Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Anthony S. says:

    To understand Mark Hamilton’s thinking. You must check out his website and individual books. Marks thinking can change your wealth, health, and life ,ten times better. You should check out Neothink society to increase thinking and your health. Mark books help me start a business with pocket change.
    Anthony S.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Hamilton: Thank you for the (3) priceless Heirlooms that you’ve allowed into my family. I have truly enjoyed reading the material which has helped me to rationalize much of what I did not understand prior to this. The government does have an integral part in society as you explained but when wrong ingredients get in the mix this is what you get, CORRUPTION! As a result we the people suffer. I’m thankful for the Neothink vision that helps people and places everything in its right perspective.

  3. IL says:

    The status quo has got to go!

  4. D.W. says:

    We need Neothink people to run this country if we are going to have any kind of a decent future for ourselves and future generations.

  5. CJ M. says:

    Through the Prime Law, which is the fundamental of protection for all of us, will be added as an amendment to the Constitution, which will get rid of all initiatory forces on us, and give us a PROTECTION ONLY government, where” WE THE PEOPLE…” will truly live a life of prosperity and happiness. If you really want a “free market” and honesty for the people to help US to prosper and live happily; THEN, there is a choice out there that will do just that. It is the Twelve Visions Party, and through true honesty and the Prime Law, the pure unadulterated values we all seek will guarantee the conditions for us to live prosperously and happily. This is a grassroots movement towards a new dimension of government the likes of which no one has ever seen before, but what we have all been looking for.
    CJ M.

  6. Sabrina Haigh says:

    How many of you enjoy being told what to do? Our own government, the ruling class CONTROLS everything about us. It’s for the “social good” of our citizens, they say. Does it feel “good” having them decide where your hard working dollars go? Or maybe, taking personal property that took years to create, only to utilize it for a “social good” of “their” choice? WE ARE NOT HERDS OF CATTLE KEPT IN A FENCE! WE ARE INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEINGS THAT DESERVE FREEDOM TO CREATE OUR OWN LIVES! No one should be deprived of true happiness, prosperity, and healthy lives. The PRIME LAW will PROTECT you, your property, and make a safer place to live! Now ask yourself: Who is Jill Reed? Is’nt it time for change? Stand up for what is right as individuals, for you, your children! Not the ruling class which herds cattle willing to give them anything. I give you my love in a decision only you can make truthfully, Sabrina.

  7. Cheryl Jones says:

    While raising our sons, my husband and I continually stressed, never start a fight but if someone attacks you, it is your right to defend yourself! In other words, never initiate force against anyone but you have the right to defend yourself against anyone who attacks you! This is what the Prime Law is about! Along with eliminating all unnecessary taxes and regulations! The Prime Law gives us back our freedom, which in turn brings us prosperity and happiness!

  8. The PRIME LAW is a beautiful golden rule which will let us live in harmony together!

  9. Lynn Sanden says:

    The rule of man has been the center of all the problems of society given if you do not follow their rules to the letter you will get punished. I would like to see a society that would nourish free enterprise and allow freedom of enterprise as its states in the constitution without the rule of suppressing and control to follow their agenda as they see fit. Free enterprise means no confliction or diversion of propriety rights without the use of initiatory force because it does not follow along their guidelines as a whole. The Prime Law would have to consist of a unmanipulated and uncorruptable form of management of any sort to do with the problem that comes with power of any form of control. This has been mankinds biggest hurdle.

  10. After listening to Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Address it is obvious he was a Neo-Thinker. Maybe he didn’t belong to Neo Think I do not know if he did or not but his whole life emulated the essence of Neo-Think. It reminded me quite a bit of myself. For years I would come home from work at about midnight and sit at my computer for an additional two hours writing. If it were my Friday Night I would sit at that computer all night as that was my Friday Night Essence or as I called it My Friday Night Passion. My passion is writing and music. It managed to get me nominated to the Canadian Music Awards, for a song titled Prophecy Keepers. When I finished writing the song-the thought came to me( “We Should All Be Prophecy Keepers!!!”) I am very proud of that song and soon it will be on my website. At least the words to the song will be and maybe I will sing it. I didn’t sing the song but it is etched deeply in my soul because every word of the original lyrics I wrote was given to me by someone somewhere out there. I did not use one brain cell to write it. I am a good listener! I have written 900+ songs. Most of them mine and a few from someone out there. I am an inspired songwriter. I’m also working on three books. The Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Address has inspired me. What a great man with vision and what a great speech. We will all be the better for hearing that speech. Go Listen!

  11. Mark , I received your 3000 year old secret in the mail today. I will read it and I also read the letter. I will take your challange. I will read the book first and then take on your challange. I will build a store in my own home. Please do not post this comment.
    Shila Castonguay

  12. Kathleen Thompson says:

    Study The Prime Law! Once you understand it start putting its principles to work in your own life! Change begins with us! Live the Prime Law in our own life, and, your positive example will speak more than words! Remove “initiatory force” from your own life! Don’t allow initiatory force to reign in your own life, and don’t perpetrate, or use initiatory force on others in your own realm. In other words, Practice What You Preach! Learn to “self-rule”, and encourage and allow others to “self rule” themselves! Change your way of thinking! Get rid of “slave mentality”! In order to Be Free! Think Free!

  13. Dave Swan says:

    Mark I have waited along time for this to happen in my life, I see the the ways that will help people adjust to a better world. I good this dream will come soon before the world is destroyed.

  14. Bryon Postma says:

    I have read all the books, and I whole heartedly believe every word about the 3000 year old secret. I also believe that the Prime Law Amendment to the constitution, would in Fact bring wealth, health, and prosperity back to the U.S.A. You have my vote for the Prime Law Amendment.

  15. Michael De P. says:

    Mark, through your great contribution of the literature you’ve written, I have discovered my Friday-Night essence. I have a PDF titled “Neothink – The Book the Story” which, to me, is the pinnacle of your writings, especially The Story portion of the file, your first novel, so engaged me, I found myself transported into the story and became Jake. Wow, what an adventure. I am re-reading it again and playing it forward. I look forward to meeting you.
    Michael De P.

  16. ICU says:

    Ya know…It’s easy to make a “Genius” once you understand the formula, Mark Hamilton knows the formula. Instead of billions of repressed souls (fear gripped minds) we will have billions of uninterrupted genius’s (Prime Law Protected Minds) to have all the easiest ways imaginable to make this a world of paradise for all to enjoy practically free. It’s all possible when you realize we just need to dump the old ways that held us back from evolving our minds. We all have genius in us, waiting to evolve.

  17. O.G. says:

    Prime-Law, let there be light for all of us.

  18. Max F. says:

    Man made regulation or ruling class should stop, if they couldn’t feed the whole world anymore, then let Neothink, the twelve vision world feed us. The old system should change, to the a new system from twelve vision world, the new light that will bring peace, to the world. And we will all rise peacefully, and take care of our own. Thank you Mark Hamilton, you’re the genius.
    Max F.

  19. Craig H. says:

    Cleansing one’s individual mind of mysticism to unleash one’s ‘Friday Night Essence’ is an important puzzle piece, in unleashing self leaders. But, it is not the fundamental root. The fundamental root can be seen through what the 12 Visions Party is doing… It’s whole purpose is to establish the Prime Law. If all mysticism could be magically vanished from the human mind… the Prime Law would not be necessary, but this is the anticivilization – and the Rule of Man still grips our world.
    Craig H.

  20. MMS says:

    Man has always had a problem with power. Every man should be equal. Man feels that he has the rights and the power to do whatever he wants, even if it hurts another. This should not be so. The Government is here for the protection of the people, but not to control peoples lives. The concept that Mark is giving here is; that the Prime Law would exclude the rule of man and provide peace freedom and prosperity to all.

  21. Graig H. says:

    The Neothink push, consists of three arms: the political, the psychological, and the physical. As identified by Mark Hamilton the physical (super health), is an effect which follows a specific cause – the cause is the roots, and has took over thirty years of effort to integrate and understand… and then disseminate through business. The Prime Law is not just an idea …it is an integrated idea, built on a foundation, of years of deep thinking, nitty-gritty effort.
    Graig H.

  22. Bruce A. says:

    Summed up: The 3000 year old secret that will make all people rich is the simple “Pime Law”. The ONE and Only purpose of Government should be to protect the people. Force should be permissible only by the Government, to stop those who initiate force, or the threat of force, against other people, their property, or their contracts. There is no need for any other laws. This is the formula for Peace and Prosperity for ALL.
    Bruce A.

  23. Graig H. says:

    In ‘Les Miserables’ Victor Hugo wrote: – “To die is nothing; but it is terrible not to live” – But, to live fully in an anticivilization is made impossible by – the Rule of Man …humanity will never stretch up to it’s full ‘creative’ height, until the Prime Law is established. This can only happen through consciousness raising, on the individual scale ….a critical mass of individuals who no longer tolerate the rule of man, and demand for the establishment of the Prime Law.
    Graig H.

  24. Kerry H. says:

    This will be bringing together the people around the Earth who truly believe there is a future and that we can make a difference and create a World as the place it is supposed to be.
    Kerry H.

  25. Loren T. says:

    Everything thrives and flourishes in an atmosphere of total freedom. The close bond of Individual uniqueness and value creation with happiness and prosperity is always recognized. These are some of the characteristics shared and enjoyed by highly evolved civilizations throughout the Universe. Thus each one of these joins a family appropriately labeled “Civilizations of the Universe”.
    Loren T.

  26. Sara H. says:

    People do not have a real freedom as as the government has way too much control over everyone’s life. We could be so much more successful in life if government had only control over our protection. Thank You Mark.
    Sara H.

  27. Loren T. says:

    A Prime Law ruled world is both melodious and harmonious. It is a place where self-leadership, win/win integration, an unleashed geniuses propel astonishing progress in every endeavor. Technological Revolutions are common.
    Loren T.

  28. E.B. says:

    Mr. Mark Hamilton has brought to light the words of the innocent and the good the the world so that this world will come to the light of the words and to put it in action so never again will this world go to the dark so people think about the words of Mr. Mark Hamilton and learn.

  29. Gene Wheeler says:

    Without initiatory-force, the ruling-class will be vanished into thin air; their destructive, reign ends! A valuable, protection-service begins!
    “As the presence of visionaries in Washington increase and politicians and their rhetoric fall short the TVP will shoot-up, like a ‘Jack-in-a-Box'”!!!
    Love & Peace

  30. Gene Wheeler says:

    The TVP Movement has grown out of Neothink.
    The TVP Movement is a movement to improve our World.
    The Neothink Movement is a movement to improve ourselves.
    The TVP weans people from their destructive leaders.
    Our slogan is: End the rule of man to launch the wealth of mankind.
    *Rule of Man = Government backed by initiatory, force/usurpers of unearned, values…
    *The Prime Law = nearly, no taxes and cutting-away of everything that is not protection-based. As a result of the Prime Law all Americans will receive large checks from “Uncle Sam”; for their slavory-type, ways in which they have been doing “business”.
    The TVP’s Prime Law of no initiatory-force & Protection-Only, Government will irraticate all tyranny within ANY Nation & it’s People.
    VOTE for Jill Reed for President & Thomas Cary for Vice-President of the United States and automatically, get ‘Wealth Health and Peace’!
    Love & Peace to ALL

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