Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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It is not too much of a stretch, that to say in a sense: the connectivity of the Internet is an out growth and extension of our own neurons. Just as when we have a thought it passes across synaptic gaps inside our brains from one neuron to another… so, when we extend that same thought across the Internet we are extending the distance of our brains wiring through external means. As the Internet is now the most important source of communication in the world… how we think will shape this technology. Thus, through this means we can create a new freedom, the like of which, the world has never seen.
“Open mind” means being open to the possibility that an idea you haven’t yet considered could be true. But it ALSO means being open to the possibility of that same idea to be false.
Skepticism doesn’t mean denial – its a firewall against delusions, lies, and bullshit – a pathways to truth, no matter how terrible, how wonderful, or how boring.
The Ruling Class is grabbing more and more power… they often grab that power indirectly by over regulating the economy, through taxation and fines (and then have the nerve to tell us, this is good for us… under euphemisms such as ‘the public good’), but whether force is direct or indirect… it is still force and is immoral. If someone tries to be independent, through developing their creative essence: stepping outside of the specialized niche of anticivilization control, that they have been forced into by the Ruling Class – then they are very quickly slammed down.
Lucy B.
I agree with everything Mr. Hamilton is trying to share with everyone through his writings and his videos. I have had my share of trials and errors, trying to find the one thing that will put us on top to see what really is happening out there, and why the common people can’t seem to get ahead. Well, Mr. Hamilton lays it out very simple, to where everyone can understand it. You too will be able to get ahead once you find out why and how you have been held down by the very people (our leaders) that have fooled us for many years making us believe in them when all they want is to have control over you. Give yourselves a chance and at least learn how you can get the blindfold off of your eyes to see that there is a better way out there……I did!!!
With The Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution
I will walk thru the valley of the shadows of death and feaR NO EVIL
And I shall want no more
For I Am Protected By LAW
I think the new preamble is fantastic. He need our military to protect us from harm not make us do what some egotistical official’s biding. We are tired of being knocked down. It is time for a big change and Mark Hamilton has the perfect solution. All we now have to do is get the message out and see if we can get this installed in our lifetime.
As I look at video more, I see in details that I’m 100% focus and firm.
Remondo H.
I feeling extremely joyful right now and just passed a few words from Mark and would like to give you the first lyric from a song by an artist called Sanchez “Never try and diss the man with Angle, it is him who holds the title”. Thanks Mark from emphasizing the importance of individual contribution. I am loving every minute unfolding.
Fantastic concepts for the future of mankind, bravo!!
A revelation, a Neothink world symphony. I love Neothink like the food I put into my body and the words and actions that flow through my day. I am grateful and excited in knowing we are here in my lifetime. This is amazing. Neothink and Zonpower made me realize that I was actually right but didn’t have the proof. I was alone and everyone around thought I was made, no joke, until I was able to lock myself away, then Neothink appeared…and that’s another story. However, the weight of the words and conviction made me realize there was an army out there really thinking and living it true. These words are what I have at this moment in time to express the companionship I feel with Neothink in my life. Give thanks to Mark Hamilton – Lots of love and here’s a phrase I developed to express my joy “Cosmic Juices Labor of Fire”. Mark Hamilton I am glad you are in my life.
Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law, Now! One shouldn’t fear the future and what it must bring because the future is necessary, for without it there would be no tomorrow and inadvertently no past. One shouldn’t be constrained to the present norm if it is not correct, no matter how permanent it might seem now and how real it is within our lives. The Prime Law is only purity in its fullest sense.
Lamone J.
It has been my great experience to witness the power of reading the books written by Mark Hamilton. I have come to see unfolding realization and dynamic puzzle pieces come together to form solutions and answers to that which I was seeking. I’ve learned that most of your answers and/or solutions come within and some of which you knew as a child. So sometimes we have to revisit our childhood of the past in order to be open minded to a new perspective today.
The Prime Law. Don’t you wish it were true? A world where everyone is your friend?
Chasing after the wind! Is that what your life feels like sometimes! Do you feel like your life is going nowhere fast? Check out the writings of Mark Hamilton! Life can be more! There is hope! You can learn a new approach and solutions that will uplift your life! Mark Hamilton’s answers to our government woes will also lift you up as well as this country! Learn to be “self-sufficient”! Learn to use talents you never thought you had! Learn a better life for you and your family! Learn to prosper!
Kathleen T.
Excellent, Mark Hamilton. great job everyone needs to listen to the value and bring the true essence if what life should be in everyone!!
The problem with many in America today is: many are stuck in the same old rut! Many live “paycheck to paycheck”! If you want to break out of that mold, that rut, check out the writings of Mark Hamilton! You can rise up and change your mindset! You can learn to use your talents and find a job that you enjoy doing! Learn to take control of your life! Learn a better way and start enjoying life! Learn a new life approach, and new self-esteem you thought you would never have! Don’t wait! Start today!
Kathleen T.
Mark Hamilton is Great and the TVP Movement, if you want the world to truly and honestly be a better place then I suggest you listen to Mark Hamilton videos and view his testimonials and then join the TVP Movement.
Tom S.
Yesterdays world, man move forward in creation, and left (God behind)in their creation, in Neothink/twelve vision world, man move forward in creation, with God (Godman).
Max F.
The Prime Law is” the kiss of life….Keep It Simple Silly Give me the option of two majorities and I will control a nation Give a nation one voice and set them free.
Initiatory force. Where has it gotten this country? What has its negative effects done for America? Has it not shackled America and limited her freedoms! Our country, in its early beginnings started out right. The Founding Fathers & early leaders once promoted freedom and prosperity for all! Where have we gone wrong? The Prime Law will get America back on track again! It will remove Initiatory force and “the rule of man” from all sectors of America and free America and allow all to prosper! ,
Kathleen T.
Bottom line : Mark Hamilton is trying to get you to see yourself as a the leader you were created to be……….not a follower………stop doing so much thinking and take action over your life…you are in control of what you think and do………you have the power …….if only you believe in yourself………..don’t take all your dreams to the grave with you……………dream a little, do a little; create a lot, make a lot…………..Got it?………If not get it! Go after it………the power is within you……………….
John M.
Today’s government is “spinning its wheels”! Government could be accomplishing more! We, as individuals, don’t have to sit back and follow their bad example. We can take positive action in our own lives and make a difference. We can change ourselves! By our good examples, BY WHAT WE DO, AND PUT IN MOTION, we can change the world! Mark Hamilton has the tools to point us in the right direction! Get the tools, stop spinning your wheels, and get moving in the right direction! It all begins with you!
Kathleen T.
At 347 you talk about the valid purpose of government being one of protecting the people.You say when government goes beyond that valid purpose then it begins to push its agenda on the people so that if they do not succumb to that force the consequences can be harmful and in history have even lead to tyranny and prison. I agree, we have seen this historically; we see this today with NDAA 3031 that eradicates our constitutional law of due process and allows incarceration of citizens without trial based on accusation of non-allegiance to govmnt. How the mighty have fallen. The flaw with man in gvmnt. is the intent to interpret laws and amend them towards a particular agenda outside of protecting our constitutional rights. The Prime Law, you describe is an over-arching amendment which restores the constitution to its purpose without compromise. Protection and Freedom support each other when the rule of man pushing flaw filled laws on the people does not prevail.
This is a great video.
Lynn J.
The 3000 year old secret can actually begin now with your individual efforts… As you listen to Mark realize that the 3000 year secret is also a private individual oath you can take on your own and live by. Although the full affect will come once the nation accepts the 3000 year old secret amended to the US Constitution you can still live a very wealthy, healthy and safe life now, by getting involved.
The whole, ENTIRE world is shifting AWAY FROM initiatory force and SHIFTING INTO no initiatory force! “BUT WE NEED IT” scream the primitive forces within Us. Actually, that is the PROGRAMMING that the parasitical elite class INSTALLED in YOU! You must now remove that effect of being brainwashed by the media and other things. How can You do that? Answer: CONTINUALLY WATCH THIS VIDEO AND TAKE COPIOUS NOTES! You will be eternally happy that You did!
Patrick A. B.
Nice. Thanks so Much for sharing. Thanks for all you have done and contributed. It’s so good to be able to chill, and be free, and love, and grow and become and be liberated and creative, and true, and to share ideas and concepts and values, and share perspectives and lean, and compromise, and build and beyond.
It is time to allow The REAL Geniuses of society to FLOURISH! This video may seem daunting to the newcomer. Let Me comfort You now by telling You THIS: “View this video over and over and over again.” Why? Here is the reason why: “You will learn what is right in front of You but cannot yet fully see.” I understand that this may be hard for some of You to grasp. That is 100% OK! Just repeatedly view this video more and ever more because the more You re-digest this video, You will see more!
Patrick A. B.
Once again Mark I give you my sincere thanks for your books as I have all three of them. After reading all three I am now an unstoppable everywhere I go.