Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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I love you, Mark Hamilton! Thank you! Your dedication & dilligence has been a valuable, asset to the World; and beyond…
Thank you, Mark & Eric!!!
Love & Peace
I believe that the ‘rule of man’, way of life in America, WILL CHANGE to ‘rule of law’; by way of the Prime Law Amendment; it’s Protection-Only, Budget will insure that our government never spends more than allowed. FINALLY!!!
Government was invented to protect the People; PERIOD. Imagine an Amendment that would insure that we become free and remain free of anyone ruling over us again. As our TVP President-Elect, Jill Reed always asks: Why should one person rule another???
The Prime Law is just that Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution was brilliantly, designed to prevent tyranny in the U.S. Government due to our Fore-Fathers having their fill of it in their former, countries. However, the ruling-class snuck-in through ‘rule of man’, greed/fear of torchure and death. The Prime Law brings forth the ‘rule of law’, which removes anything from within the governing, body that permits tyranny-based, laws and spending and such……..
Love & Peace
hey iM so READY….
The Prime Law will create the world that we all dream about for our families and future generations. It will renew the American Dream and give new energy towards keeping our country in the status of being one of the greatest places in the world to live. Every human being deserves to have this, it unites all people and all political parties to work for the greater good for humanity and the world. It is something that we can all be proud of as Americans.
Thank you, Mark, for your invitation to this forum. I have read a couple of hundred of these comments, as they have come online. The word is out, about the Prime Law and Twelve Visions Party, and its on Fire. The Prime Law, will replace our freedom and release everyone grow to be who they were born to be. Not only, is this for America, but everyone, Globally. If applied Globally, wars would cease to exist. Global governments have stagnated their people to near non-existance, mentally and emotionally. I ask, that everyone read all the manuscripts (re-read them if you must) and you will naturally absorb the messages being offered. These words will not come back void, there is no resisting it. It wil change your lives naturally, forever. We all know deep inside, there is, something better. It’s been there all along, 3000 years. Thanks, to, Mark Hamiltons Family, we are all going to share and learn, how to really live, love, and be happy, as we were meant be. READ, READ IT ALL. Mark. you and your Father, really are the “Supreme Messingers of our time.
Thanks to Mark Hamilton, for the material.
The Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party is what we need, and will lead us all upward.
I have been a Neo Think member since 2005. Ever since I read the heirloom package and the prime law It was such an enlightenment to my way of thinking and being able to see the truth, the truth about politics and religion. It clearly removes the mask and points directly to the source of the problem,[ The rule of man.]It’s a good thing Mark Hamilton and his long hard work is bringing this TVP to the public. I urge everyone to look into the TVP. It’s Perfect
Initiatory Force has suppressed quality of life for 3000 yrs. History is full of great men with great minds imprisoned and murdered simply for being a genius . Man would have achieved great levels in science and medicine far exceeding what we know today. Every bit of knowledge has been withheld and used against the unknowing rather than to prosper and Thrive as we Should. Prime Law was the foundation of great civilizations in history we still marvel at. Every day with all we know a multitude of great minds search relentlessly to solve mysteries of our own past. And each day we find these great people were us our own races dna and blood. What did we lose to make us still searching and serving? Prime law the law of one being as great as any other one.
Thanks Mark for giving us the Prime Law. We must enforce this wonderful law immediately to survive this power struggle, and economic down turn. Out of this law people will experience the peace without using force, fraud, or manipulation. From peace will develop pure love for mankind. While all this is taking place the geniuses of society will rise to bring forth their creative inventions and tremendously useful formulas to breakthrough the chains of technological bondage thereby lowering the prices of goods and services which brings about abundant prosperity and happiness which is the way we were meant to live. Thanks again Mark. We are in dire need of the PRIME LAW!
Mark Hamilton’s message in this video, and in his writings are prophetic, his visions are very real and I feel truly blessed to be exposed to his material. The Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party will create a truly new and beautiful world. Thank you so much Mark Hamilton !!
Mark Hamilton is revealing information which should be taught in every school in America. The proposals could set this country free again. Something must be done to eliminate the politics and manipulation of the people of this country and the world. I suggest that everyone get the manuscripts distributed by the Neothink Society and begin your new life. The principles are sound and easily understood. What a breath of fresh air you have offered Mr. Hamilton. Keep up the great work you do.
The natural flow of all individual’s mind, body and spirit is currently blocked by the darker side of man — by the parasitical ruling class — the masters at wielding the deviant and destructive forces of mystical mayhem. To restore this natural flow, we must eradicate these parasites. By taking the silver (don’t do) version of the Golden Rule and giving this rule the power of an over-arching Constitutional Amendment, the tempered gleam of the sword created will slay the rule of man forever.
Loren T.
I love you Mark for your value is priceless and desperately needed on this planet.
Bert N.
Neothink is needed like we need air to breathe it is vital. I believe Neothink literature is the antidote to unlimited potential (evolution of conscious man) The benefits of Neothink are astounding. And the Prime law is what I strongly believe in. Since being a member I have not been at all disappointed. I have grown more intelligent and aligned with reality. I am eternally grateful to have laid eyes on this extraordinary literature of Mark Hamilton. Rid yourself of the mass disease of mysticism and witness the full potential of your deserving innocent selves. vivre pour toujours ( live forever) Note to the sheeple: We ask not to be worshiped but they will until they shed there bicameral ways.
Bert N.
The twelve visions party is the real way to follow we all can prosper happily. with the twelve visions party i believe we all do have rights to live a better life full of peaceful achievement with fellow man, because we do deserve inner peace of mind. Prime Law; in society where most people cannot reach their potential in life no happiness. With The Prime Law the poor will be rich and Victory will be recognized.
Mark has brought many people into the wonderful new way of thinking that will change this broken system we live under. All you have to do is read his manuscripts and re awaken your own thinking. It is your mind, not the governments. They have been brainwashing us and still are doing it in different ways. Marks writings will help you get that out of your mind. Your mind will be clear and like brand new. You will see the lies and corruption like never before. Mark is a wonderful person and only wants to help EVERYONE. The TVP is what can change OUR country and be a model for the rest of the world. Better than ever before. Thank you Mark Hamilton, it has been great being in our Neo-Think society and I love it more with each coming day.
In 1776, the future great and independent country, the United States of America, was about to be created. Bold men and women were forcedly fighting for the right to have a decent and better life as an independent new nation, away from the oppression from England. Slavery was still an issue whether it must be abolished or not in that very important time for the USA. The divided agreement was that it must not be abolished at that time yet, because opinions were alienated among the signers of the Declaration of the Independence and this jeopardized the whole feasibility of the new independent nation. Almost a century after it, slavery was abolished by President Lincoln, what probably caused his death, after all. Now, more than one and a half century later, there is regrettably still another big form of slavery: INITIATORY FORCE. This kind of dark force has always existed and been created by groups of rulers and people “who own” (by force, of course) the entire power of their nations, who want to dominate, undermine and subvert others in every part of the planet and almost in any time of human history. The might of the powerful induces such a stupid and barbaric crime against innocent people in order to keep “their power”. When true freedom reigns, which will only happen as Neothink forces conquer their way towards real freedom worldwide, then there will be the time for such murderers and haters to be stepped down from unearned and undeserved power, and been stopped from continuing exercising their oppressive rule of man against honest and innocent and industrious men and women. Only great visionaries, like Mr. Mike Hamilton, whom, by the way, has always showed that he walks his talk, will destroy such a “bad habit” of despotic and criminal rulers: INITIATORY FORCE, once and forever, by totally settling the rule of law in the USA when he introduces the Prime Law Amendment into the US Constitution. That´s what Neothink is really about: unleashing everything that holds human individual rights on hold or hostage, as initiatory force or any other oppressive obstacle, whether it is called FDA, politicians, regulations, etc.
I myself continue to be a victim of initiatory force in my home and native country: Mexico. It is a shame that Mexican politicians shout to the whole winds in Mexico that Mexico is free and a true democracy when groups of people conspire against me: a single individual with no power.
The mighty put all their ammunition in every sense to keep their power in every arena. Mr. Mark Hamilton has said in this 15 minute video that initiatory force is the cause of oppression and poverty, and has clearly signaled that he is totally ready to eradicate it once and for all from the face of his country. Everything that I have read written by Mr. Hamilton inspires trust and confidence. Although I have never met him in person, I think he is a healthy and valuable voice in the world scenario that everybody needs to take seriously and really listen to what he has to say.
Mark is opening this hidden knowledge to all of us, we can all be Neothink Self Leaders, by simply opening our minds to common sense we can turn the tide of those who wish to keep us in an anti-civilization mentality so they can continue to usurp our value creations, much like a parasite robs the body, the initiatory force robs the hard work of honest working individuals. We all must wake up and make our voices heard, then we can all participate in the 12 visions party, instilling the prime law releasing us to prosperity and success in mind and spirit. Politicians are not our friends, they are our nemesis. The Prime Law is they key ingredient. Mark we Love you and Thank you for your diligence.
Thanks Mark for all the great information and priceless Heirlooms that Ive obtained within the Neo-Think Society. The government is the biggest scam agency in the world and more people need to be educated on this and understand that this movement will better us all in every aspect of life – health, freedom, healthy relationships, abundance of wealth and truly being the person we were all meant to be. The Twelve Visions Party and Prime Law is the way to go, No IF, ANDS, or BUTS!!!! God Bless.
Mike M.
Unbelievable what Neothink has done for me… and what Neothinking does for me every day! I am so grateful to know that I don’t need to rely on dishonest politicians for wealth, but that I rely on an Honest Universe that says its natural plans for me are plans of wealth and inheritance — Thank you, Super!
I firmly believe that every man and women on earth have long forgotten the freedom of the care free child, that reminisce in the corner of their minds. For nothing that they do today works any better; our economy is in ruins, liberty is a mockery and hope for better life is… maybe in other time and in another heaven. We need the Prime Law in this earth and in this heaven now!!!
Joseph J.
Awesome. God Bless You.
Without the Prime Law the world’s people have suffered from the disease of the mind called stagnation. Stagnation makes possible for severe consequences such as boredom, dementia, and if left unhindered … death. That is right! The Prime Law unleashes your mind by taking the power away from those who force others into their beliefs. The Prime Law breaks the limiting chains to your own personal powers so that you can live life as you always imagined. Nobody to tell you what to do except your creative mind. Live your life the way you have always wanted. The Prime Law, the 3,000 year old secret, will protect you from those wanting to control you.
alvaro is a genius, from wikipedia — without further adiou — A genius is someone embodying exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight.
that is what we are. thanks alvaro.
The best way to start repairing the economy and allowing all to prosper is to: start putting The Prime Law to work. We need to grow the middle class again! One way to do that would be to support small businesses! When the middle class prospers, and small business prosper, they share the wealth by employing more workers and this has a trickle down effect. More people working, stimulates more spending, which stimulates the economy and increases the money flow. In order to strengthen the common man, or in other words, the “non-ruling class” or “ninety-per cent”, common man Hhas to first of all: BE SMALL BUSINESS OR BE “the Private Business Owner”! Secondly, all small business owners have to themselves promote and support “small businesses”!! As small busines people grow, this adds strength in numbers. More people become self-sufficient and financially independent!! This becomes a trend or growing movement. This sweeps across America like a wave and soon many begin to prosper!! In order to “break the prison chain of command”, BE SMALL BUSINESS, AND PROMOTE OR SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESS!! A very simple formula! GO SMALL BUSINESS! To even the playing field even more, the common could use a different form of “currency” by replacing the one currently being used for trading. All small businesses can start paying their employees in, for instance, “time” instead of money! We can all start “trading time” or “trading goods” or “trading services” instead of money!! If you haven’t already joined “Sitwall Timebanks” you may consider it! Stop supporting “the ruling class”! Stop supporting “big business”!
Thank you, Mr. Hamilton, for unveiling the three thousand year old secret. That will unleash ongoing prosperity and happiness for us all. The more we develop science and technology the more control we have over the forces of nature, the more in control are we of our selves and the closer we get to the Civilization of the Universe. Our human consciousness’s first movement was love, is love and will be love always. We have to help our human soul mates to do the “jump” in the mentality that reigns the world now days and get them out of the “following mode”. We got to move!!! … LOVE, Alvaro
halo Mr Mark-I boliv Prime law-giv Freedom , power, dyfrent live.Jagment for bed people,God see every tynk good end bed. God its the God (boliv him,hes a power) whot ever shappend in live dasent mather olweys from daun go op.Thank you
This three thousand year old secret is exactly what our country needs ” The Prime Law”. Giving the freedom of prosperity to the people and ridding our country of the surpressing forces, aswell as the value destroyers. As the Prime Law creates values for all Americans and the growth of our country grows out of the destructive future we were all heading down. We will be a country greater then our Four Fathers could ever have imagined. By example, we can and will show the world, we can all live together happy, healthly and prosperous.
Thanks Mark
as the prime Law of protection gain traction, their will be a collective consciousness a building of a movement around the Prime Law Ideal, who’s time has come. This mighty ideal will take hold deep within the consciousness for change and a tipping point will be reach by millions of neothinkers who will not be denied the real freedom that will come with the Prime law as a amendment to the United States Constitution