Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Audrey M. says:

    Mark, I love your temperance, your passion for the Wealth, Health. And Happiness for this world, I wish I could take your reasoning all over the world, myself. Freedom, of speech Freedom to be able to be happy. The prime Law, The Law that its going to give us the protection, that we need to be free, and happy. and wealthy.. You ROCK MARK> Please don’t stop, Abraham Lincoln said “quote must stand with anybody who stands right, Stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong, I’m sorry Mr. President this will not happen here, Because Mark Hamilton Rocks, He speaks the truth, and he will stand , and I will stand right along. DGo Mark.. .
    Audrey M.

  2. Lemonte P. says:

    I agree a 100% with Mark Hamilton. Thank you Mark Hamilton for this video this video. Mark Hamilton knowledge can save a nation. I URGE PEOPLE TO SUPPORT THIS.
    Lemonte P.

  3. G.S. says:

    For me The Prime Law stands for Ultimate Freedom.

  4. D.K. says:

    It’s time now for the TVP to erase the rule of man to set the nation back on its feet for the people to enjoy the prime Law. The message is a massage for the human spirit, that will bring man back to his free will. You need to break the Prime law into more detail. Thank you Mark.

  5. H.S. says:

    A wonderful powerful message contained within this video. Highly recommend anyone that wants true change to watch this video in its entirety. Neothink has improved my life in more ways then i can tell you! I am a better man now then before. Every day is a wonderful experience for me. Look at your self now in the mirror. Are you tired of the same? Do you want change? Where do you start? By watching this video now!

  6. N.C. says:

    The Mark Hamilton’s books had really positively impressed me. I am one of his faithful books readers since 2007. They are written in simply good English for a foreigner as me to easily understand without the need of complex knowledge. His honesty and love that his works transpire, the knowledge and order of exposing his ideas in a very organized way let always me with a desire to read more and go deep in every subject, very especially in his “Twelve Visions Party” that as simply as it seems will have deep beneficial implications not only for America but also for the rest of the world at country and trade levels not only for individuals but also for entrepreneurs. I invite you to accompany Mark in this journey.

  7. B.F. says:

    Mark should be our next President! No one else knows the Prime Law and the 12 Visions Party like him. Mark could do it. Mark should run for President!

  8. ARTURO MORENO S. says:

    I think that INITIATORY FORCE is one of the worst forms of evil that has ever assaulted on mankind’s history. When somebody takes the time to acknowledge this terrible situation is because he or she does believe that a much better life is totally possible on earth. Mark Hamilton is one of a kind person who addresses this very important matter in an authentic radical and lucid way in this 15-minute video. We really must listen to him because he is addressing a very vital matter for everyone on earth, whether we realize (or understand) it or not.
    I consider INITIATORY FORCE as an avoidable calamity, if and only if the people, who hold the real power on earth, really want to live in peace, letting leave others their genuine lives without imposing on them a life they don´t want to live. Isn’t that what true freedom is really about? If well intended people take legitimate power everywhere in the planet, then they will bear in mind ending this stupid and oppressive thing.

    INITIATORY FORCE is total and savage slavery. In the USA, and for that matter, everywhere on earth, there have been and there are lots of kinds of slaveries, but INITIATORY FORCE is one of the worst and most dangerous for human freedom, progress and happiness.
    Human slavery has taken a lot of time to be ended within the USA since the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and despite of a universe of scattered blood through all the USA history, it has not until now been totally abolished, unfortunately. When the Civil Rights Act was approved in the decade of the sixties of the twentieth century in the USA, more freedom was granted to we, the masses. Sadly, it is a controlled “freedom” so far. Anyway, the real and true abolition of slavery took another progressive step towards its effectiveness. It´s gradually granted by the real powers that be. Though, somehow, people were no longer to be prejudiced because of the color of their skin, race, sex, etc. Affirmative action continued and continues to do the job of laundering and curing social, ethnical, and sex discrimination. But, and there are always a but, INITIATORY FORCE and other social, economical, financial, political, health- calamities do exist on the American landscape. Neothink has addressed all of them and has proposed a solution for every problem of the political, financial and social American agenda.

    Thomas Jefferson said that the blood from tyrants and from true freedom fighters is needed from time to time in the USA. I do honor the passionate fight of those people that have been murdered on USA oil (and everywhere on earth including Mexico), because they dared to think different than the status quo does. “They can take their lives, but they cannot take their freedoms!” paraphrasing what Mel Gibson shouts at the end of the movie BRAVEHEART[: “THEY CAN TAKE OUR LIVES BUT THEY CANNOT TAKE OUR FREEDOM!”]. Mark Hamilton is a freedom fighter. So was the founder of Neothink, who I also honor today. We must support Mark Hamilton´s thinking and his way of doing things.

    Things can always get better if we fight along the best men and causes on earth. Neothink is a great cause TO FIGHT FOR. Neothink wants us to live a better life in all senses. Let´s support the Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party. As Mr. Hamilton states in this video, the Prime Law is clearly the key stone for a better future everywhere, not only for the USA. I invite all of us to think about these things for the coming time…

  9. Gary says:

    An eye opening commentary by mark Hamilton. Basically the full essence of his meaning can not be nearly absorbed by his short commentary. One needs the self study of the Neothink literature. By this method it becomes very clear the suppressive type society we live under. Man was meant to be happy and a society producer/creator. Free to progress and create values for society, thereby fulfilling his individual happiness. Allowing others to suppress us by force goes against our soul.

  10. Dr. Almas Nambabi says:

    Tomorrow’s world of prosperity can be measured and realized only in a world free from political oppression with the Prime Law. The stronghold of business ingenuity and innovation is under custody of the Unites States Federal Government and its the most regulated system of government in the history of the world ever since the Roman empire, and yet it is also the biggest scam in the history of politics and government; this is due to the fact that it was designed to be centralized to only benefit neocons and master neocheaters that wage war and scramble for office to do evil deeds backed by simultaneous powerfull illusions of the media and well articulated lies. A Neothink business of the future is the most honest form of business on earth and it can never be taken down by any corrupt government establishment.

  11. Salome de Colon says:

    Yo hoy tengo una cosa mas que decir:
    The prime law, is my own personal supreme shield, with this knowledge I have learn to understand things of my own responsibility like never before.,I am someone who knows how to keep up. And it’s great to see how many people knows and understand the Prime Law. We are people who feel happy with pourselves and happy for the good earned life of others, we recognize the good intentions of someome working toward people, and even we can teach others how to deal and take a pride in any standar of life style while working toward a better status

  12. Michael Wolff says:

    i am an artist and medium writer for myself and how i believe this world to be. the tvp gave proper words to what i couldnt understand was slapping me in the face. so i slapped a mixed media painting together in ’07 and sat on it. by itself it at times may not approach the equivelant discussion as the tvp, but that is the point. i could with the permission of Mr. Hamilton try to sell anyone interested a poster form of this mixed media. four of many in one. what that is, is you may turn this multidimensional abstract psychadellic multimedia storypiece in not only four physical directions but you may also turn the story into one your own moves. many possible titles so there isnt one as of yet. Mark please email me.

  13. Robert Bagdis says:

    It is clear, the 12-Vision concept is the only one which places people at the forefront for the benefit of the people. And accordingly, the Prime Law affixes the responsibility and outcome absolutely. A map which provides direction now and after.

    Many are picking and choosing parts of the concept with appearence of claiming the ideas put forth are theirs, not those of Mark Hamilton.

    For the truth, all should carry with them, in whatever form, the Prime Law to compare or contrast both past and current daily events, proposals, and stated intentions.

  14. ARTURO MORENO S. says:

    INITIATORY FORCE is total and savage slavery. INITIATORY FORCE is one of the worst and most dangerous oppressions for human freedom, progress and happiness.
    Mark Hamilton is a freedom fighter. We must support Mark Hamilton´s thinking.
    Neothink wants us to live a better life in all senses. Let´s support the Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party. The Prime Law is clearly the key stone for a better future everywhere, not only for the USA.

  15. O.C. says:

    Awesome Mark, if only the world would wake up and ditch the nanny state mentality.

  16. Rose says:

    Mark Hamilton is for us . Mark wants only what’s best for all of us. YOU need to read or lesson to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law it is hear for us to protect us and to make even the poor rich. The new law need to be obeyed to make it all work, It will be like a new world for us to live in.

  17. TPH says:

    For every one who doesn’t understand. THE PRIME LAW stop corrupted gov. from holding us down. If you look back, the year 2000 and beyond business shut down, jobs lost, crime rate shot up, and wealth making shot down, all because of rules and regulations stop us from creating values that can save our country and the world. THE PRIME LAW is not a gimmick. It the most intelligent, and well thought out law, it simple, honest, and most of all BUILD TO PURELY HELP AND PROTECT all from the wrath of the dishonest gov. P.S. To see the illusion that the gov. place on use. You will need to be honest in your MINE BODY AND SOUL and pay attention to everything that happens from the youngest to the oldest that don’t balance out. Then you will see why THE PRIME LAW is the cure to it all.

  18. Joyce Mc D. says:

    The Vision is for Peace, Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Love!
    Joyce Mc D.

  19. I.T. says:

    Oppressive rule of man is the only dimension society has been in. Mark Hamilton has brought us the 3000 year old secret. by removing the rule of man self Leaders will start to rise by the thousands. This is a very exciting time to learn how one can become a integrated leader that will bring great values to society. the Neothink mentality has open up the mind space with dynamic new technique on how to use the mind to build puzzle pictures to create and have a creation driven life. how one can have a healthy life and a wealthy life. check out the 12 Visions that one can integrate into one’s life and become a powerful individual, who is living the life He or She was meant to live.

  20. T.O. says:

    Imagine that through the Twelve Vision Party we come face to face with the true understanding that paying TAX should be voluntary and have thousands of GENIUS are giving their very best to humanity thereby cost of all goods and services drastically reduce to inconceivable level. We shall come face to face that we have being deceive and lie to. Mark Hamilton’s will definitely be the greatest event in history. Neo-Think will save every child and every honest man who ever live. Thanks!!!

  21. Gilbert says:

    Mark, is an individual that could lead our country into a country that our founders would be proud of and how it was intended to be governed before corruption- man changed laws and evolved into what we have today. Mark is a visionary that is carrying on his father’s legacy to make this world a better place for all to live in as one without any discrimination of social classes. We will, as a society, make ourselves recession proof by making money the second value of our lives under happiness. Mark has access to information that would change our lives forever. Mark has the answers to our questions for a more peaceful government, thus a more peaceful society. My Non-Profit youth organization GPYS is using the same business applications that would bring our society to that next level. I recommend to invest a little time to make yourself more aware of the possibilities that you can be a part of- our future.

  22. Teresa N. says:

    I believe the Prime Law should be put into affect because I believe that the Politicians of this nation have totally abused their positions in government with their desire for Power! I believe the Prime Law that Mark Hamilton discusses in his Manuscripts if for the betterment of the people as a human race. To take away the power from the power hunger elite and give it back to the people!! Mark Hamilton is an Ace of Spades in my deck of cards!!
    Teresa N.

  23. Juan says:

    Thanks to mark books I have been able to improve in every aspect in my life . thank you Mr. Hamilton.

  24. T.J. says:

    We on the planet earth are entering into a new dimension and we need a new vision in order for us humans to enter this new world of which is coming. Mark’s vision as explained in the ancient hidden secrets need to be reveled in order for us to understand and move into the brave new world. This not to be taken lightly as the your future and your families future happiness is in your hands. The present status quo cannot exist within the new dimensional shift we are experiencing.

  25. Tama S. says:

    This is the answer to humanity, To wealth, health and happiness. I cannot wait to see it happened on the earth.
    Tama S.

  26. L.T. says:

    The Prime Low will create a better world , for all people ..To live happy, healthy and wealthy life ..It would change everything for better , to allow all to grow to our full potential , with a new way of thinking …Love and Peace.

  27. Art Z. says:

    Great stuff mark, you’ve echoed many of my own thoughts.
    Art Z.

  28. Mark, I love your PRIME LAW! I will help. I put it in a local newspaper. All good people should know about this. Thank you.

  29. Owen Williams says:

    The Prime Law is wonderful.
    Finding a way to implement it in any country small or great is a near impossible seeming task.

  30. Salome de Colon says:

    The first fight about taxes in America sound to me like this:

    Why R we going to let England take advantage of us! When we can take advantage of ourselves…!

    Mr Hamilton is right again, those at the time did not have any of this knowledge or convinously did not used…

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