Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. W.W. says:

    Having been exposed to Mark Hamilton’s literature since December 2009, my life has got increasingly better ever since. The speed in which it improves, is contingent on my application of what I have read , Thank you Mark Hamilton for revealing your insights in this brilliant video !!!

  2. I.T. says:

    By removing man from the decision making process, all decisions must flow threw the Prime Law. No more ego-justice and regulation that hold the society back . The Twelve vision party will take politics out of the game. by getting government down to fundamental level that cannot go any deeper. the protection of the Individual and property that will move the government to provide protection on all level in the society. federal and state and local governing bodies must be focus on protection. their has never been a free society where people could live their life to the fullest. We call this the civilization of the universe. a new mentality a shift to the Neothink mentality where the mind become a integrating machine that uses the techniques developed by Mark Hamilton , the ability to build puzzle picture threw a creation driven life.

  3. G.O. says:

    This sounds like my version of heaven, however I fear we be extinct before this happens.

  4. Carol T. says:

    Throughout the history of mankind have come prophets. Prophets prognosticate the likely outcomes of paths taken, but more than that, they realize that all outcomes are within man’s control. Even Jesus commented both “and greater works will ye do” and “ye are gods”. Mark Hamilton seeks for you and I to recapture our power. For my friends, we have too easily acquiesced to both superstition and mass religious dogma. LEARN NOW that the time has come to throw off the shackles of fear and begin learning the NEW THOUGHT for this time in earth’s history. Everything that is needed can be created. This universe provides infinite supply. Mr. Hamilton is a prophet/creator for this time. Pay attention to what he offers.
    Carol T.

  5. Bert N. says:

    I QUOTE THE WORDS SAID TO ME BY A WAYSEER! Thank you for having the courage
    to create…
    to transform…
    to be yourself unapologetically. For without your courage the world darkens
    and suffers the absence of your light and the rest of us Wayseers who are like you would not have your courageous acts to lift us and inspire our own. Rise up.

  6. O.O. says:

    Thank you Mark for another wonderful insight. I can only hope that more people will begin to awaken their child of the past and see through the illusions created by the currant political party’s. The TVP is the only party with all the answers to solve our currant political problems. And to make all the people rich including the poor. We welcome all into the Civilization of the Universe. This has never been done before our future is here and now. Give back to the people what belongs to the people. A wise man once said ” I can show you the door but, I can not make you walk through it.” The future is very bright on the other side of the door. I will close with what I have said many times before “IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE SUPPORT THE TVP.”

  7. PW says:

    What a life changing experience! What an Opportunity! “Making all the People Rich including the Poor and the Elderly”
    Finally, the truth is out! “Held back for three thousand years” and still counting:
    The time has come for us to say “enough is enough” I invite you rise up and take a PEEK into the world of Mark Hamilton SOS. Thanks to my Mentor Mark Hamilton for this new Clean and Pure Honest way of life to Health, Wealth and Prosperity.

  8. DGFA says:

    First, I want to thank Mark Hamilton. Personally I have experienced a few shifts in my personal world that has made life better and better all the time. I dream “bigger” again. I treasure his genuine concern and love for America and people. As you listen, listen closer to hear what he is saying. The Prime Law is the antidote to get the nation back on track. It is time that we all become like butterflies and see how beautiful our colors are again. Vote for the Twelve Vision Party.

  9. DGFA says:

    Mark Hamilton is the real deal. The Twelve Visions Party is the real deal. The Prime Law is the real deal. Nothing is more important right now than getting the Prime Law amended into the Constitution. It is the “missing link” to allowing us to experience wealth, health, peace, and happiness to levels never known prior in history. No where else on Earth had limited it’s government’s power, like that of America’s Constitution over 200 years ago. Imagine adding that final piece/Prime Law-WOW!

  10. Rush W. says:

    Like most other comments. Understand and support the Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party – with everyone’s support, then we will have wealth and prosper.
    Rush W.

  11. Gregory Klatt says:

    Children are easily Mislead, especially as Toddlers. Because of their Innocence, what they See and Hear from others as Funny and Pleasant, they think it is. So upon someone hurting anothers Feelings and Laughs about it, the Toddler thinks it’s OK. The Prime Law is needed and Taught to Children as early as Toddler Age. At the same time, the Prime Law is needed in the Educational Structures where Kids learn most of the Ill-Behaviors. But the Prime Law starts in the Government as a part of the Constitution, and then filters down to the Homes. This way, Parents can Successfully Teach their Kids what’s Right and what’s Wrong.

  12. Phew! 3000 years of Government elite destruction of innocent lives. Why? So they could live off all honest productive taxpayers worldwide. Mark Hamilton I want to thank you and everyone at TVP, and the Neothink society for all you hard work in freeing ALL ordinary people worldwide from the ravages caused by the parasitical elite class of Government officials. Although we are not there yet. I am confident that the rest of the worlds innocent taxpayers are awakening. Perhaps slowly today, but very quickly in the near future. For this is an Idea (PRIME LAW) who’s time has come. Thank you Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the 3000 year old secret that will free the world from government destruction and tyranny in our future –PRIME LAW…..BRAVO!!!

  13. martin brier says:

    ive been with neothink for several years now,where would i be if not for the courage of mark hamilton,this is truly the life i was meant to lead,i can only hope more people will open there eyes to an awsome group of people who have really changed my world. thanks mark

  14. TL says:

    I have followed Mark for 20 years now. I am a young happy 53 year old man with two lovely daughters. They understand their future to be in a Neothink Society. Thank you Mark.

  15. Daryl says:

    I really think that Mark Hamilton has a lot of moral courage and tenacity as shown through his writings. The Prime Law is the only legitimate hope is a world wracked with war, poverty, sickness and death. Mentioned in the video, the Prime Law is really the only hope for humanity as it provides for legitimate protection of the individual, the nation or a contract, but forbids the use of initiatory force through any other means. With this, the Twelve Visions Party with the Prime Law, individuals and business will be able to create great values to the world without force, the threat of force or fraud. There will be a prosperity explosion unlike anything that world has ever seen and it benefit everyone, even the poor. Mr. Hamilton, thank you for giving us your writings, showing us the 3000 year old Secret and giving us the Prime Law. Keep up the great-work!

  16. MOL says:

    Wow! Everyone needs to hear the information in this video! Thanks to Mark Hamilton, the Neo-Think Society (NTS), technology, and the timing of this information delivered to you through another breakthrough, YouTube, we can all be on the same page in bringing ourselves true freedom and true liberty in a true republic! The political design is broken and the answer to fix this tragedy lies within the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)! Look at Reed/Cary for President and V.P. in 2012! Think4 yourself!

  17. Clarence L. says:

    People listen to this for what Mark Hamilton say is true. And the only way that mankind can be free is through the twelve vision party and neo-think. I thank Mark for his outlook in life and striving to free mankind from the rule of man. Thank you Mark.
    Clarence L.

  18. Max F. says:

    The prime law is better than man made law.thank Mark Hamilton.
    Max F.

  19. E.E. says:

    I hope everyone who reads this feels as I do – THAT MARK HAMILTON AND THE TWELVE VISIONS POLITICAL PARTY IS THE ONLY SANE HOPE THE HUMAN RACE HAS! How do I feel about Neothink and Mark Hamilton? I LOVE YOU!

  20. DKS says:

    Thank you.. and we NT’s love you Mark for your continued work towards “Prime Law “be amended in the constitution. Jill/Cary 2012 to be our president of USA..much love from Dr.F.R.W…with out Master KT sent invitation letter to me in 2004 though i always felt an NT,i was discovered..i would have not met you guys,7 years later.i am proud to to be a part of the most important powerful people in the world TVP” Making the people Rich and including the Poor” ..”THIS IS IT” the end rule of man..PEACE

  21. E.E. says:

    I had almost given up hope when I found “3,000 year old secret” by Mark Hamilton. Back in the fifties I found out about the “Federal” Reserve System and how far “gone” our independence was. When I saw and listened to “3,000 year old secret” a great surge of hope AND KNOWING surged up from deep inside. Now I KNOW the population of this once-great Republic will become aware of the degradation they are living in. I had been trying to “WAKE UP” for years and when I read the PRIME LAW I knew that deliverance was at hand. I am 101% committed to the Twelve Visions Party as (In my opinion) this is the ONLY SOLUTION to the many problems facing the human race today. Some day I hope to be fortunate to shake your hand and thank you in person MARK HAMILTON. Thank you!

  22. A.W. says:

    I am so happy that i was introduce to the twelve vision party, since i was growing up as a boy i always knew that there is something more to the world around me. Neothink is that something.

  23. Jerry P. says:

    Let’s limit government to the Prime Law, freeing up individuals to create values for others, to work freely and stop anyone or anygovernmental from initiating force against another. This concept is unlike any current or former government in the history of mankind. The U.S., at one time, moved closer to this concept than any other government in the history of the world. As a result the U.S. became the most prosperous country in the history of the world. Sadly the U.S. is sliding away from the freedom and liberty. Instead political elites adopts more and more manmade burdens, rules and regulations choking away everyone’s opportunity to live freely and wealthy. Adopting the Prime Law will move mankind into a wealth explosion never seen before on earth, accelerating new technologies and health breakthroughs. The Prime Law will free garage entrepreneurs in all industries to create values like Steve Jobs did in the computer industry, making ALL the people rich, including the poor.
    Jerry P.

  24. O.P. says:

    Mark, you and your father have made a difference in this world, keep up the great work. We can all assist.

  25. Richard F. says:

    I, like you, am deeply concerned about my daughter’s and my grandchildren’s’ futures, both economically and socially in a rapidly declining American Society. For more than two hundred years Americans have been the shining example of the ‘can do attitude’ against all odds. All great democracies, as ours, have fallen from within in about two hundred years from too much government, corrupt politicians with their own agendas and the loss of their moral compass to guide their way! Mark Hamilton and his late father have laid out a plan for government reform, economic growth and social networking at all levels of financial need. Please benefit both yourself and your family and acquire your complimentary copy ot the best kept – 3000 year old secret – today. You will be both enlightened and glad that you made the first step toward building a better future for yourself and everyone!
    Richard F.

  26. Robert J. says:

    Thanks mark Hamilton for the information that you have brought to my attention and me and my kids & kids kids & on. will always live by and keep in are deep mind.
    Robert J.

  27. MB says:

    Mark Hamilton is a genius and the prime law is very powerful!

  28. Gregory Klatt says:

    The Prime Law will Transform-“People Serving Government” to ” Government Serving the People”.

  29. Gregory Klatt says:

    The Prime Law and Values go Hand-In-Hand. There are Values such as, Family Values, Business Values, and Values in the Educational Structures. These are a few of them. Values are applied in every Facet of Life. The way things are now with Regulations and Man-Made Laws, Values are being Restricted and in some ways, Eliminated. With the Prime Law in place, there will be no man-made laws to Stagnate people from living the Exhilarating Life with Values.

  30. peter wooldridge says:

    A truly brilliant concept that will advance the whole of mankind, I just hope that the whole of the Worlds population can take on board these ideas and take the necessary steps to make it all happen, and the sooner the better, though I can see that the current authorities will fight to the last to prevent this happening, but if we all work together this we will win through.

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