Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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I think this where we can start the new beginning.
The Prime Law once instituted would simplify government. Government would then be able to focus on the things that matter. Initiatory force would be eliminatefrom all sectors of society. Government would function on a business services level. The rule of man and the ruling class would be eliminated. Government would then focus its attention on protecting its people and growing the economy. Those two main focuses would allow the common man to prosper. Government would again be on track as “the Founding Fathers” originally intended it to be in the first place.
This is what I had to write my happy lil story to those peeps who wanted to be jerks.
I am going to put this kindly, politely, just one time so please take the time to read through my story. This story is for all possible levels of understanding etc. I must write this as swiftly and sternly as possible. Let me also write this story in defense of everyone else who has ever had their personal freedoms walked on etc from outside entities…So, Let Me take you all back to the start, and Let Me make a very long long story very short. And let it be taken as just that a story based on true events.
There was once a little Boy. He dreamed of always being a little more masculine among other qualities. His Name was Born. Born hard big dreams and an even bigger heart. After Years of studying and training Born decided to follow his heart and his dreams. Born left his homeland for a special preparatory initiation school where he would live in training with a Master of the arts and the sciences and the beyond. The Master wanted to teach Born certain ways and techniques; however, Born felt that the Master also wanted to attempt to control Born’s Mind. And Born didn’t really like that. He didn’t mind working with that particular Master but he felt there was too much attempted mind control going on. Born Made a choice long long ago to think for himself, because Born has a mind of his own and is against external mind control because he thinks it is Evil. And so therefore Born is against Evil. Born lived and worked with the Master for just under half a years time, and felt himself mostly tortured throughout he felt mind control and personal freedom was being taken from him, and so he deemed it necessary to move on. He left the Master after a Minor Disagreement in which The Master Became Angry and so Alec caused a situation in order to protect himself which caused events, which in turn caused the Master to Banish Born From the Space. Born gladly left and moved onto a new land….a temporary space where he continued his work. Fortunately Born was able to make a trip to his homeland for the Christ Holiday in 2011.
Soon thereafter he met what he thought to be the love of his life; however the whole entire situation was so complicated because of so many different integrations and variables and missing puzzle pieces and lack of communication. Born felt that individual was The Heart of Born at that time. There was too much confusion. While going through his adventure in the new land Born met one of the Greatest Grandest Ladies of all Time. Her name was Lady S. Lady S. was ancient and magical, and yet was a great child of the universe in her own right. Born Spontaneously began a thrilling conversation with Lady S and the two soon decided that an alliance was in order….Born mentioned that his “so called future lover” traveled to a far away land, and it just so happened that Lady S. was soon to travel to that land. The conversation included topics of love, light, freedom, artistry and one of the Greatest Artists of all Times, who we shall call Lady Mag. Born had heard of this land before through the beautiful words of Natalie Merchant a famous gypsy soul light of the universe. So Lady S and Born decided they would go West. Born and Lady S traveled Shortly after the first of the New Year, to the far away unknown land…but whose name is the land of 10 letters. There was a great Ocean there.
After arriving through a portal into the New Land, Born was shocked, thrilled, full of hope wonder and felt so incredibly priviledged to be where he was regardless of the circumstances. See Born for years had felt priviledged and grateful for everything he had. Even though some people in the big picture of the world and the universe thought that Born needed to be taught a lesson in “being Humble” They tried to Take Born out of the picture entirely…..well not a very wise choice on their part. Everywhere Born went in this new land he saw new angels with metal badges protecting their hearts, …dragons, witches, agents, demons. He noticed lots of cottages, boxlike spaces, and fairly large homes, merchants and towers where all these different spirits lived and worked. Born was high on life and felt empowered,……Yet Born still felt oppressed, like his potential has been being oppressed and stifled….which made Born absolutely furious…which he tolerated and was able to go through with great compassion for those around him, regardless of the feelings he felt of literally destroying them all with one finger . He felt this way a little about Lady S and his supposed lover. Borns Love of his life (or so he thought and felt) saw him once and then left back to where he came from. Born felt very upset about this because he wanted to spend time with his lover and help his lover. Born soon found out that his what he thought to be was a lover was not a lover at all….in fact the exact opposite. Born decided to continue checking out his options and figuring out a way to generate some gold. Born also thought the angels only purpose was for protection. So therefore Born felt Safe.
In the Month of February and March of the New Year Born was confronted by two angels for not waling in the lines while crossing the road. Born had colored in the lines his entire previous lifetime, so this time he wanted to successfully ‘color outside the lines within his own safety and that of others as well.’” These Angels both forced Born to autograph papers telling Born that he had to see a judge for doing something bad, and that Born was going to have to pay Gold to the Court. Born loved these angels but he didn’t think that what they were doing was appropriate. He tried to keep an open mind….keep in mind that Born was still upset because his lover left….he couldn’t really keep a great open mind, until he returned to where his lover was to speak with his supposed lover and then come back to the land of 10 letters. Born was very discouraged, and had major conflicts with his thoughts and feelings towards these angels, because he felt that he shouldn’t have to pay not one ounce of gold to the court. See…in Borns eyes he was just living his life freely, which he thought was the angels duty to protect that right to protect that freedom. Born discovered however that his freedom was more protected while he was hanging out with the dragons. Born really started developing a Grand Universal Galactic distaste and dislike for these supposed angels…they were treating him like he was some kind of a dog… Born was developing a growing hatred a fierce furious hatred for these supposed angels…but as always he did his very best to forgive. He tried to forgive and let go and move on….that was until the first of April of that New Year…..
Born Dreamed of Dancing with a great Queen. So, On the first of April of the New Year Born decided to Ride the Magic Subway system to a new location to go practice dancing…that he had been eternally afraid to do, but was finally able to gather the Courage to go for it. He was full of wonder and questions about the Subway but never asked any of those questions. At the time that Born was standing in the subway station he noticed several black eyes around him hanging from the ceiling, he felt like they were watching him as he went through the subway and at this moment he needed some privacy…he didn’t really want to shoot arrows through the black eyes, so he decided to standing in the elevator for his privacy and his own time to think. He finally felt the freedom to be liberated through dance. All of a sudden Born felt a gnarly vibration…one that was not friendly, and then the elevator started going down to the lower level. Born noticed what he thought was an Angel whose suit of Armor had the word “metro” scripted in various locations all over it. Born cast his blessings on these entities years ago in various degrees and variations. As Born has cast his blessings on all beings and entities years ago in various degrees and variations. Anyhow the angel spoke to Born, very forcefully almost attempting to command Born to begone from the space. Born asked why…and was told that the trains were no longer running. Born didn’t understand this because he had a pass stating what he thought meant he could ride the train until 3:00 a.m. time wise. At that moment it was not near 3:00 a.m. So Born started speaking to what he thought was one of those Angels. He asked several Questions and soon the Angel turned into a very violent, aggressive, and forceful demon. Born was confused because he thought that the entity was an angel someone of some kind of authority…and Born has played along with the whole authority game for a long long time. He attacked Born and soon another one came up from hell. They bashed Born’s Face into the ground and sprayed acid in his right eye. He screamed at them to stop, and was afraid to fight them because he didn’t want to hurt them and he could foresee that if he chose to do that what would happen to him would be far worse later on. The Put Born in shackles which caused Born’s Blood to flow. Not a river, just a little seeping through a crack. After time and energy, the knew Born didn’t do anything bad or wrong so they had to let Born go Free. They tried to make it seem like they were doing a favor for born, which was just a bogus attempt to cover their own booties from being ravaged by the wrath of the most potent eternal fire.
So after much ado, Born was let go and he wondered…”who was the master of those Angelic demonic beings. Born wanted to confront that particular master face to face, but chose to send messengers electronically to spread the facts of the truth of the matter of what happened that night…the night of the attack on Born’s Body, but not only his body, his mind, spirit, and soul. Born felt so terrible afterwards and his heart was sad and he just never gathered the energy time or space to be able to begin practicing dancing again, especially after the next series of events. He wondered what the cause of all those events was.
Being that Born didn’t have his own Palace or Castle in this new land he lived outside as an adventurer would live, sometimes dropping into different circles and finding various entities in cottages to talk to etc. During this time Born stayed various locations outdoors. On the 22nd of April of that New Year Born was sleeping outside a Justice Building downtown in the land of 10 letters, where he noticed a painting of Man/Lady dressed in a Black and White Dress (which looked like something an old witch would wear kind of old lady-ish but magic all the same.) So Born appreciated the painting for what it was. Before he began sleeping on what he thought was a marble bench, he noticed other forms laying around under blankets. Shortly after sleeping Born was awakened very rudely, and harshly by loud manly voices. Born said who is it. He heard…” OFFICERS BURRITO AND BERNANANDEZEEO ….With the blabla P.D.” Born thought outloud….” Burrito?” The answer was “Yea Burrito…just like a bean and cheese Burrito!” Born rolled over to the side after uncovering his face and put his spectacles on so he could better see the scene to his left hand side. Born noticed to knights… similar to Angels again, but this time a little different looking….but they had that “so called Angelic Armor” on in the same respect. They attempted to command Born to move to a different location. They were too close for comfort or any type of decency to Born so He kindly asked them to back away. The correct choice that they should have made was to kindly ask Born to Change locations, instead of intending on provoking Born to act a certain way. They then asked born to see his Birthright with his photopainting on it. So Born simply told them “NO!” They apparently didn’t like that response, it wasn’t the response they wanted to hear…Born thought it was because their mommy and daddy told them No!! far too many times when they were stupid teenagers….Anyhow as Born was bending over putting his Boots on, The two Entities physically began attacking Born. Then a third one arrived that thought it was appropriate to shove Born’s throat down on the edge of the bench nearly suffocating him. Born was screaming as loud as he could for help. No one came…someone could have been killed that night and no one would have known about it. Shortly there after about 15 other demon like urchins arrived all dressed in Angelic “Protector Armor”. They all cackled malevolently as they watched as Born Suffered in the back of the Chariot.
The two who assaulted Born to him to a dungeon of a building…where he remained and suffered over night. Born made light of the situation because he was able to forgive easily….because Born looked at himself and he had battled his own inner demonic urchins before from a past life and so he was able to have compassion and forgiveness for the two lowly forms. Born was able to achieve complete victory with the help of a great grand master….one who is actually good and benevolent. Born wondered who the master of all the urchins was and wanted to confront that master face to face as well…however his servants kept him protected like a King on a chess Board. The aspect of the whole scene that Born was truly upset about was the fact that impressions of his face and hands and fingertips were stolen from him without his permission at a capture station. He still doesn’t understand what that is all about. Born didn’t know and still doesn’t know if this was good or bad for him, and he definitely is not approving of some external entity having those impressions in their system without his permission. After this experience Born noticed his energy was a little different…he didn’t like it so he had to go through a recovery process.
After this experience Born decided a change of scene was Due immediately. He traveled to various locations and enjoyed his time…but was still in a situation that he didn’t like being in…but had as much fun along the way as he could in his own right. He traveled to a place called Santa Money Beach. Born thought Santa Money Beach was great…empowering, fun, amazing, and safe. He thought the entities of that village Santa Money Beach were all trustworthy. Born soon found out otherwise when his entire pack with all his gear, his wardrobe, his bed, his tools, his gold his birthright and papers were all stolen. Born wondered who sent the thieves to steal his items. He was infuriated but mostly with his self, for not listening to his higher guides and his own inner GODMAN VOICE. Born was very hard on himself and felt like he was in a hell for days. After recovering and pulling himself upward he was able to achieve more gold that was allotted to him from a dear friend…so Born Was able to retrieve new Items which he vowed to keep an eagle eye on at all times. These items were not able to fully replace those that were stolen. Born also filed a report with the Angels of the Santa Money Beach Policy Deapartment. The organization that soon turned against born and treated him like the scum of the earth again.
As born was thinking of ways to generate more gold for himself to upgrade his life etc…. he thought of panhandling like some of the other entities out there had been doing day after day freely. Born wanted to express himself through developing certain talents that he wanted to pursue yet he kept feeling and getting so much resistance from those around him in the small reality of The land of 10 letters, but also what he felt was resistance in the greater reality as well. Born felt very frustrated with this. Born also didn’t feel his skill level and wardrobe and practice were up to be able to go on in front of others, so he sat down on a bench outside of the ADIADORA SHOP Near Arizona Street. Holding his sign with his feet propped up Born sat for Just about 5 minutes when he noticed two entities that popped up on his right hand side. He immediately recognized them as Santa Money Angels…but was immediately skeptical . One of them was called PISSREZ and the other one was called ALVARFARTO. Well Pissrez tried to command born to sit up. Born didn’t like Pissrez’s tone but chose to sit up immediately anyway…so that he could get back to his business, and hopefully have externals to stop interfering in his ways. So he sat up and crossed his left leg over his right leg. Pissrez stated “Thank you” That’s when born stated Politely “thank you and have a nice day”
For some reason Pissrez and Alvarfarto chose to start their demonic behavior. Keep in Mind Pissrez and Alvarfarto are the angels who are supposed to be receiving gold to protect others only….Pure and Simple. Now…Pissrez chose to tell Born that he thought Born was acting very untrustworthy… and so wanted Borns information. Born told him all his things were stolen and that he filed a report. Pissrez was taking Borns information so Born began writing information down about both Pissrez and Alvarfarto. Alvarfarto didn’t like that action, so he decided to was cross the line and began arresting Born for no reason. Once again Born was taken to a dungeon where he was persecuted and his finger prints hand prints and electronic paintings of his face hands wrists and forearms were stolen without his permission at a capture station. Finally at the wee hours of the morning Born was Set Free again. The organization made Born wait until long after the rise of the sun the next day to retrieve his belongs that they kept over night. Born was highly aggravated when he notice that his bag was searched and that Someone From The Santa Money Angels decided to STEAL HIS MOUTHWASH.
Born vowed that he is never ever playing with any of these angels and is not playing with any of their organizations or any of their masters ever again. Born just wanted to kindly remind those organizations down to the atomic level that their soul purpose is for protection only. That is what they are paid gold for. Pure and simple.
Now if Born needed to be inspired or something else or made to be a certain way…surely there had to have been a better way.
-End of Story-
Now Let’s respect eachother, and our individual rights and freedoms. Let me show you the correct approach to this problem
If I wanted to be incorrect and disgustingly despicable as several entities have been towards me, I would say something like….Now…please don’t make me take any further actions against you all. There are many people out there that have suffered from similar experiences from external “authorities” Just because you have a badge protecting your heart doesn’t give you or anyone from your puny organizations to treat another they way you have treated me. I am going to make that clear just this one time. If you don’t comply with what I am telling you I am going to take further action to make sure that your ways will be changed. (THAT’S WHAT A BAD GUY WOULD SAY)
Now, a good guy would say something like this…the correct and appropriate action….”
Thank you very much for reading my story. Just remember your purpose as a police officer or any other protective service is simply just that…protection only. You all have a wonderful day.”
I have read all of Mark’s books the most incredible book was Visions. As you read the book little puzzle pieces are implanted in your brain. Before you finish the book all the pieces snap together and you actually see the Twelve Visions World or the C of U. And you know that is the place you want to live forever.Thank you Mark for sharing such a great vision. Let’s all support the TVP and vote for Jill Reed. Prime Law forever
The Prime Law based on individual and collective right to a New Conception of Civilization of The Universe, started with Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society
Mark Hamiltons, Prime Law is what we need .With out the Prime Law we will not have anything . Mark needs all of us to vote to get the Prime Law in. Mark needs all our help and when we help Mark we will be helping ourselfs to a better way of life . AS it say lets even make the poor rich,we all will have a better life and a happier one. Rose
Prime Law= A Genuine Government Of Defense (GOD) .
Without Prime Law= A guaranteed ticket to having your life striped away at the expense of another, while allowing a Government Of Offense to justify and redeem the benefits.
Our laws have good intentions for an unchanging economy, individual and world. However, Our world is changing, our economy is changing, and the individual is changing via policy and offensive law to counter the changing world making the change for the better life threatening.
With the Prime Law in place and implemented within our government… we can see what justice really means on all levels.
hi Mark this is real the truth, and incredible vision for every body. thank you so much Luis.
The Mark Hamilton’s books had really positively impressed me and positively impactd my life.I am one of his faithful books readers since 2007.They are written in simply good English for a foreigner as me to easily understand without the need of complex knowledge.His honesty and love that his works transpire, the knowledge and order of exposing his ideas in a very organized way let always me with a desire to read more and go deep in every subject, very especially in his “Twelve Visions Party” that as simply as it seems will have deep beneficial implications not only for America but also for the rest of the world at all levels, not only for individuals but also for entrepreneurs. I invite you to accompany Mark in this journey toward the possibilities of endorsement of the US Constitution to include the “The Prime Law” that will introduce positive changes in the world as we know it.
The Prime Law identifies the flaws of man as did the historical law of Moses. Today, the law of Moses just as the Prime Law demands the requirement of mental energy and initiation that will sooner than later manifest flesh. The Prime Law and its function is totally natural and effective… it only needs a little practice with influence.
In this world today,man moving forward in creation,(left beighnd God=spirituality). in Neo-think/twelve vision world man move forward in creation with God,(GodMan).
If all learn the 3000yrs old secret,we will all get rid off this selfish ignorance,everybody will set free.everything will going well.
mark, I have read all the books you sent me. I was intrigued with the message of your books. They have inspired my life so much that I am now in the neothink mind. I dream in pictures and see the in put in the society of the ultra rich.
Mark, I have read through the twelve visions party 12 times. I love it. It has changed my life completely.I am now in the neothink mind. I have discovered my Friday night essence. Thanks to you and the 12 visions party.
i was just saying to the ordinary person like my self that if you try all that neothink has to offer and follow the guide lines of the prime law that one day you would be able to see the forest through the tree’s with patience and trial and some error and all the puzzle pieceses would along the way become clearer and slowly fit together like a dream come true even if your life may fall apart while its happening to you it will fit together like an incredible dream just keep the faith and follow that path of the neothink society and your dreams too all will come true for you…….steve…..chicago
I enjoy listen to your speeches thanks for telling me the truth.
Everyone is looking for Peeace and Security ! The prime Law That is spoke of here is the only way any of use will gain this PEACE and SECURITY so Please everyone Listen and work for it with help from Mark .
The Prime Law is the 3000 Year Old Secret. By living your life with the Prime Law as your decision maker in all you do, you will see a great change in yourself and those around you. As you change you will want like and enjoy that change because the respect you show others will be shown back. The Prime Law will end the rule of man and bring in the rule of law. Not only will that apply to governments but also to the individual. If all decisions were made by every individual with the Prime Law as the filter of those decisions we would already have Health, Wealth and Peace on earth. The Prime Law as an ammendment to the United States Constitution will be the begining and the world will soon follow. Without the Prime Law as an ammendment the United States will plunge even deeper in poverty. We need our Twelve Visions Party® candidate Jill Reed elected to bring the Prime Law to America.
Thank You, Mark Hamilton for bringing us the Prime Law
This is absolutely brilliant. So simple. So concise. So uplifting. An incredible vision for humanity right here and right now.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society.
There are so many laws being made today in government that many of us know nothing about. And yet, we do adhere to these laws without even knowing what they mean. Initially our American political leaders were nominated into office in order to protect the American people via the laws of the land. Today it is difficult to understand how we are being protected as there are so many laws being drafted and approved that absolutely remove our liberties and rights to live life individually as we see fit.
The Prime Law is called the Fundamental of Protection…. It is very simple, very all encompassing, and very open-ended when it comes to making this protection available to all Americans, this is just as our forefathers initially drafted in our U.S. Constitution.
With the Prime Law inserted as an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, it will effectively re-institute the purpose of the U.S. Constitution and its Bill or Rights, that of protecting All People. No More Unjust Laws and Regulations… Those that burden us with poverty, inflation, excessive policing, and the inability to speak freely without forced retaliation coming from our law makers themselves… This, as Mark Hamilton says is tyranny.
I hope that people can begin to realize and understand that unifying under the Prime Law Amendment will create over-arching equality for all people – The 12 Visions are Beautiful…. How wonderful it would be to live in an America where all people can live the lives they were meant to live – under the scope of protection that the Prime Law Brings. Its is a beautiful day in America when the Prime Law becomes the Law of the Land… Thank you
Thanks to Mark Hamilton I’m very happy and getting better every day.
Just learn from this genius and he will help you with all what you want to change.
with love Zuzana
Uplifting any society one must be willing to take an objective and honest observation of WHAT IS. What is it that drives our Natioin? And what it is that stears that Nation in its Direction. It is the leaders in society who pave the roads that we will travel. It is up to those leaders who built the highways to make sure that the bi ways do not become obstructed by barriers. The bi ways are the people and the barriers are our feel good emotions. The current affairs of the people, with the lack of insight, has blinded the masses into a cloud of confusion, allowing the LEADERS to use our lives LIKE SOAP ON A ROPE. They wash their bodies with the feel good emtions of soap and then throw the rope away. Observations and Honesty, they come with a Price and that price is The Truth. It is only by the power of observation that I find in myself that will allow me to see.
The Prime Law is the Ultimate Law of the Land or rather should be. It protects the people of the land by and for people to protect us as government states it does. By and for the people as the constitution states. We need the Prime Law legally as addended in our constitution so the people of the land all prosper and gain in happiness wealth and health. TVP Rocks> Vote for the TVP for next election so we can all equally be free in a Democracy in America./ Prime Law is /should be Law Primary of the Land and is in my home as well .
I can only hope that I live to see a world without prejudice of one’s skin pigmentation, ethnicity, religious beliefs, personal opinions and so forth. When everyone lives in harmony and not be living to die for it. Where people whom work & contribute to society receive their earned labor without force of distribution of their earned wages. Where people come to realize that we – human beings are the highest value in the Universe and is to be cherished, respected and loved as such.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for bringing this desire to the forefront in practical terms where one can start with themselves, now and then their families, then communities, then societies and finally the world.
the prime law would be a great way of life for us in this country,to have the peace and freedom to form a much better country to care for and injoy it”s riches and be exaple for other country to followe ,for all to injoy.
My comment today is this. It is nice to be able to read testimonials about a change that is need to improve our lives. It is nice to see notes and letters promicing a new way of life.
I don’t need someone to do this for me but I do need leadership and guidence. It is also good to know that many others feel the same as I do.
It would be nice to talk to someone person to person and share ideas.
I will continue to read the books and information I can get on the web site. I am a slow reader because I have to read for a while and then think for a while and let the information form a clear thought.
thanks Mark Hamilton
Malcolm James Lucas
First and foremost I will say what the Twlelve Visions Party has developed in me personally. From a great authoer that wrote a phrase in the “Laws of Success in sixteen lessons,” there is a phrase that says:” If you cannot do things in a great way, then you may be able to do small things in great ways.” This is where I see my self as a head of state leader. One person can make a difference if they keep the purpose of the Prime Law in mind. The message is simple in its application and is there to stimulate your minds thinking, not to educate you on the “How” it will happen. There are mental forces at work here and the only way to see the complete picture is to enhance the powers of your mind and take charge of your life purpose and true happiness.
There are going to be many transitions along this journey of life that we are on. Only those that can see what the true purpose of life has to offer them will be able to understand what their true purpose is. It is something that every individual must seek to find. Those answers come deep from within and are only revealed unto you once you have mastered your new way of thinking and have transitioned from the old you, to the new you. Once you do take charge of your life, then you are 100% responsible for all your thoughts and decisions to what is best for you and your love ones. This is the beauty of the Prime Law to me. It is the song of the universe and all like minded thinking indivduals that live on the face of this planet. It is not a limiting source of energy (Prime Law) but a freedom giving energy that was to be in place over 3000 years ago before authoritive man foresaw its purpose to exclude him from the masses. Now it is up to the masses to gain back what is rightfully been theirs from the onset. It begins and continues through every conscious human being to find and become aware of what their sub-conscious thoughts have lost over the course of history and been blinded by authoritive figures to keep mankind in the dark. It is an awareness shift that will enlighten the world once everything is in place, and not before.
The Prime Law allows businesses to grow with out excessive government
regulations from some brain….less. jack….ass bueauacrat.
Mark Hamilton is one of the most enlightened beings In the world today. The Prime Law would make this Country more than it ever was or ever could be! Humans must take responsibility and be an asset to humanity and stop waiting for governments to spoon feed them. Any government that has the power to supply a citizen’s basic needs,also has the power to cut that citizen off when their rules are not followed. We must each take responsibility for ourselves while not stepping on our fellow citizens. I look forward to an Earth where all beings are valuable and responsible, where meaning and purpose thrive and where peace reigns supreme!! Thank you Mark for the being and human that you are. I support TVP and will speak my truth in these days of the unraveling of the fabric of this faltering society!!!