Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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The Prime Law needs to added to the constitution! Changes need to be made! Many in America are over-come by debt. Programs need to be in place to teach and help Americans reverse their debt cycle and learn to prosper. Small business should be encouraged! All small business owners should unite and support and encourage one another. It will take a team effort but all can learn to be prosperous! Government, and the rule of man, should step back, take a lessor role, and allow its people to prosper!
Kathleen T.
Thanks for everything that you do, Mark Hamilton!!!
Will the world ever know this new dimension? Will mankind ever embrace the Prime Law? Some already have and they already prosper. It is not easy to break out of the rule of man matrix. Many have and they walk among us with more freedom than most can imagine. Mark Hamilton is one of the bravest men alive. Tyrants, politicians, government officials despise his message because they feed off of man. The bondage of mankind will fall apart when the Prime Law is known and embraced by all.
Let’s take a look at that other dimension that Mark Hamilton speaks of, that The Prime Law will take us into…Ask yourself: Do you want to feel safe from Everything? Do you want an enhanced Brain function, become an absolute expert in expressing your Purpose in Life? The Neothink Society, which The Prime Law arises from, will take you on a Journey of Self Discovery, and enable you to remove the scales from your eyes that are the result of societal programming, where you will be able to SEE REALITY as it is and learn to create what you heart-felt desire! With The Prime Law as protection to free us to learn all our abilities that are our birthright as human Beings, we will rise up in happiness within and harmony with others in our lives and with our World and Nature itself = as Creators. This has what it has brought to me for the past 6+ years! Love you….
The Prime Law will stream-line and simplify government! This will allow small businesses and entrepreneurs to flourish! Currently the middle-class is evaporating and small business owners are suffering. We need a less restrictive government. In order for all to prosper, government needs to play a lessor role. We need programs in place that will promote prosperity for all. Government should prioritize and concentrate on protecting its people, which includes protecting and saving the economy!
Kathleen T.
What is holding you back? What is stifling your ability to creatively live the life that flows out of your beneficial creations that brings happiness to others ? Honesty in making a living at nobody’s expense. Well, Well. Well…………………………. Case in point; How freely can you take your art or any other creations to a Street Corner to sell it to people who want it without being humiliated and treated like a criminal by a cop who without any discretion or common sense declares you a law breaker ?Using these lens. LOOK AT THE PRIME LAW. Many Thanks M .Hamilton
Chaah B.
The 3,000 year old secret is a must read! If you want to learn the truth about our anti-civilization! The Prime Law, will cure the disease of the rule of man. Bring us back to a Government for The People By The People ! Renew the Constitution, with The Prime Law added to the Constitution. Make America, a country, that Americans, can again be proud of! An America, that our well meaning founding Fathers, meant for it to be, a country of prosperity for all . The prime Law is the Cure!
Bessie P.
Neothink transformed my life. I love Mark Hamilton!!
We are drowning in all our rules and regulations. We could have new ways of powering our cars and freeing ourselves of the oil companies if we were free to do so. But as each new invention is offered to the public, it is regulated out of our grasp. The rules that we thought were in place to help us are in fact keeping us locked in ruts of decline. Mark’s insights can show us all how to escape to abundance and peace. We can rule ourselves, and live better lives in the process. Thank you Mark!
Craig H.
I remember as a child, seeing the world as a beautiful happy place. Where everyone was rich, even me. The Prime Law Amendment is the only thing that will make us all rich and happy. Bringing back that happy memory from our childhood. I searched for a very long time trying to get back that happy exhilarating feeling. After years of searching I finally found it in the Neothink Society, and I am now living the life I was meant to live! It’s the best feeling you could ever imagine, and you can live the life you were meant to live too! Join me in the Neothink Society and get your happy exhilarating life with all the things you have ever wanted. Be the person you were meant to be. Live a longer, healthier, exciting happier life. It’s time for us, the poor, to rise up and say to the government, We Are The People and WE SAY NO MORE POLITICAL RHETORIC! WE WANT THE PRIME LAW!!!!
Cheryl J.
Will we make the personal commitment necessary to sustain the Life and Liberty of our children, or will we abandon America’s Essence, our freedom?
It’s time to rebirth ourselves.
It’s time to rebirth America.
It’s time to rebirth our Constitution.
Christopher F.
Dear Mark Hamilton
The corruption of goverments all around the world is comming to an end. Marks Literature, His Prime Law and the TVP movement will not be stopped. The people all over the world now know, can see and feel what the goverment is doing to them. Through Mark Hamilton Neothink Society the Civilization of the Universe we will live the life we are ment to. Thank you
In the words of one of my favorite “happy” songs–“you’ll be happy, you’ll be all shook up”. The Prime Law. It’s for ALL of us.
In Love and Peace
We all want to live in a world that is as perfect as it can be. We want to go towards the light which makes us feel as though we are in heaven. To see the light we must remove that which obstructs our path. As life passes we choose to make decisions for the good of our children. The issues that retard our process are never touched because of the threat of force by those who rule over us. This Prime Law is the one thing that will close the gates on this threat creating a wonderful new world.
This Information has Brought GREAT Understanding of Myself, Who I Am, and The Lifestyle of Slavery that we’ve All Been Taught to Live! RELIGION IS A LIE! Government has used Religion to Enslave people since King James wrote the bible (on the Christian side), and the Same with All other RELIGIONS! Such as Worshiping Pharoes in Egypt, Aliens, etc. THANK YOU, from the HEART, Mark Hamilton for ALLOWING me the choice to See with Open EYES!
Christopher F.
The ruler man knows that most of us don’t know our rights, the more we silent the more they build and push more law on us, if we all come together and use only the prime law, their man made law will be nothing.
Max F.
THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, and THE PRIME LAW, are the essence of NEOTHINK SOCIETY. MARK HAMILTON is a creative genius of a NEW PERSPECTIVE, in his literature give us a great opportunity to change the paradigm that for millennia has been established by the system. As a MEMBER of NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I am proud to be part of a BIG MOVEMENT. THE CIVILIZATION OF THE UNIVERSE.
Francisco A.
The more the ruler man expanding its man made law over us, the more we live in silent and suffer more, the only simple law we all need is the Prime Law.
Max F.
Look at one of the recently passed Bills that allow any citizen to be picked up if the Gov’t thinks they are a terrorist, and placed in Detention without recourse to legal or any help from anyone for as long as the Gov’t wants!!! Ladies and Gentlemen: What does it take for we who live here in our USA to WAKE UP & SEE what is going on with our freedoms becoming more limited as shorter and shorter intervals pass!!! The noose is tightening daily…I am all for a Protection Only Gov’t that the TVP will bring about. I am all for The Prime Law which will prevent any force or threat of force or coercion against us in our own Country!!! Think on all of this…
It seems a shame that an American citizen could be subjected to illegal search and seizure byjack-booted troops from an un-elected bunch of bureaucrats ( the I.R.S.) no one should be poor (this is America) These horrible things happen because our government has forgotten that ” WE THE PEOPLE” were supposed to be in charge!!!! THE PRIME LAW will fix what is broken. bep bep said that.
Bruce P.
Neothink made me feel good about myself and see the world as how it really is. Still have all my books.
If you learn this 3000yrs old secret, you will see what’s wrong with man, what they been creating wrong. They separating God from them, and create wrong things behind close door.(politics) you bite the apple because you want to see what God sees. You want to create thing just like God. the prime law is the only law for us all.
Max F.
As a member of Neothink for the past four years, I can tell you that we all need to embrace this journey into a new era. There are great times ahead and we all need to take our lives into our own hands and not stand for big government locking us down into the ruts of our current times. Mark Hamilton is in my opinion a genius and the Prime Law is, I believe what the founding fathers had missed. I have read over 3000 pages of Mark’s literature and have thought about this for a long time and I fully believe that without a doubt this is the missing link. With what is going on in our government today, the level of corruption in government and society should speak for itself, and, in my mind, only validates what Mark is doing. Join us, and support the T.V.P. Movement. It is and should be a common goal for all of us. There is a saying we all can learn from, “The mind is like an umbrella, it only works when opened”.
This is the time that we will all stick to one thing, the one thing that will restore peace back to us, all is the 3000yrs old secret.
Max F.
The creator of the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton has developed a system of living that can lift any person to a life condition where they will live with quality health, mentally physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That lifting will take place as a result of individuals acquiring, reading, and integrating ideas from the Neothink Society, into their lives. I am a living witness to the values that can be obtained from engaging in the application of this life generating knowledge.
Ogden R.
Are we going to do this over and over again, stand by the road, holding the sign that said, Kids First, when it comes to vote, the prime law is the only answer to all our problem.
Max F.
Mr. Mark Hamilton…The information that you present throughout your involvement with Neothink is not only clear and concise, it is also very timely. At an age where the individual consciousness is to be regarded as the greatest gift to humanity, you offer many timely insights in how to expand one’s knowledge and awareness to be the most productive individual that we can be to enjoy abiding states of happiness, prosperity, and love. I personally thank you for all of your efforts and please keep up the strong work. Your life and work is a continual source of encouragement!!!
Today we have arrived here a place and time in History where nothing will matter unless we the peoples stop our decay and fall into human catastrophe. Mr. Mark Hamilton’s vision and plan is indeed our one and only answer. not continue to live in this root of resignation..STAND let your mind know that you intend to rally in this cause of REALITY..where health wealth and peace is the reality of what IS…..
When it comes to vote, politics only show their good side or breed on those good thing, that will help them win the vote, but if you go back and look at their history, their history. If you look back on the 3000yrs old secret, what it will give you, the live you meant to have, no one will take it from you.
Max F.