Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Tahuti says:

    World peace! Imagine a world where the only law was that you were forbidden to cause harm to anyone regardless of shade or belief. if you over-stand the meaning behind the Prime Law the importance of sharing this video doesn’t need to be impressed anyone that clicks dislike on this video just doesn’t over-stand its meaning because if they did, they would have clicked like.. Humble thanks brother Mark Hamilton you have my support nunc pro tunc….peace and love to you and yours.

  2. David M. says:

    Perfect timing. Neothink information enriches your life. You cannot see past the veil of illusions without it. If your mind is not ready to be open you will not see reality past words. Ego-driven lives will fail now and the Essence-driven lives will experience freedom for the first time. Few may even realize what enormous benefits will manifest with the Prime Law in place, even the wise. The ignorant will continue their floundering ways and ungratefully benefit from the advantages. The Prime Law will transform civilization. It will all flow from that point for humanity and all life. This is what’s always been missing. The “silly” part taken off of civilization once and for good; the parasites will fall off the host. Thank you Mark Hamilton for making it possible and bless your kind. Your books are kept safe and dry with me. Reason will prevail because of the Good.
    David M.

  3. D.K. says:

    I thank you again Mark Hamilton and the society. I heard from my family and guess what? My sister said that she did not understand all that I was doing but that I was always the smart one. Yes the School of Geniuses works!!!! I am set free Love Peace and Harmony

  4. Zain V. says:

    Mark, You are a breath of fresh air in a primitive world. Thank you.
    Zain V.

  5. RG says:

    I’m 14 and I’m been thinking exactly about this for a few years, I couldn’t explain as well as you do. Thanks for the video btw.

  6. E.B. says:

    I have read Mark Hamilton’s books and information now for about a year and I feel that the American people need to listen to him carefully. Our lives can be changed forever just by using our common sense into what we have to do and hear from our government every day. Always think Neo Think every day from now on. ( A new way of thinking) Our way of life can change just buy using our minds more and with constant thinking of improving ourselves and making our world a better place. In time many more people will follow ( many have already). If people would just wake up and smell the freedoms that we can have to use our own minds to turn everything around. Thanks Mark.

  7. Craig H. says:

    Terrococrat leaders more often than not, do not need to use direct force to cajole and control the citizens under their thumb. The control is largely implicit – “do as we say” – or face the consequences. It is only through the rule of man that such ‘underhand’ bully tactics have any power – that rule is an illusion – built on a ‘house-of-cards’ …it is simply the implicit and unchallenged acceptance to be a sheep to the wolves. The Prime Law will wake the citizens up, to the illusion.
    Craig H.

  8. W.W. says:

    Mark Hamilton’s genius can transform the world. Read the books he has authored, and implement the ideas in his writings, and your life will never be the same.

  9. Yes Mark, I want to prosper and live happily! Everyone has been held back too long. The PRIME LAW is our only ticket to wealth, health, and peace. I world in where I want to live in.

  10. Gordon Layman says:

    The time has come for something incredible to happen. I believe that happening is Neothink and all of us who not only believe but yearn for a new government and the adaptation of The Prime Law. That all will be actually free,happy, and helping each other to accomplish wonderous things. Thank-you Dr wallace, Mark Hamilton, and to all of us on the forfront of the future.

  11. Kathleen T. says:

    The Prime Law is a unique way of governing. It simplifies government so government can concentrate on what really matters. Protecting the country, as well as its people, and helping the people prosper should be its top priorities. We need to simplify government! Remove the restrictions that hamper economic growth. Every man and woman today needs the opportunity to prosper. Changes need to be made or we will lose our Middle Class and more will succumb to poverty. The Prime Law will pave the way!.

  12. Authur L. says:

    Neothink changed my life for the better beyond my wildest dreams. Its just simply amazing, blessings to all! Thank u Mark Hamilton your labor is not in vain!!!
    Authur L.

  13. LTW says:

    The Guardian Of Doctrine, HaS kept us in bondage long enough. I found this stick in a field of wick I got so excited when I saw its trick. I made a mark that is dark to me so I will build me a world for all to se3e. I built my numbers created the word now I can write and forever be heard.

  14. O.O. says:

    Thank you Mark for another wonderful insight. The world is changing and it needs the Prime Law and the TVP. NEOTHINK will awaken your child of the past and bring you out of a world of darkness and into a world of light. And once you see the light you can never go back into the darkness. The only true power in this world only belongs to the people that live in the light. And we can overcome anything.

  15. S.G. says:

    I never realized that there could be a person on this planet who understands and explains and reveals how what and why the human race and government should aspire to be. Mark Hamilton has hit the bullseye!

  16. Erica R. says:

    To Mark Hamilton, Prime law, protect the people, rid the people of the rule of man make all the people wealthy. Change the world.
    Erica R.

  17. Kellee T. says:

    Mark, your literature are changing live daily. The prime law, the fundamental of protection will surely take us to that new dimension.
    Kellee T.

  18. W.M. says:

    Mark, I have always believe that the political leaders were not Investing 100% in the betterment of mankind. Your message is wonderful and I am very glad that our messages is getting into more home’s . Thank’s for the email about the video on YouTube. I started searching for answers when i was sixteen years old, now I am 64 years old. To this day I do not know how or why I was picked to receive a letter from you three years ago, All I know is I am glad I joined. I am Looking to buy more books. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Jesus’ Secret Message: Discover consciousness.

  19. M.D. says:

    In a simple English. This video it’s just fabulous!, simple the best!
    I really recommend to listen Mr. Mark Hamilton. Never before has there been such an opportunity for ordinary people: For the first time in our human history, they can be Rich Including the Poor!.
    «All People Rich Including the Poor» is not a political rhetoric, is not a campaign promise, is not a gimmick. It is your destiny with tvp. Jill Reed as a president of the United States, and Tom Carry as vice president.

  20. Frank E D'A. says:

    Its so beautiful, THE PRIME LAW. What does it really mean, and how will it affect the world we live in? one of my first jobs I was a cook, the frying oil was so dirty ,I thought ,for sure it would have to be thrown away. The chef walk over and put something in the oil ,and just like that, all the debris fell to the bottom. I think that THE PRIME LAW is that stuff that will make everyone but the GOOD PEOPLE fall to the bottom. Thank you MARK HAMILTON for NEO THINK .With THE PRIME LAW EVERYONE WILL DISCOVER WHAT HAPPINESS REALLY IS. T.V.P is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Frank E D’A.

  21. Larry B. says:

    What we have to understand is that our society right now is set up up to enslave the working class people to a political culture that takes everything from them. They take and take and pass out tokens to make you feel you got something when you got nothing. So an image is set up to make you think your free when you are actually enslaved. Free people should be free to make decisions for good or bad and not have new laws to say we need to protect you from yourself. Wake -up America.
    Larry B.

  22. TM says:

    Don’t just waist your life chasing the American Dream be and live the American dream.. for we back the dream and yet Americans die still just chasing the American dream, your life is valuable . There are real steps to take to make you and your children’s dreams come true it is about you and your children, do not forget about you if you do not win then who will our children look up to?.. Do not just wish on a star.. Now the political leaders want to regulate the internet what else watch us go to the bathroom…do not let them keep the control.. are you a child don’t you know right from wrong? Well then. Don’t take my word for it let your words count for the world capture…no one is so little that they don’t deserve a fighting chance…OUR WORLD WILL BE THE BEST. SIGN UP OUR LIVES AND OUR CHILDREN’S LIVES ARE DEPENDING ON YOU AND US IN A REAL WORLD OF FREEDOM PEACE,AND LOVE. I love you all. See you on the real side.

  23. Julie W. says:

    Please do yourself a favor and listen to Mr. Mark Hamilton he is the most intelligence author you will ever hear and he has a message for you that will change your life forever,.Neo-Tech and his twelve visions is the best guide in life you will ever come across. Just listen with an open mind and you will appreciate this important message. Thank you Mark for giving me a chance to change my life with your wonderful booklets filled with so much information to life.
    Julie W.

  24. Larsen C. says:

    The Neothink program has opened my eyes to the illusion of society. I look forward to upcoming installments of your book to enlighten me on the 3000 year old secret and the power it unlocks.
    Larsen C.

  25. Manuel Coria says:

    The 3,000 year old secret,The Prime Law,and the tremendous good impact it should have upon society,more wealth,better health,advanced new technologie’s,no more unecessary war’s and peace of mind and any real good in Life have been kept in the dark,since then,by ruler’s of the world.Knowing well the full potential of The Prime Law and how it has it’s effect on society without force.Instead,ruler’s of the world have maintained the human race busy in mysery,lost and distracted making it easier to control as a whole,not knowing about the truth and it’s many wonder’s Life truly has to offer.

  26. donald day says:

    Who do you listen to? Do you listen to your heart, or do you listen to the voice of authority on the evening “news”? Do you feel you are satisfied with your life? Do you feel comfortable with the way the world is? Do you feel that things just aren’t the way they’re supposed to be?
    I choose to listen to my own heart. I choose to live on the Love side of life. I choose to disengage from authority and live the way I was meant to live. I choose to be Me. I choose, all on my own. I choose to treat my fellowman with respect and dignity.
    The proposed Prime Law amendent to the Constitution allows me to live according to my nature and to re-connect with my childhood exuberance and dreams and ambitions. NOTHING ELSE WILL DO.
    The Prime Law. Read it. Focus on it. Make it the centerpiece of your life.
    In Love and Peace

  27. Tommy says:


  28. Kenneth T. says:

    Thank you Mark Hamilton for bringing us, the non-ruling class the only chance Americans have to become RICH! The Prime Law will remove the rule-of-man, no more initiatory force against the people of this nation.
    Kenneth T.

  29. Sarrjel says:

    Mark Hamilton has given me great insight to look into myself and others. Through him and the society I’ve learned to see ‘what is’ and break through illusions as well as know what is going on in this country. I know that in time the United States will lead the world through example of the prime law. The society and Mark Hamilton have been a huge inspiration to me in my writing; with the mini day system and other means, thank you Mark.

  30. T.O. says:

    Mark Hamilton -The people of the world needs the 3000 years old secret and it is only that secret when decoded will truly make humanity free and everyone will do an honest value product this means there will be no unemployment. Just think of graduate unemployment around the world and think of the 21st century graduates do not get job something is wrong . When they should be creating opportunities they are rather looking for job. YES 21st CENTURY PHILOSOPHY MUST SAVE EARTH.

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