Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Steve says:

    The Prime Law is the single most important concept in the history of the planet! Getting it into the US Constitution is a goal we should ALL be striving for….I know I am…..please join me and all our brothers and sisters in this great task!
    IN Truth, Simplicity, and Love.

  2. R.E. says:

    Mark Hamilton speaks the truth please spread the word.

  3. DUONG, T says:

    The Prime Law is the promising future for everyone. This is the guarantee of human rights, peace, free of oppressions, to live with liberty, prosperities and the happiness and meanings of life. Needless to say, everyone is responsible for this promising future. There had been enough of all the suffering for all mankind for decades. The Prime Law is more like the Awaking moment that GOD has long planned for maybe back since the day of all matters were first created. The Prime Law will separate goods from evil and is a protector of all human rights. Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton for the discovery and disclosure of this promising future!

  4. Roy Metcalf says:

    THE PRIME LAW: The only law, that will correct mankind’s misfortunes, this natural
    law, will bring what man has been waiting for and longing for, for 3000 years…
    Mark Hamilton, the only man that has all the answers, to your questions. There is
    so much, much, more you can learn, go to this site, and start learning.

  5. Salome de Colon says:

    The great part is:
    Now we know that no matter what, we are not easy victims of those “leaders” from either side, who could be our own none upgraded or none integrated friend or neighbor, or tv channels favorite, Government is people, and their thoughts or coment can not stop us now from doing what is right for our families or other people who suffer from the supresive mentality of those in power who are also victims of their own idiotics rulers of self convinience , at the same time again I will said since today we are integrated people we are able to recognize the good actions of those from others organizations . With the Prime Law knowledge we can fix things! Without being a victime of anyone. And we do know that right rulers mean right freedom.

  6. Rose says:

    I like to hear Mark Hamilton talk about the Prime Law and what it will do for us .We just have to listen to what Mark is telling to how great its going to be to have the Prime Law to make us all free.

  7. V.S. says:

    Mark as a subscriber and mentor of the Neothink Society. I had experienced many negative attitudes from neocheaters. Nevertheless, I overcame their mental, physical and emotional attacks due to the teaching and positive values given to the Neothink society. Also, Miss Annabelle story is so much related to our present educational system and the programs that are presented to our pre-school children. Hoping the world get a grip of WHAT IS OF VALUE and the illusion of what authorities present to the world.

  8. Joe says:

    Thank you for giving this insightful and life changing information!!!!

  9. Yon says:

    This message is SO RIGHT!

  10. D.A.W. says:

    Those three words(The Prime Law)deliver prosperity and excitement. Indeed, those three words will deliver a new civilization to mankind, that will give as the ability to fully integrate are mind’s, to get a civilization of endless riches.

  11. P.V. says:

    I love you Mark Hamilton and your work. Whenever I encounter a negative situation in my life that almost bring my spirit down, I think of your work and our society and that feeling of negativity disappears almost instant and the problem. Thank you very much for bringing great values to society.

  12. Kathleen T. says:

    Let’s cut to the chase! The two most important essential roles of government is to: Protect the people and to protect and grow the economy so its people can prosper! The Prime Law will do just that! It will focus on protecting the people, on crime prevention, and on allowing small businesses to grow. With The Prime Law in place, the government will be run from a business services perspective. This will simplify government, remove economic impediments, and allow man the freedom to prosper!!

  13. Audrey M. says:

    Audrey M.

  14. Kathleen T. says:

    Simply put, The Prime Law will eliminate the rule of man, simplify and stream-line government, and allow the people to prosper. The Prime Law will remove restrictions and bureaucracy that impede economic growth! It unjams the current system that has prevented and impeded small businesses from growing. True government should be: TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE AND TO HELP AND ALLOW THE PEOPLE TO PROSPER!! We need to focus on the things that matter! Protect the country and its people, and save the economy!

  15. M.D. says:

    Without initiatory force, everyone would be compelled by the dynamics of competition to live by producing honest, competitive values for others and society.

  16. LTW says:

    I now understand that man is not bad, he is simply a product of his environment. [Quote]Those who are willing to give up essential LIBERTY to obtain a little Freedom, deserve neither LIBERTY OR FREEDOM! Who said it?

  17. S.P. says:

    In an earlier, less chaotic and complicated era, Mark Hamilton would have been considered a great statesman, writer of important political tracts, and loyal American. Our current era has many vested interests that make it their business to decry anyone who would bring in true change. These are the people who speak out against Mark Hamilton and his honest attempts to improve our country and its people. He wants to raise us all up and out of the man-created, initiatory force supported, repressive current societal reality. He is a force for good in our country.

  18. M.D. says:

    If, you don’t have any friend or family in foreclosure, unemployment, in the war, or perhaps you agree with blah, blah, blah of politician . This video is not for you. But if you deserve the WONDERFUL LIFE of HEALTH, ROMANTIC LOVE, and WEALTH pay attention and watch very carefully this video .
    Enjoy! Have a great day !!

  19. Craig H. says:

    Force, or the threat of force – is the modus operandi of the Ruling Class. Such force will inevitably take hold, even with a near perfect American Constitution – why? Because modern man, unlike any other ‘animal’ is prone to mystical thinking, through his or her reasoning faculty. Mysticism is the stubborn enemy of rational thinking, and clings to the mind like antibiotic resistant bacteria. Because of this, the eradication of mysticism from the mind of man, as a cure to anticivilzation dishonesty, is on its own a none starter – it is a piecemeal mysticism eradication approach that takes too long… and even if achieved to a high degree, will then, like a rapidly mutating bacteria, re-infect the host. The Prime Law, is the perfect primer to any follow on moral context – such as a Bill of Rights… because there is nothing more foundational, it is the foundation… and there is nothing antecedent to it. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.
    Craig H.

  20. Marcus Savage says:

    On Earth, there are many different people of many different backgrounds. Yet we fall into one of two categories. The “ruling class” and the “non-ruling class”. The “ruling class” may be looked at as “the leaders” who basically “tell” people what to do. Their “ruling” comes from the agreement to cooperate through initiatory force, fraud or coercion (otherwise deception or dishonesty). The “non-ruling class” may consist of “leaders” (who are followed by choice, with beneficial and empowering guidance), but are mostly our everyday “working class”. So, what’s the point of all this? The point is we will continue to experience a decline in the standard of living. The “ruling class” wants us to provide little (if anything) for ourselves while profiting in abundance. This is only possible because our individual freedoms aren’t protected (are given away). The Prime Law guarantees the conditions to let individuals prosper (through business) without any interference. To learn more visit:

  21. Salome de Colon says:

    From the perspective of my understanding, The prime Law and the rest of the knowledge it is the best thing can hapen to any person, who already have read and learn from the rest of regular sources, like: religion, citizenship, interest in politics and any other forms of personal enrichmen and manners of personal expresion and care on human life. To me looks like depend on what we learn up to this point, and I think that we are able to realize that the Prime Law and rest of knowledge does help in personal life and as well in a good group of thinkers. From my readings I remember one of the great expressions of Mr. Hamilton, he said: knowledge beg knowledge, that means that we are allow to go foward with watever else that we may think can help like college or any other vocational study! I have done that! And all together turn into back to the words of Mr hamilton! The word: integration…! I think that we own great tools! We just have keep thinking and practicing on how and where to apply with all care of personal responsibilty . We have better life now, because we can realize that thre is a lot of opportunities, or simply, just by been a better person who understand things better, and can do better. I do know and understand that there is some of us who face higher dificulties, I believe that faith and a plan work , without getting stagnated on the time of survival. We with the Prime Law are better today- then before! We know our owns responsibilities towards our future, it is a battle to deal with, We know what to say to our children everyday while growing and facing their owns lives, towards a better status on education, economic and style with freedom. Freedom that is coming from N.T. our higher way of understanding how things work for us the humans, to have good life in this world.

  22. M.D. says:

    In this video Mark Hamilton shows us, he has vision not hopes.
    Thank you Mark Hamilton !!

  23. David says:

    Protecting an individual rights by the government is primary. We can then all become value creators. It is through the value creation that will enable us all to attract unlimited wealth. Valuing one another contribution to our society by recognizing each of our value creations will build us into a strong society. It is time to be all that we can be today.

  24. Clarice A. says:

    Thank you very much Mr. Hamilton for caring about the pour people who are struggling day in day out and year after year without success and is only you trying to make the world a better place for mankind. The natural law has been held back 3000 years and now revealed by you. The information is priceless and I hope it gets into millions of people have not heard about it.
    Clarice A.

  25. DKS says:

    Mark is a God sent to lead us to live a better world to be the best leaders of tomorrow by supporting and become a member of TVP” making the people rich including the poor” to learn and become the perfect man were meant to be and live the best of what life can offer through “Prime Law” plse. check out ..much love to Dr. F.R.W MH and all TVP family.. we will rule the world and be empowered through the business men and women 100% honest integration supreme beings..

  26. W.W. says:

    This 3000 year old secret, and the Prime Law, WILL lift America and other countries, to a new, happy and wealthy world. Goodbye rule of man, good bye initiatory force, and good-day Prime Law !!

  27. T.O. says:

    One of the great misfortune that has hit humanity is the way the facts or truth has been turn outside down through out the ages. Take education and heath for instance it has been turn against humanity itself so cleverly that we cannot see through it and the vast majority who vote every time has no idea what he has been doing. So here Mark Hamilton will en-cover this secret to correct these misfortunes of mankind.

  28. T.B. says:

    Paint our picture and walk in, our reality is what we make it, we are 100% responsible. We all know we aint that smart, think the best receive the best!

  29. N.L. says:

    Mark’s way of thinking is the way that we all need to start thinking in. In my opinion, for all these years people have been condition to think that they have to have somebody to lead them. Instead people have lead themselves by taking control of the own life.

  30. M.J. says:

    I have seen this video several times and I never get tired watching it. I now live my life in agreement with the Prime Law and support this movement any way I can.

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