Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. O.S. says:

    It is exiting to read Marks literature, so well written and easy to understand, but it takes a second reading to make it sink in well. It puts you on a journey of no return to a better life for everyone.

  2. HH says:

    The Prime Law is the only law that lets people become who they are. It frees us to create a better life for one another. The Prime Law gives power to all people. Happiness abounds in a society that creates it’s own future. Mark Hamilton has the vision that reaps value to all people. Thank You Mark.

  3. Craig H. says:

    As socialism takes hold worldwide (socialism is only the first step towards a more severe form of collectivism), under the hoodwink guise of the Ruling Class ‘doing good for the people’ – the anticivilization is beginning to collapse, under the weight of its own mysticism. The Rule of Man is creating so much bureaucracy, and there are now so many cumbersome regulatory institutions, that the collapse is inevitable. The necessary escape from this collapse… is to leave the anticivilization behind and establish the Prime Law.
    Craig H.

  4. Arnold A. says:

    Humans reach-out with their awareness, that is what touch people.
    The Prime Law is another realm, touch them with your awareness and we can move them the action is entrainment, cause their awareness to move into this potential realm
    and they may be confuse for a while,…. eventually they will realize this is the right action.
    Arnold A.

  5. Percy P. says:

    Mark Hamilton is the most highly, enlightened person I have had the pleasure of being associated with. I always look forward to hearing from him!
    Percy P.

  6. M.S. says:

    The time is now to wake up to what has been going on in the world. The concepts of neo think have helped me greatly in dealing with what we call life and also in seeing and holding the vision of what’s to come once we have a society of independent value producers.

  7. N.S. says:

    The Prime Law is just what We need to launch the society of the masses into the wealthy, healthy, safe, prosperous super society that it really can now become!

  8. Johnny D. says:

    All sounds good and well and I can see the power of the prime law, but my question is: “How will this law be enforced without the use of force.” If a group, small or large does not comply to the prime law, force will have to used to bring them to justice. Does this not bring us back to the original way of life? “If you do not comply I will force you too.”
    Johnny D.

  9. W.W. says:

    Thanks to Mark Hamilton, the books he has authored, and individuals he has introduced me to (notably Kevin Trudeau) – thanks to the information imparted – all my dreams are on the precipice of coming true. When an individual’s life changes so profoundly, the whole world changes, because the world we are able to create changes dramatically, one person at a time. Thank you Mark Hamilton for the Prime Law, for the Twelve Visions, and for your magnificent writing that has changed my life for the better so profoundly.

  10. Glen R. says:

    The prime law for the common man. The prime law is not a new concept but as old as time itself. The prime law is your God giving right to prosper thru value creation. The universe is in a constant state of ever evolving creation. Creation is the value that drives the life force. Jesus himself talked about being a self leader and, responsible for one’s own life. Again prime law is value creation offered yet again by Jesus. Again the magna Charter is another attempt to expand the prime law.
    Glen R.

  11. John S. says:

    All political parties throughout the world are corrupt. Its time we put a stop to this abuse of power. Time to take back our own power, we need no authority figure telling us how to live, how much forced tax we have to sacrifice to those people so they can continue to live their millionaire life styles. We the people need no external leaders, no guru’s, ministers or any other authority body telling us how to live our God given life. The TVP is a non political party with no hidden agenda. It will give the power back to the people- back where it should be. Before it too late, before America deteriorates further, lets change the world with the TVP, one person at a time, by voting for the only party that will give you back the power to become the magnificent person you were meant to be, a healthy, wealthy, happy and fulfilled being. That is my dream, what is yours?
    John S.

  12. T.O. says:

    The time for real CHANGE is here and it’s coming from the people. Prime Law is POWER TO THE PEOPLE. It has been the desire of every man and woman who ever love life to live in Happiness, Health, Peace and in Wealth but it has never happen to many billions. I think the Prime Law can achieve this great desire of all humanity.

  13. RR says:

    Mark Hamilton is a genius and his love for the world and mostly the people in it.. brings light out of the darkest. and helps people to become a better person. and for that im forever thankful.. to him and the Neothink Society.

  14. gregory rosman says:

    To build a world free from force and competition we must learn to share our ideas with each other. Everyone on earth knows a little about something. Together we can build our future dreams and live in a great world. When we learn to help each other our greastest rewards and dreams can become a reality. Dream Big. Use your imagination and create the world your are proud to be a part of by doing something productive. Create a service to provide to the world. SEt a goal by your thinking and happiness is sure to follow. You are important and what you think of yourself and others make all the difference in the world.

  15. Erica R. says:

    The Prime Law, there is no other way. I want this way for my grand children, my great grand children. For all my children. I give thanks for Mark Hamilton and I support him 100%.
    Erica R.

  16. C.F. says:

    The prime law is to protect the people, to bring the people wealth and riches. To rid the people of the rule of man the prime law will protect the people.

  17. LTW says:

    After reading the writings of Mark Hamilton and understanding the meaning of The Prime Law, I now see why philosophy is not taught to our children at an earlier age. A new philosophy means a new way of thinking. A new way of thinking means we can improve society and lift mankind to a life of fulfillment. A life of fulfillment means putting to end the ego driven agenda of leaders in this country. As children, that is when we are most acceptable to change. Now you know, “the rest of the story.

  18. L.T. says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton for bring forth the Prime law a guiding light that will de-politicize America taking politics out of the game. no more political football with our lives. by establishing a government who sole purpose is to protect the citizens that become the principal reason of the government. a service based government. that people will gladly pay for.

  19. Patti C. says:

    I am so glad to be able to see a new start for America and the world. Mark Hamilton is all about honesty and love. Each human being on this planet deserves to be happy, healthy and financially sound. We can make all the people rich, including the poor. We all had the same mother and father, many years ago!
    Patti C.

  20. SH says:

    Mark Hamilton is a Genius. Your theory is so powerful!

  21. W.W. says:

    Make your dreams come true by following Mark Hamilton’s teachings and concepts. Start by listening carefully to this video. This is very REAL, and it is TRUE, and it WORKS.

  22. AnnMarie says:

    Report Spam
    I have read most comments sent to Mark .wonderful solid honest comments. I became a member of the society six years ago. I took my first step into into the Neothink world and it was the best decision I ever made in my entire life . The Prime Law is real its there to protect all of us if you really want to change. your lives then take that first step like I did you will have made the right decision .the TVP and the Prime law is the way forward.

  23. M.D. says:

    Any post or honesty comment about this amazing video , if it has connection with politician reality is pure coincidence…

  24. M.T. says:

    I back the concept of The Prime Law, because of all of the overbearing rules & regulations governing OUR society, controlling & the working masses A.K.A. blue collar workers via the ruling class makes a new rule upon another rule ,only to confuse our only basic nature in life is to make a profit without fear of being out of place only to be prosecuted by rule by the governing bodies in place as of today. Prime Law needs to be established.

  25. M.D. says:

    Mr. Mark Hamilton would win the Novel Prize for creation of Prime Law, of course no the Peace Novel Prize for making wars.
    Nowadays, is really important to implement the PRIME LAW. With the success of the Twelve Visions Party, the era of wealth and peace was here, finally and forever without Prize Novels.

  26. G.S. says:

    Imagine, with the Prime Law in place, everyone can live in Freedom and Peace. To Have, Be, and Do what You want. Happiness, Wealth and Prosperity and Peace. Even the Poor.

  27. Ron D. says:

    Prime Law government should exist only to protect the citizens from harm and promote prosperity. The way our government is acting now removing liberties buy legislation is why our fore fathers gave us the liberty of bearing arms. To protect ourselves and our families from the politicians that keep legislating new laws every year to protect their phoney baloney non-value producing jobs. The elite in our society look upon the masses as their slaves taking credit and profiting from their labor.
    Ron D.

  28. Claude W. says:

    Mark Hamilton expresses more intelligence in his manuscripts than all the legislature that has been compiled. It is time to educate the wonderfully good people in our world that they can dream and make their dreams into a reality.
    Claude W.

  29. Tyler Kuretich says:

    The beauty of the Prime Law, and self responsible individuals evolving and growing into it, is supreme. The concept strengthens and reinforces the concept of letting individuals be and become all that one can, living full potential and experience the greatness of life, without stifling, oppressing entities. It strengthens and reinforces love and communication and general cooperation with eachother in the big picture. Think of an ant colony. Many cooperate with eachother, and some do their own things, which is generally different from the “norm” and so some of the other ants could possibly get upset and want to interfere and try to force or coerce the unique individual ants to cooperate and do the same thing they are doing. Sometimes they are labled as Rebels or something similar. The point is, these ants that aren’t doing the “norm” are fullfilling their divine purpose. they are still part of the colony, but they have discovered something else within themself that they must express. Not only do these ants wish to express it, they choose to grow beyond their colony and expand. The prime law in essence protects those ants freedom to be free.

  30. Scott R. says:

    “Change your thought processes, then change your life, then change the world through Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party.” Please feel free to post this comment if you so desire.
    Scott R.

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