Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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The Prime Law is the Fundamental ingredient that norish Growth,value reflection,romantic love,health,happiness,prosperity,values and life to everyone.
Thanks to Mr Mark Hamilton and the TVP Platform.
There are so many of us who have prayed for this time to come. Our Savior, The Prime Law is coming, The Prime Law is upon the world. Glory to our Savior for ever-more!
This is why there is a god. Man is not god but a infection. man will always try to be god. Man thinks .but is like a mustard seed in not knowing anything. Learn to be happy with ur self and u will find comfort. Treat people like u want to be treated. and u will find great things. open ur eyes to other things that u can’t understand. and u will open a gate way to new time u will start seeing.
We need to “cut the fat” and simplify government. That’s just what “The Prime Law” will do. We need to focus on the things, as in government spending, that matter. Protecting our people and country matters! Allowing, training, and showing the people, how to prosper matters! Much of today’s government spending goes for non-essential purposes! We need to “cut the flack”! Everyone, including the poor, deserves the opportunity to prosper. That’s what “The Prime Law” will do! Allow all to prosper!
Mark Hamilton is one of a kind his mind is fantastic his political views are realistic, For years politicians are only concerned with power and self grandiose, Marks views on politics and Government are what would make the world a safer and most palatable to live his interpretation of what Government should be and should are realistic Mark keep pushing I am behind you one hundred percent . The TVP with its Prime Law is the only salvation to make the world a better place man is fallible that is why for years politicians have made Government a personal entity to help themselves Not mankind as a whole.
The Prime Law will simplify government and focus on the essential things to running a government like: protection services and a “business services program”. When we have less government, we have less restrictions. This allows small businesses to flourish. When small businesses flourish we grow “the middle class”. This has a “trickle down effect”, that benefits “the poorer class” by opening up more jobs. Abundant jobs equals a flowing, stimulated economy with no government deficit woes.
He is a good teacher. They keep on getting better and better. As we are keeping getting more complex and complex.
The Prime Law along with Presidential Candidates Jill Reed and Thomas Cary and
the Twelve Visions Party and all the like minded Neothink society member will
bring about change to the world. And when that happens all will see for the
first time in their lives that Heaven on Earth is Honestly Beautiful Awesome
and Amazing all wrap up in the words.
Mark, a great video. As you said the rule of humankind is responsible for the current GFC because greed is the internal source and our manifold actions confirm it. Nature doesn’t demand anything. Flora and fauna just does what it is meant to do – adapts, co-exist with and lives or dies in harmony with other living beings, but humankind wants to control it. If Governments, business entities, communities and individuals lived according to the Prime Law, the GFC would just disappear. Thats’ it in a nutshell. Have a great day, smiling your life away!
Fred N.
The prime law takes away any persons interpretation of any law. man is flawed so he interprets the law to his benefit. with the prime law in place there would be no rule of man and no initiatory force. with government fulfilling its purpose (protection only) man can live in a free
country, eventually a free world. as it stands now, every time a law is passed we lose part of our freedom. there should be no poverty and no starving people on this planet. prime law = a free creative life.
James L.
I had clothes that I wanted to take the salvation army today. It was quite busy today. It being the holidays and all. I overheard two of the women explaining why it was so crowded. The older lady said in a very compassionate way that it was because of the holiday season. You see people tend to observe their surroundings a little more Appreciate the simple things that only our experiences can generate. We care a little more, laugh a little longer, feel a little deeper. The puzzle I have seen makes the feeling we have at Christmas time an appetizer to the BIG PICTURE. Planting seeds has always been the best teacher. And Mark Hamilton’s bigger picture truly is heaven on earth.
The fundamental essence, the message, of this video to You ,dear viewer, is that Your personal Wealth, Health, and Freedom is now coming true! It could also last a lifetime during YOUR lifetime! This is just a vote away! From one of Mark Hamilton’s geniuses of society and vice chair of the northwest region of the United States of America.
The essence of living in a free society is that everyone chooses their own path in life and can do anything they like as long as they don’t violate the natural rights of others. Mark is simply explaining that those rights are inherent in man; they don’t come from man. The most well-intentioned people, due to their inherent fallibility and corruptibility, are incapable of exercising power perfectly over other people; therefore, power should never be concentrated in any one individual or group. Outlawing initiatory force by anyone is simply ingenious. Think deeply about such a world… breathtaking!
We are a country guided by leaders but where am I being lead. I look to my leaders for solutions but only see problems. Your guidance only leads to more confusion. Leaders R 2 bring the people together unite them as 1. You our leaders have brought this country down to its knees. You have allowed mans self guide agendas, his erroneous opinions 2 destroy. Most have given up for any REAL CHANGE but not I. I will never stop trying 2 make a difference. I will never stop teaching my children Prime Law.
As long as man has the freedom to write initiatory force laws, we will always have a corrupt government. The Prime Law is set up to be an all inclusive Law that will allow our society to shred the limitations that profit driven legislators put on us, to keep us from raising up and being self-leading people. We must all stand up and be accountable for what we are, and what we become as we bring about a new paradigm.
My effort to follow you is hoping to prosper in all areas of my life the first and most important is to practice honesty habit that already got since I were a child forced by my father. Once I went to a mini store and while the attendant faced back the merchandise I grab a candy in my hand then when I got home my dad asked me how you got that candy without money? I told him how and he commanded me to go back return the candy and apologize him and so I did since then I practice honesty at all times is good to be among people who trust you.
well all i can say is about time we are freed from evil. and thank you for the best secret of our life time and i will support you with everything i can. Long live the prime law and hats of to you mark hamilton.
Mark, the decisions we make, determines our future. The Twelve Visions Party is the only answer to the dilemma of this Country or shall we say the Universe! We must move with the speed of light, to get Jill Ann Reed and Tom Cary on the ballot, so that the Prime Law and the Twelve Visions can be implemented. Remmy
Thank you Mark for all the work and effort for over twenty years now. I have followed you closely for a long time and I adore your writings. My eldest daughter is following in my foot steps. Thank you !
The masses of people are afraid of change. They listen to what appointed leaders tell them to do because they do not know any better. Why? Because for the last 3 centuries we have been under the rule-of-man. Man’s greed and ego gave him the desire to have power over others because he just did not want to work for his legacy. Instead this disease was admired and passed down through generations up to the present time. Since there are not enough positions to fill at the top, others have taken the power at the lower level through their jobs or at home against their own families. This disease has taken control of many lives whether as the aggressor or the victims. Either way, these people act on what was passed down to them through their environment which continues to spread through time and distance while affecting many more people. I have seen it consume many people, including those in my own family. This Prime Law is not only the answer to force closure to these actions, but it is also the cure to the disease. Objects in motion tend to keep moving in this motion unless changed by an external force. This force is the Prime Law. The Prime Law prohibits initiatory force. Without the use of force, we will reset the motion of this disease in reverse giving us back the life that we should have had all along. The disease of aggression toward others will become less creating a stable and peaceful new world. When the world is free, your mind will be free to create the life you have always dreamed.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for revealing this 3000 year old secret that will lift humans the life they were meant to live. It’s so sad that this exhilarating way of life has been wasted for so long ago that each individual could have had experienced while alive. Somehow, as this secret has been revealed now, it will be a wake-up call to everyone that life will be so wonderful when TVP will be installed and people will no longer be suppressed and there will be no more controlling power implemented by power driven individuals, instead, everyone has the chance to evolve into society by using their own mind/creativity to build more values for the people and the society as a whole. Everyone will be moving into a Neothink society and will become wonderful for everybody. No more chaos, no more wars, no more deception, instead people will be living in harmony and happily – the life people were meant to live!
I have seen the Twelve Visions World, and it is truly a wonder to behold. Initiatory force is absolutely the conduit through which the few “elite” control the masses. It is what allows poverty and oppression to take place. Our founding fathers gave us the right to take back that power, the ability to amend the constitution as we see fit. The Prime Law is the only way to set the people free, by so doing, it is the people, the geniuses of society, that will lift this nation out of poverty.
Thanks, Mark, I sure wish we could get more people to see your teachings. You have such good judgment and understanding of the real world. Keep up the good work. PS I loved all of your books!
Andrew G.
I am greatly convinced that should the rule of man be eradicated and replace with the PRIME LAW ,there will total freedom, peace and equality. Actual fact as mentioned man is created to live a happy life and to use his free will to control himself. I encourage everyone to rally behind the TVP to eradicate the rule of man as planned so that America will be free for ever.
Too many people expect the wrong thing from Neothink, They want to end up with a check off list of things to do, that when done, leaves them rich. When they don’t find that check off list, they’re the ones who complain they’ve been wronged. NEOTHINK CHANGES THE WAY YOU PERCEIVE YOUR CHALLENGES, ENABLING YOU TO FIND THE ANSWERS TO THOSE CHALLENGES. Giving a new attitude, organizing and thinking patterns for solving challenges – creating an outlook which enables the individual to find the proper path to wealth….that is, if they’re serious about achieving it……….too many aren’t serious about working for wealth…
What Mark says is more true today than at any other time in the history of the world.The world is at the breaking point and you can become part of saving it from itself, Health Wealth and Peace are the cornerstone of the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.
I have gained such insights into our Govt, our civilization, our suppression in all ways from Mark Hamilton’s writings over years…I had already removed much of my blinders to “reality”, so that the awakened genius within embraced his brutally honest presentation of how our world has come to be in its present state of stagnation, a view that resonated with the honesty within, giving a platform to leap off from to my part in creating the future ahead for myself and others…Each of us can be so much more=just IMAGINE how far you can go in life and how far humanity can move to another dimension of Consciousness, such as Mark Hamilton is speaking of. The Prime Law is to be applied not only to our Govt, but to ourselves and those we live with and love!
Thanks for your kindness to eradicate poverty and lives of ordinary people. It is great job you are doing to mankind. Thank you very much.
Clarice A.
You can double your output in anything you do in a month’s time. You can then redouble that the next month by using the methodology Mark is trying to convey to those that have not read his work. The only way you can do this is if you make kit fun so that you enjoy doing it. Find out what that would take and start your journey.
Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton. It has been an honor to have read your scripts. The books had transformed me just like magic. I started to see the bigger picture in this life. You help shapes the world for the better. There are people in the ruling class who often takes advantage of the regulations and abuses the laws unjustly and nothing one could do about it. If the Prime Law exists, oppressions will come to an end. Also, thanks God for making it happens. Peace!