Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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We are living in a time that I call The Global Restart. In the midst of all of the seismic shifting and upheaval there are select individuals, like Mark Hamilton, helping others pursue stability by seeking ways to reassemble the puzzle pieces of their lives. Neothink provides necessary stepping-stones guiding people up the path to a brighter, unrestricted future. Be reassured, Mr. Hamilton isn’t advocating for blind devotees of his every word. No, he is verbalizing concepts, which we all have considered, even though, born into the Matrix, challenging ancient systems, which have enslaved many, and now the minds of victims can be opened. Consequently, one can pursue their fullest potential and walk out of the prison doors of their minds into a blessed reality, a living, breathing fantasy world, based on The Prime Law. Isn’t it time you ran towards real freedom?
We as Neothink readers have one thing in common as readers which it is said in Einstein relativity E=MC2,Energy and Matter are one in the same. E=Matter and Matter = Energy. To further this concept Spinoza, concepts reveals that non mystic thoughts through out the universe become all things and all things throughout the universe becomes non mystical thoughts converted into reality thus flows the power of Zon. Now tell me as being common people who wouldn’t want to have Zonpower which simply means like attracts like.
When I joined Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society in 2006, I felt I found “The Golden Goose.” The value this society delivered into my life allowed me to see the “truth”, based solely on facts. So many positive changes entered my life. I am living my “Friday Night Essence” as an entrepreneur and CEO of my own company. Just last year, I fell in love with the man of my dreams. Most importantly Mark Hamilton has a simple solution with his political agenda to fix the economic crisis in our country!
Michelle S.
Mark Hamilton is sincere and honest about his movement
Neothink pierces the fog of dishonesty created by the parasitical elite class, akin to a life protecting lighthouse atop potentially lethal rocks.
I think Mark Hamilton Is the key to our future as a nation and civilization, no writer is as bold, creative and objective as he. Mark is a true visionary I am truly grateful for being one of his pupils and will remain so for life.
A day of thought can change the world, when and if we think! ya think!!!
The “Truth” is Neothink & TVP Changes Lives… My Name is Theodore D. Look me up on FB, I am a Real Member for 5 yrs & Counting. Mark Hamilton Literature Change my Life!!! Forever. He taught me how to “Beat” Mysticism & illusions to See Beyond to the Facts & Reality & Start & Run my own Business (Company) from Scratch. If you’re Tired of being Broke & Poor or just Struggling & just Making it… & being taken advantage of by other’s & the system, then this is your Calling to Break the Cycle of Bondage. All Celebrities & Famous People have used these Secrets to Create Great Wealth. If you ever want to be Happy & Wealthy, then these Secrets is what you need. Don’t Hesitate. If you need Help in Understanding anything Look me up on Fb. Thanks & Have a Blessed Day!!! This is a Blessing from “GOD” & what you’re been Waiting for All your Life!!!
Theodore D.
Listen to Mark Hamilton! He has the key to solving America’s economic woes! The average American can do better! All can learn how to shake off their economic shackles. The Prime Law will lead the way! Learn how to be financially independent! Rise from the ashes of your dead-end job that is leading nowhere fast! Get ahead of the debt and make a more secure future for your family! Don’t wait, start putting The Prime Law into practice today! Your future is what you make it. It is all up to you!
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party movement is taking over the world, as Mark Hamilton says, a great and wealthy new world.. ALL the people will be rich, including the poor. The RULE OF MAN is responsible for poverty in the world. Listen beyond what you are accustomed to, in listening to this audio. Believe it is possible. I am living this life and it is marvelous.
Roevel M. G.
The Prime Law. Aristotle, Socrates, da Vinci, Voltaire, Hemingway, Einstein… They knew it. You know it. I know it.
In Love and Peace
The Prime Law. Final answer. It’s OUR life–OUR way.
The Prime Law was designed and intended to be a law that will get America back on track again! It was intended, by its implementation, to bring America back to its status of greatness and benefit all it touches. The Prime Law is an inspired law, a law inspired and formulated specifically for you, for me, for all Americans. It is a law that gets us all back to the basics and simplifies government. How many laws written today can you look at and say, that is a law that will benefit all of America? How many laws today focus on helping all Americans prosper? By implementing this law, government will be simplified, “the rule of man” will step out of the way, and Americans will enjoy new found freedoms. Growing this economy and protecting this country and its citizens, is that not what it is all about? Let’s get our priorities right and start promoting The Prime Law today!
Change begins with us! We can’t wait around for the government to correct our failing economy. We have to step up to the plate and help ourselves. There’s much we can do for ourselves. Man can learn to be prosperous! Man can learn to create and to be self-sufficient! Start today by checking out the tools Mark Hamilton offers to put your own prosperity in motion! Financial independence is not a dream but a reality. All truly can rise up from stagnation and be the person they were meant to be!
Kathleen T.
I’ve been reading these books since the 90s and it has made a great impact on my life and reading them has opened my eyes to things i thought was right and after this literature it helped me know what i thought was true in my eyes and i wasn’t the only one that seen it also. If you want to help change the world for the best get involved and see for yourself and see if this is for you and don’t let someone make the decision for you.
You are right there! Men in power make it impossible for Mothers to work and earn a living. They do not care about all our children. Why do we put up with it? The tax payer pays their wages.
3000 years into falsehood is to much. Neothink Movement and Twelve Visions Party. That’s what we need. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
America has lost her way. Government has grown too big. The Prime Law, once instituted, will get government back on track. Check out this law, and more of Mark Hamilton’s writings for practical ways the common man can help himself prosper, Mark has the foresight and the vision and will give you the tools to help yourself. You have to take charge of your own life. The Prime Law can be applied to your life, as well as to this country. CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU, AND THE ACTIONS THAT YOU PUT IN MOTION!
Kathleen T.
Thank you Mark for your work on this planet at this time—I strongly support TVP and Neothink literature and becoming actively involved. TVP will prevail in the USA and change the world.
What a bomb shell the prime law! oh yes!!
Omar L.
I have read Mark’s literature for many years. I am very excited to see his ideas and movement expand to this level. The 3000 year old secret is no light matter and if humanity existed with the PRIME LAW we would enjoy great heights of achievement. Mankind would evolve like never before. The time has come for the masses to see and understand how they are duped into believing the need to be ruled by man. Corruption runs rampant with world leaders and they are running out of “table scraps” to throw to their followers. If mankind can absorb Mark Hamilton’s message they will find the ability to lead ones self and not look to authorities.
The Prime Law is very important for the nations people. Laws are enforced to control the people not to satisfy them but to control everything including the wealth. Listen to what Mark has discovered it is true go back into History and see who rules and continues to rule. They keep the poor enslaved to them and others struggling just to make ends meet.
Rafael T.
The elite are now joining with us to show us how the 3000 year old secret has guided them to reach their goals in life. There are still some elite’s that want to keep the secret to themselves continuing to keep the poor, the middle classes as their slaves to do their bidding. They use FEAR to keep us under their control and have corrupted our government through time and money. The TVP will get rid of all corruption by changing The Rule of Man to the Rule of Law. Listen and learn. WE are on our way to REAL CHANGE. Join with all of us and live in our future and leave the corrupt past behind.
We must end all access to debt for everybody. It’s just and fair.
I was searching, without knowing I was searching, when I received the literature. I stop searching. Mark Hamilton is helping me learn to integrate the universe and who I am.
The Laws of All the Governments on Earth combined do not come close to the sheer number of laws on American books. We also have more people in Prison than any other country in the world. Even those with 4 times the population…Why?? Laws get made to satisfy the extremist element, the busybody and the bored politico wannabe.
Todd G.
Prophecy is often associated with mysticism. But true prophecy is not like that at all. The guys that are able to predict the future now… simply put the effort in to integrate across boundaries… they have learned not to specialize, and to build puzzles and as identified by Mark Hamilton… when they snap these individual pieces together… they can see what’s missing pans what needs to be done… thus true prophecy is an act of creating one’s future now. An example of such is the man who has been called a modern day Thomas Edison… inventor and technologist Ray Kurzweil. By predicting the future… he has been able to develop products before the competition get in on the act. And this is exactly how Mark Hamilton has arrived at the 12 Visions Party and the Prime Law.
The People no longer support small business because the corporate giants combined with government regulations make it impossible to compete and The People’s incomes are getting further stretched so trying to stretch the income they have becomes a priority, Not supporting a local small business. Corporations have decided that Americans make too much money and are spoiled.1 Example: a Paper company’s employees overseas ride bikes to work. They bought a US paper Co. and saw SUV’s etc and freaked.
Todd G.
The weakest aspect of any political party and its lack of moral seriousness on any question… comes from the fact that politicians on the whole are yes men… they are not independent integrated thinkers… most are simpler in a lower tier of a corrupt hierarchy… and they are puppets having their strings pulled by master neocheaters… the few that hold most of the real power, that is why most politicians within a political party sound like drones. This should give some comfort. Many of those yes men will give up politics when they are offered something better, like the 12 Visions Party.