Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. T.O. says:

    The 3000-year-old secret if applied will allow the honest people of the world to create good in this anti-civilization. This will help myself and others to uplift society. Love is the cord that binds us all. Spread the word, peace and love everyone.

  2. GW says:

    I’d like to say that the T.V.P. with no initiatory force and a country with a defense only law. Is a great thing. And here’s why. The American tax payer through blood sweat and tears has rebuilt several countries over the years. Lets just look at the last 8 years. The American Tax payer has rebuilt Iraq and Afghanistan at the cost of over 2 Trillion dollars. Then we’ll give it back to them. We could have spent 25% of that money and created the top weaponry and trained our military to be the best of the best. This would create jobs for Americans. And protect our country. Americans would rise to create the jobs.

  3. Shawn E. says:

    2012 the usher of a new age and Prime law for ALL the people !!
    Shawn E.

  4. PS says:

    This Is truly amazing, you want to be a part of this exciting experience.

  5. C.M. says:

    Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions demonstrate why protection of citizens is the only legitimate purpose of government and is the essence of law, the PRIME LAW.

  6. MK says:

    Finally! A government that protects it’s people; and the Prime Law (of no initiatory force) and protection-only, budget!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vote: Jill/Tom/TVP

  7. AT says:

    Mark Hamilton is showing us the light, ways to become the best of what you want to be.
    thank you AT

  8. BWU says:

    With the secret being revealed (Rule-of-Man) that man has been suppressed from knowing and living his and her true potential is quite shocking to me. All because competition is feared, the secret has been revealed, the rule of man dynamic will take extreme measures i.e., keep you blind, mislead, deceive, initiate force even kill to perpetuate it’s frail existence. The residuals of rule of man exist everywhere and to recognize it for identity purposes, view those who do not support the first twenty words of our natural engagement as written in the preamble of the Prime Law ” The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily, the function of government is to protect those conditions…”. Neothink, thank you for being value in life because there is nothing as genuine that doesn’t support the rule of man.

  9. ATO says:

    The Prime Law, so simple, so short and sweet, so powerful! A child can understand it’s honesty, simplicity, and relevance to living without the threat of force, as humankind has lived under over thousands of years. Time has been long overdue for the Twelve Visions Party, and the addition of the Prime Law to the Constitution, to usher America into the supremely benevolent, wealthy, healthy and peaceful world that it can be!! Like minded and kindred spirits unite now!

  10. TDF says:

    Today we can take away the “power” from the government that they should never had in the first place. Remove the rule of man, why should someone be able to rule us? We are moving past our limited society and move into the Twelve Visions World through the Twelve Visions Party. The Twelve Visions Party is the only government that will benefit all the people: rich and poor, old and young, truly everyone will benefit.

  11. DGFA says:

    To start is to thank Mark Hamilton for his dedication to help humanity evolve to the next level of conciseness to the civilization of the universe.

    Whether we want it or not we will. but it’s better to know and be a part of greatest movement ever known to man.

    Again Thank you Mark and Thank you Viewers.

  12. TDF says:

    We are ready to adapt into something completely different than we have ever known before. This new dimension is the beginning of a beautiful world where everyone can be wealthy, healthy, and happy. Join the forces already in place through the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law to help the cause, our cause of helping the people (each and every one of us). We are on the brink of something extraordinary, having the 3000 year old secret, the Prime Law, at our disposal. It is just a matter of time and people. Please join the cause.

  13. TOZL says:

    What is easiest way to raise funds for poorly conceived projects? what is the easiest way to get people to comply with requirements that conceived by others? Obviously: force people to pay for the projects, and force people to comply with regulations. Reinforce these efforts with the implied threat that armed agents will seize your assets and/or take your life if you refuse. It is hard for people to admit, but this is the underlying reality of all government action. It’s time to get honest.

  14. TDF says:

    The sooner you join, the sooner you, your family, friends, and loved ones benefit. The Prime Law is the answer to all of our problems; the Prime Law is here to lift us into a prosperous society. Don’t give away your power to this corrupt system, instead keep your power and gain from the Twelve Visions Party. 2012 can be a year of miraculous change because of the Twelve Visions Party, think about all the great possibilities that open up because of the TVP.

  15. LO says:

    Thank you so much Mark Hamilton for this powerful message. This information is vitally important to all aspect of life. There has been a massive shift in my perception and enlightenment. In simple terms, I was once asleep, however, I am now AWAKE. The totality and intention of this message is truly impactful, which resonates peace and profound awareness.

  16. MK says:

    Mark Hamilton has written that the TVP will catch on toward the end of the race; I believe in Mr. Hamilton’s Neothink Visions. After studying the “Prime Literature” I know the Twelve Visions Party is THE CURE to a 3,000-year-old disease; a disease we call the “Ruling Class”. This “Rule of Man”, way of life needs to become a “Rule of Law” way of life. Let the Prime Law, the Supreme Law, govern the people rather than flaw-filled, man enslaving us while always offering rhetoric that only fills us with false hope for our dim futures and throw entitlements at us….. Please….do yourselves a favor and read the TVP Platform and listen to the speeches by Mark Hamilton’s 3,000-year-old secret.

  17. SL says:

    This video is all in all, there is no other rule and regulation, specially ruling power can’t overtake this prime law. So everyone become a free from regulatory power with their self-guidance system, and everyone will live by their own choice, no one can’t say how any one live I am listening everyday this 3000 years old secret. Thank you Mark.

  18. CALI says:

    Mark’s comments make a lot of sense. Man is imperfect, therefore government is imperfect. We need an alternate solution to the problems that plague society. His solutions take the control out of government. Limiting government by allowing it to be mainly to be a security and protecting force gives man more freedom to pursue happiness, wealth, and prosperity. Less is more. Checks and balances are necessary , but we need less restricting regulations so we can get the economy moving again. We need honesty in government and less fraud and corruption. When government takes a lessor role, it gives man the freedom to rule himself. That is the end result, man will be ruling himself. Imperfect man will be driving his own ship.

  19. CUDS says:

    As human beings we were born with gifts. Some of those gifts include a conscious creative mind and the ability to live our dream life. Nobody has the dream of forced limitations by anyone. This is exactly what the rule of man does. Anybody who forces another against their will to limit them from the life they were meant to live will be stopped by the Prime Law. What good is a free country if you do not have the freedom to fulfill your dreams? The Prime Law allows the poorest to be wealthy.

  20. Paul J. says:

    Mark thank you so very much for revealing to me the 30000 year old secret. If myself along with others operate from the elevated viewpoint of The Prime Law man would truly live a creation driven life. The Prime Law fosters and promotes pure love, harmony and goodwill in every area of life. It provides a marvelous way of being and doing in every facet of life. Thanks again for bringing such light to me and all of us.
    Paul J.

  21. Russel C. says:

    I would love to see this PRIME LAW in place. That is why I am voting for Jill Reed of the Twelve Visions Party.
    Russel C.

  22. K.G. says:

    I am one of the many newly informed people who read the TVP National Platform and it was easy to understand and made complete sense. As soon as the Twelve Visions Party brings forth the Prime Law to become an amendment to the US Constitution, all people will quickly rise up and become rich and live happy, wealthy, healthy lives without the suppressing tyranny of a ruling class. I’m fully supporting the TVP! Thanks for the video Mark Hamilton.

  23. Russel C. says:

    Mark Hamilton has shown us the way with the PRIME LAW!

  24. K.G. says:

    This makes so much sense..–PERFECT sense. Government’s one and ONLY proper purpose is to PROTECT the people. Anything the government does beyond that irrationally requires FORCE upon the people.. forcing us to obey a ruling class. If it wasn’t for that disease we would ALL rise to prosper freely and live wealthy, healthy, peaceful lives–a new dimension the world has never known. The Twelve Visions Party’s Prime Law Amendment to the Constitution is clearly THEE ANSWER. I’m voting TVP.

  25. Michael says:


  26. Max F. says:

    We all come to these planet earth for a reason, each of us has their own purpose, meaning or who we meant to be, instead, we are control, under man made law, and left behind, our meaning and lost, silent. To learn again who meant to be is the twelve vision, from Mark Hamilton. Thank you.
    Max F.

  27. Sharon says:

    Mark Hamilton will bring peace love happiness and good health to this world!

  28. Craig H. says:

    Eureka moments happen when stored up information from the right chamber of our brain, suddenly gets transferred to the left hemisphere of the brain, in one sudden flash of inspiration. The reason self leaders are rapidly sprouting up across the globe today… is because of over thirty years of investigation and development into this phenomena – and the identification of specific ‘Neothink’ tools that lead individuals to have these eureka moments on demand, and to then snap multiple eureka moments together, into super puzzles of knowledge. The opposite of this super-puzzle thinking, as identified by Mark Hamilton is over specialization. Over specialization kills creativity and allows mysticism to take hold… in this sense… the anticivilization isn’t really a physical place, it is a state of mind (although of course it does lead to physical states)… thus, the anticivilization is metaphysically unreal and can be puffed away.
    Craig H.

  29. Gregory Klatt says:

    Only with the Prime Law, is when there will be Values in life. Especially Value Creation. I remember in the 1960’s, Values were considered the Prime to live by. then in the 1980’s I noticed Values were starting to be Disregarded. Now, Values are Disregarded in many aspects of Life. The Prime Law being a part of the Constitution will put the Government into a Service only structure, therefore, eliminating the Regulations and Laws that Prevent people from Living the Exhilarating life of Creating Values. Creating Values in every aspect of Life, from the Government to Schools to Business and Home. Even the Farmers will Produce and Create Values. People who’s Hearts Desire is to grow Fields of Maze, Potatoes and various crops can do so without concern of Regulations cause there will be none. Back in the 1960’s, I could see Fields of Crops everywhere. Now all I see is Grass. The Prime Law can and will bring Values and Exhilaration to everyone.

  30. Jack W. says:

    “Initiatory Force” ——— Hmm. The first thing that comes to mind are “Bullies!”
    Remember the legendary 98 pound weakling and the beach bully that kicked sand in his face and disgraced him in front of his girlfriend? That never happened again after he took the Charles Atlas course in “Dynamic Tension” and built up his strength to counter act that kind of aggression. The Prime Law provides that “Dynamic Tension” to guarantee protection from the bullies of the world.
    Jack W.

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