Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Ralph M. says:

    When one uses the process of wide-scope-integration, with fully integrated honesty, to interpret the meanings, and Ideal of the Prime Law, and grasp the genuine value revealed, to therefore eliminate the perpetual illusion created by the Ruling Class, this being today’s political structure. To conceal Initiatory Force, with methods that are designed to eliminate our Universal Rights, and Individual Freedoms, is the reason why the ‘Shame’ of Poverty, exists today in our great America! These facts, are quite ‘Obvious’ to someone looking for the Truth, and can now integrate this knowledge!
    Ralph M.

  2. M.L. says:

    If, I may call The Prime Law, the coming of God. Here he comes!

  3. Wallace says:

    Today, the problems of our country is being caused by people who only concern themselves with their own riches and power. Both parties have become corrupt and unresponsive to the peoples wishes. This is the rule of man. Corrupting the democratic ideals for a specific ideology. Conservative ,liberal, all the same. The people are then forced to comply. The Prime Law removes this threat, allows the economic forces to thrive, freedom is real. Today our country has become a sort of police state. The Prime Law allows people to live in Freedom and Prosperity. Think how much capital is consumed by government programs (taxes, fees, regulations etc.) ? Return that back to the people and you unlock a force that would allow everyone to live better and freer.

  4. David D. says:

    The Prime Law protects our sovereign rights from government(parasitical political leaders) that use fraud and coercion to usurp power from its people.
    David D.

  5. Al C. says:

    Mark Hamilton is a person that will guide everybody to the right path in finding who they really are and what they really want to be. All you need is to look at the right location with Mark Hamilton’s guidance. Just listen to him and you will be surprise for what knowledge you’ll learn, about yourself and secrets that will tell you that it’s not to late to be the person you really wanted to be. You’ll feel that changes in yourself and you’ll look at the world differently with a smile and strength. He made me stronger, younger and really ready to face the world. Thank you so much Mr. Mark Hamilton
    Al C.

  6. Mcquade Eberspacher says:

    As a favorite hardcore song of mine had once “sung”.(That I must say to the anticivilization) The time has come to deny your ways, to rid ourselves of the parasites, shedding dead weight, reclaiming what’s ours,taking each moment with THOUGHT again.No crosses to bear, no time to be wasted ,a fearless approach to oppresion, a constant attack to never retreat from with no other choice but resistence.

  7. Tyler S-Sullivan says:

    “Make all the people rich, including the poor!” That statement alone is profound enough to change the way we think about our own stagnant situation! The ruling elite class has the ways and means of keeping a lid on progress and prosperity through illusions, regulations, and flat out deceit. The only way to return our country to the prosperous nation it once was is to rid the rule of man and initiate the rule of law as it once was, not the rule of initiatory force which is backed by flaw filled man for hidden agendas. The Unites States Government is of the people, for the people, by the people!

    Peace and Love!

    P.S. An infinite thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton!

    T $$

  8. Robert Alexander says:

    The ruling class 1% is likened to psuedomona aeroginosa a deadly pathogen that encapsulates itself and is highly resistant to antibiotics. Either the host eliminates psuedomona aeroginosa or the host is eliminated by psuedomona aeroginosa. The middle class is the host to the ruling 1%. Any attempt to get rid of the ruling 1% class will probably result in initiatory force against the attempt. The republicans and democrats support the ruling class 1%. Jill Reed of The TVP will support the middle class by enacting the Prime Law when she gets elected to President of the USA. Elect Jill Reed or the deadly pathogen will consume the middle class in America.

  9. Shar says:

    Our government is formed to protect us from initiatory or threatening force. Then we have more freedom to be creative. Our government and all of our rulers who lead are trying to enforce man-made rules.

  10. I.R. says:

    Very well said – Government has evolved into a sickness affecting us all and now is the time for change , thank you.

  11. TWK says:

    The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.
    The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.
    The Prime Law® guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract”.

  12. TEC says:

    Prime law is love, when we understand love we will go beyond money, we will go to eternal life, heaven on earth. Happiness is great but I learn more from suffering and self control so if we all live in happiness we give up needed knowledge that helps are understanding grow. So we need balance. Humans are at there best when bad things happen, we begin to give , help one another and show compassion that we don’t see from us all the time.

  13. TWK says:

    Yes… The logic, and rational of The Neothink® Society and The Prime Law® is obvious. Don’t let anyone tell you what they “think” or “have been told” the literature says or does not say, read it for yourself and decide. The results, when implemented by society, will be irrefutable. Let’s make the world a better place together now, before it’s too late !

  14. Luna says:

    We’re Moving on People, your either with us or your on the last boat, that might never arrive. You have a wonderful intelligent person to help you guide YOURSELF into the right, peaceful, inner power direction the planet is moving toward. It is time that you take responsibility for your life, no more excuses, no more blame, be your own creator, get educated with the T.V.P its your birth right to succeed. Thanks Mark & Jill and all involved in moving the planet forward!!!!

  15. Jany A. says:

    With the content of this video and the immense knowledge from your books anyone can turn into a better functional human, and citizen or leader of an office business or nation. I treasure your knowledge ! And your society .Is just too amazing !
    Jany A.

  16. Jeff S. says:

    The Prime Law is genius! One simple, over-arching law that prohibits initiatory force will once and for all keep the government in check and put an end to all corruption and tyranny. Imagine that! A government having a sole purpose of protecting people from initiatory force, fraud and coercion. That means the government itself may no longer commit initiatory force against its own citizens. It means politicians and bureaucrats can no longer make bogus laws and regulations that stifle the economy and oppress freedom. Wow! Imagine that, a government that does not tamper with the free market, but simply makes sure everybody is truly free to flourish to their potential by exterminating initiatory force!
    Jeff S.

  17. Erica R. says:

    A 3000 year old secret to protect the people. Make all the people rich even the poor. So we can live the life we where meant to live with health ,wealth and happiness. To change the world for a better future.
    Erica R.

  18. Roy I. says:

    Neothink has changed my life, the way I think, act, believe and communicate with society has opened my eyes to the truth about our social barriers and the myths taught by the government that wants to control my life. That will never happen…Awesome work to know and understand the lies being taught to our children, how to avoid them and create a better life for all…
    Roy I.

  19. Mike S. says:

    I want to live in a world where we can all enjoy wealth and freedom from initiatory force. Honestly the prime law is the most brilliant thing i ever seen. What next step could possibly be better for civilization? What’s more important than the life we live? Without it nothing else would even matter. So why do we continue living on as we do when everything man desires is right in front of us? Let’s make this happen . This needs more media attention it is to important.
    Mike S.

  20. Fred N. says:

    The Prime Law may stand for Ultimate Freedom. However, the qualities or characteristic of that Law is not a man-made law should be universally applied to every living being living on Planet Earth. The re-discovered Prime or Universal Law does not discriminate according to race, color, sex, position, intelligence or region. Its’ only a question of those who knows practices it for its’ benefits. It has little to do with ability initiating it in the beginning.
    Fred N.

  21. Beverly S. says:

    If we as a nation vote for the form of government that we have now, we will be responsible for the conditions we will be forced to live under. 2012 is the year of change, support the Prime Law by voting for Reed/Cary in November.
    Beverly S.

  22. M.J. says:

    Thanks Mark for Neothink, since reading your books my life has changed for the better. I’m so grateful to have had the blessing of reading the manuscripts, all truth in there. Keep up the good work, I’m in your corner 100%. Thanks for sharing this video as well. Can’t wait till the rest of the world joins us in the neo world. Get ready folks. Love the prime law. C U in ETERNITY…

  23. There is a song in the heart of man
    weave, knitted in a choral harmony
    come one come all,join the angels
    and fill the earth with sweet refrain.

    this a joyful world, paradise its beginning
    let no discord change the beat
    keep the harmony going
    from whence it comes to where it be gone
    only to the worthy heart of man.

    this a joyful world, paradise the biginning
    let no discord change the beat
    keep the harmony going.
    for whence it came to where it be gone,
    indeed from the heart of man.

  24. Jim Pufpaf says:

    I agree too many regulations,the prime law would put a end to them. We need to depoliticize in order for us to advance.

  25. MR HAMILTON, thank you for verbalizing the 3000 PRIME LAW. it is the
    closes man can get to the likeness of GOD,curved in stone by the fingers of
    3000 years ago and preach by JESUS 2012 years on going

    the garden paradise was never recalled. it is our world in progress
    how beautiful and awesome man is, if only man can see it , live it,
    feel it through the EYE AND HEART OF GOD!!!!

  26. Erica R. says:

    A 3000 year old secret to protect the people, with no initiatory force to rid mankind of the rule of man. To make all the people rich even the poor, the prime law.
    Erica R.

  27. Blair M. says:

    Thanks to Mark Hamilton’s teaching, I have developed a much better understanding on how life should be lived, my life has improved greatly with his literature and his mentoring.
    Blair M.

  28. Fernando C. says:

    Excellent!! the way prime law should be as a child not having to worry about the problems of today and sleep of no problems of tomorrow. may peace , love and abundance be with you all. read it , learn it, and live it. its about the purpose you seek, and ask . thank you Mark !!!
    Fernando C.

  29. L.C. says:

    This is the reason you get out and vote for the T.V.P in 2012. Try to Imagine what your life will be like by not being forced by your Leaders to abide by their laws that do not apply to themselves. Mark Hamilton Is truly a great Man and Visionary. Just read his Books or go to his website and see for your self The world would be truly Blessed if we had lots more people like him. I have read his books they really open up your mind to the future with the T.V.P as our leaders. So will you please give it a try and see if it fits what you really want your life to be like. Its all good. I am very Thankful to be part of all this with Mark.

  30. Kenden B. says:

    This video is truly eye opening. I hope everyone gets a chance to view it.
    Kenden B.

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