Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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The purpose of The Twelve Vision Party is to prosper and live happily. make all people rich Including the poor and remove the ruling class or our government who is controlling the wealth and have suppressed the majority of the people living the life he or she was meant to live. With Neothink I see more clear a better future whit out the illusions of the ruling class for the purpose to live happily. Provide whit that condition. to this new government whit not initiatory force, fraud, coercion by any person, group, individual, property or contract. only protection to is citizens.
It,s time we see the world for what it really is. Neothink has helped me a lot.
This may seem hard to believe, but if the world would adopt the PRIME LAW, peace would reign and life would be good. We’ll have to start here, in this great nation, the U.S.A. NO INITIATORY FORCE would allow individual thoughts to grow freely, and business would advance rapidly. I advise those of you who haven’t yet to explore the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. Peace and happiness to all.
Prime law has a guarantee to protect our very survival and also above all doubts to give us protection from fraud. It will raise our living standard as well. Geniuses will raise up to solve many many problems effortlessly without any profit motive as they have done throughout history. Thank you Mark for being my mentor for more than a decade and has empower me to eliminate fear and create hope and eternal happiness not base on any external value but peace within my very being. I become ZON.
This may seem hard for many people to believe, but if the world would adopt the PRIME LAW.
People have the freedom to think their own thoughts and children play, run and grow happily with their own independent way of thinking which is the foundation of their genius and invention. The Prime Law is the true meaning of FREEDOM. I support the Prime Law.
Mark Hamilton, is a genius. He, presents world changing, positive, honest values. which, have greatly influenced me. He, cares about people in bringing real, truth and values. which I, am thankful for and greatly appreciate as a subscriber/member of the Neothink society.
However, nowadays the glazed earthenware jars have been replaced by the “rule of men” to confine people’s minds in certain “molds” or “limitations” of the ruler’s choice enforced by the use of the initiatory force or coercion. The Prime Law makes people aware of the invasion of these external “molds” and “limitations” into their minds and help remove them in order to build a beautiful society for mankind.
Change is coming, how is that possible you say the elite have control of our government. This control is made possible by the never ending man made laws and enforced . Many of the laws as you know require a lawyer to interpret them. They tell us the Constitution is old and no longer applies. Our education system no longer emphasize the gift left by our forefathers. Here is where is the great gift that Mark Hamilton has developed can overcome these crimes of the past and stop the anti civilization crowd. The PRIME LAW will protect the Constitution from abuse and allow the honest and freedom loving people of our country to fully develop our talents for enjoyment of all. I have read over twenty-five hundred pages of Marks writings and I can tell you it is an amazing piece of work. I had pretty much kept a low profile, run my small business, but now I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Come join us in this nonviolent effort.
Dan B.
In the ancient times in China, it happened that people confined their own children in the glazed earthenware jars for years in order to prevent the growth of their limbs and heights until their bodies stopped growing. Their parents then would be happy to use these children with unusual shapes and sizes to attract audience for their circus business. This way of abusing children was soon prohibited and no longer existed.
The information needs to reach those that have lost hope, blindly followed status quo. We must come together to enact real change, not the fluff offered by the current and politicians that are running for office. Thank you Mark for your courage and passion!
Most of the people in the USA believe that things will go on “as usual”. They have never seen the bars of their prison and don’t pay much attention to what the gov’t is doing, such as recent laws passed. My own family doesn’t realize. We have been creating as much of our lives as we are able under the suppression that is becoming almost “in our faces”. Our America turning into a police state/freedom-deprived people? Believe it! and WAKE UP! Bring in the Prime Law!!!
Mark Hamilton offers an in-depth insight to help us understand how the oppressive government affects the populace with the rule of man in the governing body. For man to achieve his true potential the rule of man must be eliminated and replaced by PRIME LAW. This will allow the value producers to overcome poverty, hunger, diseases and eventually death. During the past century, we have seen more and more government control, taxes and regulations. This has stifled wealth creation, caused poverty, failed business, lost jobs and a massive federal debt. Our governments goal is to remain in power and take as much wealth as they can from the true value producers. Social networking is a convenient way for us to spread the word to our friends and neighbors about the Twelve Visions Party. If you have any comments or questions please add them to this blog and we will provide information and answer them. Join with us in our effort to free mankind of the man rule and replace it with the Prime Law.
Dallas W.
We need a change from the”staus quo”!! The current system in place is not working! The Prime Law will bring the change this country needs at this time!! If we sit back and do nothing, we will be stuck with the same old, same old. To make progress, we have to all get involved and stop being complacent! Everyone can do their own part to make this a better country, a better world!! No part is too small, for all have something positive they can contribute! All have latent talent just waiting to be employed! So what are you waiting for! Get out and get busy! Share your skills, share your talent, and help change America!
The Winds Of Change Are Blowing!
The winds of change are blowing!
Listen and don’t fall asleep!
Look to the ostrich and learn from her mistakes!
Look to the industrious ant and follow his example!
Look to the prudent squirrel who stores up food in due season!
The squirrel knows winter is coming and plans ahead!
Look to the ostrich, and do not make her mistakes!
Kathleen T.
Dear Mark thankyou so much for the beautiful persentation of the prime law it is a law we should all live by I also thankyou for the opportunity you give to us to help others understand this concept better *INITIATORY FORCE* if we look at this from a biblical standpoint throughout the bible Jesus spoke of the unjust actions of charging people TAXES taking that whitch does not belong to you * FRAUD* there are millions of different frauds around the world and in the U.S many of these frauds are let go merly swept under the rug but fraud is debilitating to the people and devastating to an entire country *COERCION* coercion is defined to restrain or dominate by force. All goverments have done this throughout history to give a simple example if YOUR home or property is where the goverment wants to build THEY will offer you a price way below market value and the only choice you have is to take it at a huge loss or the THEY will come and confiscate it from you anyways TAXES if you donot pay your taxes oh and remember JESUS SAID TAXES WHERE UNJUST 2,300 YRS AGO but still today we are charged taxes and if you try to refuse you will be imprisoned THIS is why christ had said it will be easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle then to fit a RICH MAN through the door to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus valued those who work for there money NOT those who charge taxes so THEY dont have to work at all when the PRIME LAW is put in effect and the rule of man abolished we will not be imprisoned for the unjust acts of our leaders THIS will be the day slavery truly ends .
Kirk AR.
The Bureaucrats are slowly taking our rights as American Citizens away and claiming “it’s for the good of the people”. The only people it is good for is the Bureaucrats who are using our tax dollars to prepare golden parachutes and live luxurious life styles.
The Prime Law will eliminate these positions and give the power back to the people where it belongs. Anyone interested in the welfare of future generations in America should find out more about the Twelve Visions Party platform.
Wayne T.
When everybody, getting into middle age, they all want to play politics, if you learn the twelve vision, you will know the meaning of your life and this will reduce, everything in the political world.
Max F.
This means,(to me) taking back control of the wrongful government we know have and giving it back to the people (where it belongs).
William W.
This is a Beautiful, Clear and Prosperous message. To try and break this Message down even further; this message is to Enlighten each and every Person on our Beautiful Planet Earth as an Individual, with Extremely Valuable and New Information. This message suggests Total Honesty, True Love, and Total Happiness without any Government, Group or any 1 Individual telling You What, Where, When, or How You have to Live Your Life by using Force (Initiatory Force/Coercion) backed by Guns or You will face Cruel and Harsh Penalties. Let’s Prosper, Be Rich and Happy Forever!
Do you believe you should prosper and live happily? Great. Do you feel the conditions exist to let you feel that purpose? Would you support one law that supports your ability to prosper and live happily while protecting you and your paychecks? This is what The Prime Law is all about. The 3000-Year-Old Secret brings in the valid purpose of government – protection of you – the benevolent working class people who bring all values to society. Rise up together in peace to bring in prosperity.
It is the human ability to think beyond the moment, in conceptual terms, that leads to good ideas, but those good ideas are easily corrupted by mystical thinking, that cuts-off one’s ability to fully integrate reality. An arch example of good ideas gone bad, is the mind-set of the ruling class, a specific example of which – is the politician. Indeed, political thinking within this anticivilization, by its very nature, is driven by initiatory force or the threat of force – it is an example of the ‘Rule of Man’ writ-large. There is only one cure – establish the Prime Law.
Craig H.
This is a direct an honest way to view the world for the person who is not aware. This concept will help you to see through the matrix, so to speak. To see things the way they currently are , without confusion.
I know this video is long, and maybe a little confusing for some. In a nutshell, here is what you should have asked yourself. For 3000 years who has given government it’s power over men? The answer may surprise you, the viewer. The answer is us, each and every one of us- men, women and children. We have allowed other men and women to suppress us under their rules not our own. What gives one man or woman the right to tell another what he or she can or cannot be, do or have. The answer is us, the people who put up with and volunteer to live by another person’s rules. The Prime Law corrects this disease in government and gives freedom to all.
Can you imagine how a world would look when millions of geniuses are lifting up society instead of less than 1000 politicians holding back society? Can you see how much further your paychecks and after-tax dollars will go? Think back to how much more computer you can buy today for less money than you could 1 decade ago. Imagine that rising buying power in all industries. Can you imagine having protection of the values you create versus having force taken upon the values you create? I knew it!
The importance of bringing this to the attention of our Great Country (USA), is to Salvage whats left of a 200 year downward spiral of Government, and it’s uncannily effect of Debt Crisis, Poverty, Loss of Life=(War) and Values. We have yet to Unleash The Wealth of Mankind. The Anti-civilization world will ultimately fall when The Prime Law is introduced to our Great Country, and to the World. Setting an example, and Generating a Business Entity for The People, not Government and it’s wide spread spending Spree. (Self Agenda) spending spree’s. WE need to wake up and take this Country Back. TVP and The Prime Law, is the only way.
What the world would be when prime law is governing it. HEAVEN ON THE EARTH. It is my dream world to come to reality. I can’t wait to see it. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Tama S.
Mark Hamilton and many NT people have put a lot of investigation and money into the TVP to present it to everyone. That is the love and care we all feel and want everyone to profit in our future. We can do this. Do all of the research you need to, to prove it to yourselves that this is real and will be our future and it will be wonderful at last. We will leave the old world behind.
Pat S.
This makes perfect sense. Listen to the preamble! Why live to be miserable? No one should have authority over another and hold them to it by initiatory force. If everyone were free to do what they love, there wouldn’t be any time for initiatory force, scams, or stressing over bills because creating sincere value to the world would more than enough provide for all our needs. I ‘m ALL FOR THIS!!! Prime Law should take effect Today, perhaps there wouldn’t be so much “inevitable mishaps”.
I want the peace, happiness, and prosperity that I deserve as a human being. And I also want to “not only feel safe” but to “be safe.” The Prime Law can accomplish all of this for not only me, but all of my fellow Americans. Mark Hamilton is not a politician, only a great man with a great vision and a solution to make all of our lives better. Pass the word about the Prime Law so we can all get to enjoy life.
Diana H.
Mark Hamilton is right on.
We only need one law, the Prime Law, unalterable, irreducible eliminating the use of initiatory force with only one exception. Initiatory force may be used only for protection against violations of the Prime law. This is a very interesting concept and one that can easily be discounted because it has never been done before. As far back in history as we can go we see initiatory force as the agent for both control and change. It is employed in government, at work, in our schools and at home. It is so ingrained that often we do not even realize we have initiated it and in cases when we do we feel entitled. It is a legacy we have passed down from one generation to the next.
I have heard it said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. I would like to think my legacy is not having set the stage for the next generation’s war. Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) gives hope that this generation can be the generation that finally breaks the chain.
A lot of discussion has been focused on Neothink and TVP promise of prosperity but, it is not just about wealth. It is a fully integrated package offering a plan and proven techniques to enable anyone with the desire to become the person they dreamed of being living the life they were meant to live.
The Neothink Package is a roadmap for success while the TVP offers greater freedom and prosperity through the elimination initiatory force and downsizing government. It offers real solutions to the problems we face today and they are very doable. Since there has never been a protection only based government we will not have old baggage to contend with. The idea of a protection only government inviting the rest of the world to join us is energizing especially when the best idea the incumbent politicians can come up with is to build a wall.
Our traditional two parties have taken competition to its ugliest extreme. Neither party seems to be as interested in providing solutions as they are in undermining, criticizing and discrediting the other.