was applicable 3000 years ago such a law would be ineffective nowadays. If Mark Hamilton could be right and if everybody on the planet would be a nice person, this world would certainly a better place to live in.
The Prime Law is the iron fist against corruption and crimes committed against mankind. The Twelve Visions Party is the iron monkey of that iron fist. Open your hearts and awareness, lets stand up together for once against the problem and fix it. Lets all help support and establish The Prime Law.
Peter V.
Law enforcement up holding the Prime Law, Honest Law enforcement nullify crime in the cradle to deliver peace, freedom, and prosperity. To all communities. effective law enforcement occur when the public armed with the Prime Law demand action, that responsibility is to assure the life and property rights for each and every individual is upheld.
This Neothink and Twelve Visions Party is real. Since I have been a member of Neothink it has changed my life and I continue to prosper. I have always been looking for something and Neothink is that something I was missing in my life. Through Mark Hamilton’s books I have put into action his tools and am soaring to new heights.
The Twelve Vision Party is the answer to the United States government. We can all prosper and live happily with the Twelve Vision Party.
Albert Einstein was a genius, and visionary, to listen to him explain the theory of relativity, was a challenge even for the seasoned scientist at first. Mark Hamilton is like Albert, trying to explain to the masses his vision. Visionary genius that he is, he explains it here. The dimension he speaks of is the dimension of our minds that is gripped tightly, by our present government on the planet, using fear tactics (initiatory force) to keep that grip. The Prime Law removes that force to set our minds free to be our own again. To prosper freely under ONE law. “The Prime Law”, the Three Thousand Year Old Secret . YOU have a choice.
If you have any question about what he is saying… Just look up H.A.A.R.P. ARE BETTER YET LOOK UP INTO THE SKY! If you can see our Universe changing ,Believe me more is where we don’t see or feel. I hope we will have time to move society and Integrate this soon ! This 3000 year old secret. The Government knows what he knows believe me…I DON’T HAVE FEARS I HAVE CONCERN.
Only by Prime Law is possible fine total victory, infinite Justice and Riches. Furthermore, unlocks that secret by sweeping away 2500 year of politics, religion and philosophy to fix the broken and inefficient system with The Prime Law.
I’m i have had it in with the govt for the longest time . i know a lot of bad thing about them i also know that , there isnt 1 police station without curupt cops . i know for a fact i used to deal with police dealing on illegal transaction.. i hate our leadership , and we need to speak out .
Shawn P.
In addition to the prime law needed to keep persons from defrauding, robbing, and assaulting each other now, we also need to so manage the commons as to prevent today’s person’s from defrauding, robbing, and assaulting each others children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of the future by destroying the commons. It takes government to manage the commons, the same as it takes government to enforce the prime law.
Grace A.
The prime law is for prosperity, creation and protecting the value behind it in order to move forward in all things. Finding a renewable energy sources, curing diseases, illiminating suffering of all kinds, hunger, homelessness, laziness, dishonesty.
Tammy J.
I am writing this because I want to let others know of my sister. She has been fighting Lupus for years now and is in constant pain. I see her beautiful spirit trying to escape the tortured pain in her body. I see our world and how the greed corupts people and Big Business. I see the CEO’s of multi billion dollar corporations lining their pockets. I wonder why we have not made strides in the medical fields. With new medicines for Lupus, Arthritis, Cancer and all the other diseases. Then I think-well it might be because the medical and pharmaceutical industries would go broke if there were no illness. It makes a person wonder! My sister was born as I was getting ready to leave home and start my life. She was a beautiful child- and looked like a porcelain doll. She was like my own child and this morning she told me I was the next best thing to our mother, who died of complications to Lupus. I grew up won-dering why sickness had to strike our family. Why must we suffer so as a human race. With the Prime Law I see our world in a better light. I see people flourishing and seniors living a fuller, happier life. I see medical discoveries and healthier people and I see self worth developing. Every aspect of life is better. New discoveries in communications, electronics, and the medical industries escalates life and raises the bar to a better life. A life full of adoration for living instead of fightng for food, shelter and acknowledgement. It takes brave new thnking, thnking about how to make our world better for everyone. Not just the few select at the top. I worked hard all my life when wages were low and now the social security check just barely covers the bills-no extra money for savings or a vacation. I see the Prime Law making a huge difference in life. I feel that when people really study the Prime Law-they will see the benefit of it. I feel Robotics will make science work hard to make limbs for amputated body parts working with the human brain so the soldiers who have had their lives wrecked by coming home broken and crumbled with loss of limbs but worse-loss of hope, will finally find hope. We must escalate our soldiers lives-they deserve so much more then they get. I see the space program benefiting the world as we discover new planets with life as I know they are out there. We will all need to learn to get along. We will have a new universe-full of life and a new quest will drive us on to even more horizons. Our time is limited and we must not waste it. We must inspire and educate. Education is one of the main keys to success. There is so much to learn and experience. We should learn and work until the day we die on some level. New thinking beckons and we must hear the call. The call to brave new thinking, doing and being because this old way is just not working very well anymore. Read and reread the Prime Law and let it absorb into the essense of your brain and you can figure it out for your self. Ask questions-contact Mark Hamilton. He will help you to understand.
Karen McE.
Thank you Mark for everything.
I could say this a million times!!
primelaw there will be no poverty for anyone……….
Johnny W.
When I hear that people wish and pray for peace on Earth my response is always the same. This is one of enormous side effects of the Prime Law. To eliminate the threat of force many crimes will spiral downward in numbers. The threat of force was generated to keep individuals in power. Threat of force was brought on to suppress the population so that people can have unearned power to drive the people into serving them. For centuries now this has become a mainstay in the minds of generations of people who have become dependent on these leaders. They have become dependent on living off the backs of those creating values for society.
Imagine for a moment you are sitting at home enjoying the life you have created for your family through your own hard work. Those in charge take your wealth to distribute to those who do nothing. What are you working for? The Prime Law prohibits this kind of action.
If those in charge can not threaten you to serve their agenda there will be limitless opportunities to live the life you want to live. Freedom of expression will result in people everywhere creating values never before seen. This value creating will cause a downward spiral in hate and anger resulting in a much more peaceful world.
The Twelve Visions Party will be holding the key to the Prime Law. With this Prime Law in place, the world will see something never experienced. I am ready to begin living the life I feel I was meant to live. I am ready for the Prime Law.
In the ancient times in China, it happened that people confined their own children in the glazed earthenware jars for years in order to prevent the growth of their limbs and heights until their bodies stopped growing. Their parents then would be happy to use these children with unusual body shapes and sizes to attract audience for their circus business. This way of abusing children was soon prohibited and disappeared. However, nowadays the glazed earthenware jars have been replaced by the “rules of man” to deform people’s minds by confining their minds in certain “molds” or “limitations” of the ruler’s choice enforced by the use of initiatory force or coercion. The Prime Law makes people aware of the invasion of these external “molds” or “limitations” into their minds and helps remove them in order to build a happy and enjoyable society for mankind in which people have the freedom to think their own thoughts and children can play, run and grow happily with their own way of thinking which is the foundation of their genius and inventions. The Prime Law is the true meaning of FREEDOM. I support the Prime Law.
Phong T. N.
With my new found knowledge I am reading more and find insight in the mind of pure genius. When you go to school like in MIss Annabelle’s secret there is an expansion of knowledge beyond your wildest imagination.How we obtain knowledge in the classroom is by answering the questions we ask each other. Learning from one another best works when we are in harmony with one another and focused on the same subject. PIck a subject you want to learn about and ask questions from people who know and are sucessful in whatever they do. Look for the best in everyone and gain world knowledge.
gregory r.
I will like to say Mark Hamilton is really on point with his teachings. Becoming the person you want to be in life is not easy but having someone pushing you from becoming that person is totally wrong and he will show you how to break that up starting with the prime law. I totally believe God has sent a man to help us become free and financially stable beyond belief. Great stress free health comes your way following the right path in life and i think everyone should take his words to your complete heart. I will always follow whats right and live happily as i can. Thanks Mark Hamilton and God Bless
Joshua M.
Soon we will all be rich and happy!
John S.S.
A.Z. says:
Listen to world news today and everyday shows us very clearly what Mark Hamilton is teaching us about “The Anticivilization”here on earth . Mark’s “Prime Law”is well and truly overdue,so lets fight for it,all of us,to have it in place sooner rather than later. I can’t wait to see it happen!A better world for all of us is my true dream and my fne.
Your neothink brother arnold.
The purpose of government is to provide conditions that will allow people to grow and reach their potential so they can live happy and prosper! Laws should never over-rule what is good for people to live free and be happy. A government should not be telling us what to do but instead be there to protect us. This is the essence of the “Prime Law”. Stand for something of fall for everything!
Thank you
The Prime Law is essential to the well being of this nation and the world. If there were a Presidential nominee that promoted the Prime Law I would vote for that person.
Molly G.
To all my friends, family, fellow Humans, and all conscious beings in the Universe…and to Universes beyond ours! Wake up!Now is the time when people adapt and evolve consciousness in order for life, Human Life, to grow, flourish, and reach its fullest creative potential. It is time for Personal Power to be given back to the individual! Its time to reshape our government to the way that was meant by the founding fathers of Our nation. We need to establish laws to restrict governments, groups or individuals from violating peoples basic human rights. We need to make laws, restrictions and regulations on the power of governments of groups or individuals to oppress and enslave people, and create wars. We need protection from such organizations. We will see an age of civilization that no one has ever seen before. Before we can attain global peace, we must first establish peace within our borders. We have been invaded, we are in a state of war. When we no longer have the threat of governments or people, we will no longer need protection, and hence our own government will become obsolete. Only then will we be truly autonomous and live in a world of free enterprise, and we will advance and evolve , and enjoy an endless life of health, happiness, and prosperity. This will all be actualized by the Prime Law.
Richard M.
The Prime Law is the way.
The pursuit of happiness and individual rights for all. So much of our privacy and morals are being destroyed that the Tweleve Visions Party can restore…Freedom and equality must be restored! The Prime Law can do just that.
Kimberly J.