Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. donald day says:

    Politicians and other “leaders” can’t solve problems. They aren’t trained to nor are they even allowed to by those who control them. Their job is to manipulate our perception of reality and keep us in a state of anxiety and feeling helpless. The elections are designed to distract us and lull us into believing that side A is to blame and they, side B are going to fix what side A screwed up. The election comes and nothing changes. Next election comes and it’s the same thing in reverse. All they are doing is putting two masks on the same face and policy remains the same. The good thing is they can’t survive without our support, our votes, and evey day they are losing more and more support. They are worried and no doubt they won’t reliquish their power and control without a fight. They just don’t understand the concepts of love, peace, and harmony. and moving society forward. Now, with the tvp and the proposed Prime Law amendment to the constitution all those unnessary roadblocks, political and media BS, get swept aside to free up society to do what is in it’s best interest. The technology already exists to cure cancer, diseases, and so forth but have been severely repressed by those who contol our beautiful planet. It’s not sustainable! The Twelve Visions Party with Jill Reed and Tom Cary in office are to be commended for their courage, love for humanity, and focused determination to see this through. Anyone who can’t or won’t understand why things have to change and the ramifications of what happens if we don’t just can’t see how contolled and manipulated their life is. The Twelve Visions Party and the proposed Prime Law amendment to the Constitution is by far the most exciting thing to come along- ever.


    I am honor to be a Neo-think member since 2003 and my my life has made a 90 degree turn for the better and good health and happiness joy in prosperity . Since I became a member my life has completely embarked on a journey of joy, prosperity and good health. On this journey of happiness and prosperity with the Neo-think Society I have discovered that you can be and do anything that you wish such as making more money, start your own business, how to became your own self-leader, happiness, wealth, love, compassion for others, and on understanding others.

    I have learned through the reading of the literature to see what is and what is not, I have learned to become wiser, I have learned to take full responsibility for myself and my family, and I have learned to be a service to those in need and care for those that are needed. I have learned by reading the literature, that the Neo-think Society is the evolution of man kind mentality, it will take the person to have full responsibility for himself and his actions. Once a person study the literature and keep reading the literature, his/her life will never be the same meaning that you will have dynamic health, wealth, success, you will feel vibrant, you well become a value creator, will learn how to become a self leader to produce value for society, once a person read the literature he/she will never fail in life and will constantly become a winner and learn to see everything that stands before you and have a solution to every problem. You become like a Clark Kent Superman or a superwomen.

    And lastly, I want to thank personally to Mark Hamilton for selecting me to become a member of the Neo-think Society and I have found knowledge and wisdom behind this anti-civilization and now I can look at the new Twelve Vision World buy reach inside and touch the child of the past, hiding deep within every good person. I could look at the heaven’s and know that we as God Man Created those planets, we created the galaxy, and I understand where I am coming from and I understand that you could have and do anything and this magical beautiful world.

    My sincere love to Mark Hamilton and family.

    Closing: Love and prosperity to us all.

  3. CUDS says:

    The Prime Law is a powerful tool being presented in this message. It’s a secret because leaders want to rule people with unearned power so they will not tell anyone. By using force they maintain limitations on the masses to control them for their own agenda and not for the good of the public. Without these limitations creativity soars and the market for everything shoots up like a rocket. Technology will move at unheard of speeds without the interference of agencies road-blocking industries.

  4. Trinca says:

    Mark has directed many people into Neothink. The books, advice, mentoring and leadership are the roadway our world has been searching for as long as earth has existed. Thanks Mark.

  5. Peter M. says:

    What counts more is the intention, not the idea, because there are good ideas that can be used for bad intentions. But, I discovered that Neothink movement have both good ideas and good intentions. I am truly convinced that my involvement with Neothink movement by supporting The Prime Law can help quantum jump humanity from the present anticivilization into the Civilization of the Universe where mysticism and initiatory force does not exist. See all of you there!!!
    Peter M.

  6. Pat S. says:

    Mark Hamilton is trying hard to show you what you are up against in our corrupt society that we are living with in today’s world. Some have learned to understand what is now real and what they want you to believe is real. Still there are some people who have the mistaken idea that the world as it is will get better if we leave thing the way they are. In the meantime we see more foreclosures, more cancer deaths, more animal abuse and child and spouse abuse. But yet they still have a blind eye as to what we are trying to show you in our future. The right step in the right direction is the TVP. So go to your poles and vote for the TVP and be able to see all of your children grow up happy and healthy and loved.
    Pat S.

  7. L.T. says:

    The Prime law is natural law that will allow all people to live with total freedom that the world has never seen. learn the Prime Law and internalize it as part of who you are. once more people become aware of this law that outlaws force in society, we will begin to see ordinary people lives start to shift to a active mode of being happy and living life to the fullest of whatever your desire are in life.

  8. Pat S. says:

    We are changing into a different dimension in our world and many people do not understand what is going on and many do not want to “change”. This is for the better and we are entering a beautiful world leaving behind a lot of death and destruction. We are opening the door for the genius of society to end disease bring in love, honesty, happiness and wealth for all. Each one of us is important and no one has the right to take that away. In the future there is no abuse of any kind and we all deserve that. Believe it and all of this can happen. The first step is to vote the TVP in. There will be the Prime Law, which has been missing in our Constitution. It eliminates The Law of Man and enters into The Law of Law which no man has the right to abuse anymore. This is what I am all about and hope you are too.
    Pat S.

  9. Bill says:

    The 300 year old secret is there for all the people in the world, this is the only thing that will save the world, we cannot fix something that is broken such as our government we need to replace it with the prime law, this law will prevent anyone from using initiatory force against any person or groups of persons. one individuals should never control another individual, like the politician are controlling, us thru taxes, fines and some time prisons sentences for very little consequences.

  10. Patti C. says:

    You have taken your work public now Mark. We now have a way out of the rule of man. Many of us have been abused by the system and have been left jobless and unable to find work because of stupid mistakes we made when we were living in an anti-civilization. Now we have hope and a mission. Take the secrets to all of mankind. What a wonderful world we will create. Thank you Mark and the Neothink Society!
    Patti C.

  11. N.B. says:

    Government seems to always be pushing it’s own agenda on it’s people. By eliminating initiatory force we also get rid of flaw filled man and use force only for protection,self defense. Do you like being told what to do? I know I don’t, I can make my own decisions. The prime law will give everyone that a choice.

  12. Lloyd T. says:

    I fully support the visions and concepts Mark has presented for making a better future for all of us. It boils down to a fundamental, simple principle, that ” if you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.” Our government has evolved into an environment of greed, power, and arrogance. How do we change this? It s a very complicated, difficult process. The “tea party” is a weak example of trying to change, but in reality, its the same o, same o. We need such a drastic change in our structure to get back to the “prime law” of government. A 12 vision party is an interesting, exciting concept, but its going to take a massive reform, approach. A grass roots approach of epic magnitude can only begin with the people- who has control our destiny. Let’s get going Mark!
    Lloyd T.

  13. CV says:

    Well said and I can agree.

  14. STY says:

    It is now time for the blood-sucking parasites in government to be deprived of their sustenance. They have been leeching off the productive class for long enough. All that is required is for the hard-working producers to say NO!. Once the consent of the victims has stopped, their power over us will come to an abrupt halt. The only logical reason for government is for the protection of it’s citizens. The Prime Law will take us there.

  15. M.L. says:

    For the benefit of anyone outside of NT, TVP, 12 visions, any of the various names used by Neothink, think for a moment what the dark ages brought to mankind as a result of religious and political oppression. Now imagine the renaissance after the Arabic number system was put into place and such oppression was put on hold. Even China in recent years has achieved unprecedented prosperity by lessening its grip on common citizens. Through the conscious mind and prime law a new renaissance can exist.

  16. T.P. says:

    MR.H is a brilliant man Intelligent, honest, and love to improve the meaning of LIFE- (HAPPENESS). THE PRIME LAW will stop the rule of man that hold use down. If you look back from the year 2000 and beyond. Remember Business shut down, jobs were lost, prices shot up, crime rate shot up, wealth shot down. All because of man’s rule and regulations. THE PRIME LAW is not a gimmick. It will save us from corrupted ruling man.IT is the most intelligent and well thought out law ever!!!! It simple to understand, Honest, and most of all build to purely help and protect all from the wrath of the ruling dishonest man. P.S To see thru this dishonest illusions the ruling man put upon us. You will need to be pure honest in the mind body and soul . And once you do you also will see why THE PRIME LAW IS THE CURE TO THIS MADNESS HAPPENING TODAY!!!

  17. Sheldon says:

    The Prime Law ‘IS’ the Realist around! Those who neither coordinate with The Prime Law nor promote it within themselves for others to get/be curious about, Than obviosly SHAME on you to not bring forth the CofU. Treal know Treal ,so ,we(Treala’s(self- explainatory as long as one remain true to self and their actions are of that,with no floompy buisness-(floompy business means the opposite of real business and honest actions) ) , C of U, The Prime Law…etc.) are family,like me and my Big bro say. The prime law is family because it relates to my and others reality of discipline/idealism on what the world needs to rid the floompy business.( to note: floompy business is not having fun,being silly,or positive foolishness; floompy business is that of being up to no good(like scheming) ,and or doing something beyond (like, one who steals the dollar (or …etc.) that was offered to him/her/them from bob(just a random name i chose to better explain this thought) after he/she/they denied the offer (dollar(or …etc.) from bob;when all he/she/they had to do was accept the dollar(or …etc.).).)

  18. Lenore Short says:

    My first impression was that this was too oversimplified until I went back and read the US Constitution, all amendments, & the Declaration of Independence. It was then that I could see how it would actually all fit together quite nicely. Like the proverbial puzzle pieces. I strongly recommend that everyone read the National Platform for the Twelve Visions Party.
    Go to and click on National Platform. Then read the Constitution of the US, along with all of the amendments. I think that our forefathers would have approved of the Twelve Visions Platform and the Prime Law Amendment. I think that simplifying the role of government is exactly what America needs. The federal deficit is a huge issue right now, which won’t be resolved overnight, but the Prime Law Amendment and the shift in focus of the federal government will certainly free up money towards settling that debt. We need a new focus in this country. Obviously, the way we’ve been handling business is no longer working. It’s time to move on…….
    Lenore S.

  19. S.S. says:

    Everything said in this video is really, true! We, truly, need The Prime Law, to set us free from our stagnant, suppressed society that we All live in! Very, thoughtful, Great work.

  20. I.S. says:

    Mark Hamilton expresses how being a value creature helps to better ones self and gives back to the community. Having no force from man allows others to be free to create and be a value asset to the whole while enhancing a person mind, body, and spirit with value creation. When you do something that you love it opens up a world of happiness. I myself have found myself more confident, adventures, and my mind is much clearer on what I want to do in life. Thank you Mark Hamilton, for being the person you are and sharing such a great treasure to others with your knowledge and understanding.

  21. Victoria R. says:

    Everyone should join the TVP and read the prime law. It is very important for people to step out of their regular thinking mode into discovering who they really are and what they are meant to be. The Only way for that is reading the prime law and joining the TVP Movement. This is a great movement and I’m proud to be apart of it. I love Mark Hamilton and The Prime Law, I wish and hope that everyone eventually join the TVP Movement and discover a better life.
    Victoria R.

  22. F.M. says:

    When we are not our own authority, others determine how we think. With others doing our thinking for us, we cannot see a better way to do things. We cannot create value. We are stuck where we are. To create value, we have to be our own authority. Then we can have new insights on ways to do things. We can have a better life.

  23. G.S. says:

    The Prime Law will bring overall Peace of Mind. In the Absence of Initiatory Force and Coercion, everyone can Live in Peace. In that Peaceful Atmosphere there’s this Automatic feeling of Mental and Emotional Tranquility. Thus, Creatively Living the Exhilarating Life.

  24. F.E. says:

    We came a long way since the cave, but have even further to journey. It is what we learn after we know it all that counts. We live in a sorry state of affairs, but better than a lot of others. Neothink requires dedication but is not impossible. There is not many problem one cannot solve in their own mind given the chance.

  25. B.M. says:

    Because of this man, my soul has been AWOKEN! Because of Mark Hamilton, my time here on earth is now filled with EXHILARATION and ABUNDANCE .
    Thank you father for helping me UNEARTH my CHILD of the PAST. things around me got BRIGHTER when i saw my REAL FUTURE. THAAAAINKS!!!

  26. T.C. says:

    Neothink gave me hope when I had none. I very much agree with Mark Hamilton that initiatory force should be eliminated. Protection is fine but when it turns to force that is a violation of every man’s right. Neothink has a wonderful plan for the destiny of mankind.

  27. BCE says:

    The prime law enforce law/not “COLOR OF LAW” and have given proven jurisdiction, not supposed/usurped jurisdiction in otherwise what Mr. Mark Hamilton is saying in actuality by staying in this dimension of law will eventually destroy our livelihood, and that’s the reason for him revealing the prime law to us, this is the true real and only law for you to exercise your rights.

  28. Cheryl says:

    I find this to be an excellent example of Mark’s work. He addresses value creation through respect of a country’s citizens and speaks directly to the often used acts of coercion, fraudulence and force, of one group claiming supremacy over another. It is precisely those actions that have led to a wide spread mistrust of governing powers. The balance and check system does not solve the primary issues. Often I am reminded of Orwell’s line in ‘Animal Farm’. “All animals are created equal, but some are more equal then others”. That line reflects an attitude of one group believing their acts of leadership automatically give entitlement privileges. Yet in truth, stewardship leadership is the most powerful of all, when it benefits one another rather then taking from them.

  29. T.O. says:

    Prime Law will help mankind for the first time to create a peaceful world where no one can exploit his fellow human again. Mark Hamilton what you just said speak and confirm the solution to all human problems. Africans will make the best uses of it own resources and we can also contribute to world peace through our own development agendas. Thank you TVP and the Twelve Vision World.

  30. Yasiyah E. says:

    Greeting Mark Hamilton I’m Yasiyah E. from Miami, it’s so interesting that you speak on prime law in which I myself been using in my defense against threat duress & coalition, since about 1996 when I claim native and classification rights, anyway the state prosecutor said that the state of Florida don’t have any jurisdiction over the classification that I’ve posed in my document. What happen next is that the people picked it up and take you through trial, but with the prime law in which Mark Hamilton is speaking about, that will be your defense at your trial in their courtrooms.
    Yasiyah E.

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