Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. andy k. says:

    If only this could happen…
    andy k.

  2. Madreemee H. says:

    As a non sheep being forced to live among the sheep.. I thank anybody who has idea’s outside of fundamental thinking.. it’s been a journey back for me researching looking hoping for something that I used to be and used know as a teenager decades ago when I had faith in the simple things just because they comforted me food a tree a cloud a star the beauty of a butterfly.. mankind is naturally drawn to those religions greed and similar things that seem to give them comfort even if they don’t overly believe in them but they have dependency on them.. if you try hard enough you are surprised to find that what you need is to believe in yourself the most!!!
    Madreemee H.

  3. D.K. says:

    The government should never force its people. We don’t belong to the government. We are quite capable of protecting ourselves. That’s why we have the second amendment, and the constitution was designed to keep the government subject to the people. The people in the USA are not subjects of the government.

  4. Shirley B. says:

    An excellent point of view and well worth the view, if you like to live free.
    Shirley B.

  5. comment says:

    Politician only pretend convince to you, Mark Hamilton and Prime Law believes you understand the rule of man to eliminate the enforcement, and regulation of Politician and Bureaucrat.

  6. S.I. says:

    THANK YOU… For the Prime Law.

  7. D.K. says:

    The word “GOVERNMENT” means “control of mind” or mind control. is anyone in favor of mind control???

  8. comment says:

    The best way we can remove the oppressive government is to educate our fellow citizens about the 12 Visions Party and teach them about the Prime Law that will protect us from the “flaw filled man”. Society has been taught to follow the authority leadership that imposes government on man. This government we have is stealing the life and labor from the citizens they are supposed to protect. We must break free from the follower mind set and become leaders of our own lives. Mark Hamilton has the vision and knowledge to help us achieve this goal. Spread the word and we will begin to see a great change take place.

  9. C.F. says:

    I am still baffled. after watching again… You are connected with the greater it’s obvious. Information like that is probably life threatening, so you are very courageous. You are a true hero.

  10. Rachelle M. says:

    In 2006 I received my Neothink Package that changed my life. I thank Mark Hamilton for the knowledge that had been in that book. I have been a follower ever since, and at the same time my own person with the mind that was given to me at birth. to know and see what will be, and what is to become to those that think other wise. We all have a choice. to make. .My choice is to have Prosperity, Happiness, and long life.
    Rachelle M.

  11. A. says:

    Creating values for the society is the Greatest Gift Ever. Thanks to Neothink and Mark Hamilton for the Prime Law.

  12. A. says:

    Creating values for the society is the Greatest Gift Ever. Thanks to Neothink and Mark Hamilton.

  13. G.P. says:

    The PRIME LAW super-charges live enhancing “dynamics”, which is in contrast to the “rule of man” which stifles life by being “static” and overly “bureaucratic.” Life enhancing dynamics will peak only when the most people have the most freedom that is guaranteed by government protection – which can only happen under the PRIME LAW.

  14. Kay C. says:

    The Neothink Society helps to transform what was into what can be. Finding the true potential of human kind and bringing it to blossom. There are so many things that people don’t understand about life’s pursuit of happiness, and the simple ways to attain the life that was meant to be. Thank you Mark Hamilton for reaching out to the world!
    Kay C.

  15. L.E. says:

    Your point is true in todays mentality. Courts, police, and jails will still be needed. You just can’t cry wolf. All who have been lucky enough to have been contacted by Mark Hamilton to study Neothink know that when one is creating values for society and operates with pure honesty and love that we will eventually not think that way. This is the way we are all brought up to behave yet we allow 535 people make suppressing laws that keep us all down. Enough is Enough and I have had it. They LIE!!

  16. Rollie R. says:

    I think it’s important to let people know that Mark’s writings are very well thought out and thought through. More reading and viewing is helpful to understand and appreciate what he’s saying. Thank you Mark.
    Rollie R.

  17. K.D. says:

    That’s the key…these days we are losing our Freedoms in this country. I too shall keep posting, keep watching…it makes an important statement and it does indeed matter. Our Freedoms have the best – the only – chance of being preserved…through the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.

  18. A.B. says:

    Mark Hamilton is leading us to the direction of an infant’s life beginning at the first moment which develops and determining the quality of life we’re heading. Guiding the entire world civilization to visualize prosperity, happiness and love. Listen and picture them and you”ll actually feel the beginning of the new dimension of life that everybody have never seen before

  19. M.B. says:

    Currently were all slaves to our rulers, and all for what ? greed.

  20. Joseph W. says:

    I have received over 16 manuscripts read them all. And to all you who oppose this, you need relook your dreams. We used have religion to keep government in check. Now we are being shown religions are also controlling entities leaving the government to have us to ourselves. Our country does not own us, we own it! Government is merely people elected to serve. But they take it to some ego power abuse they pay themselves fat to push us around. We are the people. Look up maritime admiralty laws. You are voting your freedom away. We must lock down this quake. We must take control over our government again. Not it controlling us. These are merely facts no one wants you to know. Not evil. evil is what they do. And we fall for it thinking they are doing it in the public good,. C’mon my loving people let’s use those brains. Neothink, Mark Hamilton,12 vision party are they angels you have believed in but never seen. Meet them embrace them. Support them. Thank you!
    Joseph W.

  21. N.F. says:

    With the Prime Law, there will be Values in Life. Not Value Destruction. I remember in the 1960’s, Values were the Prime to live by and no Prime Law was Considered. Then, by the 1980’s, I started to notice Values were being Disregarded. Now there is none in many aspects of Life. The Prime Law in the Constitution will then Free People to Live the Exhilarating Life with Values and Creating Values. Values in Schools and Business and the Home. Life without Stagnating Regulations and Laws.

  22. A. says:

    Exercising buying power is the great experience to every one who understand what we are doing.

  23. P.S. says:

    At first I thought this video was about some New World Order Conspiracy bullshit. But after watching this video… I realized that what he says is all true. And I agree, the prime law is the way for the world to move…

  24. L.L. says:

    Understanding humanity starts at understanding yourself. A path very known to Mr. Hamilton it seems 🙂 Global sanity is expanding faster everyday, and will one day probably overcome the massive influence of greed we experience today. Still, this mind-battle isn’t even near finished, since the mixture of psychology, medicines and marketing will reach new unknown levels in the upcoming decades, and will certainly not be in the advantage of the majority. Grouping up with people as Mr. Hamilton, will be according to myself, our best chance to overcome the materialistic imprisoning most of us suffer as soon as possible. Sanity will be our only true flashlight to lighten the things which the oppressing parties don’t want you to see. Thanks for adding a bit more hope to my life, Mr Hamilton 😀

  25. W.Z. says:

    Just watch it

  26. T. says:

    It is in fact so, that the greatest enemy of the population is it’s government itself. If a government is long enough in power it will have developed a very tight mesh-work of laws from which no-one has a chance to escape. They will curb your freedom (what all governments currently do) they will take your money (what they also currently do) so that you are unable to move. The dream that democracy is the best way to govern people is currently crumbling. Even the democratically elected leaders are robbing the population that has elected them. There is no hope to ever escape this system.

  27. C.F. says:

    We’re rather constrained at this moment. Because we believe that money is the only energy worthy of exchange, and that is a lie. You’re a soul. Your thoughts and emotions are real and effectual. Your interactions with others create the harmony of love or the friction of fear/anger. Most people are ignorant about this so we’re on a very negative path.

  28. Graig H. says:

    Depoliticizing society can never happen under the old paradigm. As Mark Hamilton says: why would the libertarian party fail? …even though its goals seem to be aimed in the same direction as the 12 Visions Party. It comes down to the 12 Visions themselves – those Visions are the missing stimulation, that is needed for minds to rebel against the old dimension. Without that stimulation, however noble the libertarian Parties aims, the party does not stimulate us at a deep psychological level. What is more, however noble its intentions, without the Prime Law to act as protection against ‘flaw filled man’ – the party would almost inevitably corrupt itself.
    Craig H.

  29. Kathleen Thompson says:

    There’s no doubt about it! Implementing the Prime Law and freeing the geniuses of America, may be America’s last hope! The Prime Law when added and instituted will put the brakes on a spiraling out of control governement! No more blocking inventions that can benefit all!! Government will be directed to rescueing the economy and work for the common good!! We have to implement change now before things get out of control and we have are forced to operate on an emergency mode. Do the preventive pre-planning work now, or we may be left with picking up the pieces after everything falls apart. That is where America is heading fast. We can look around and see clearly for ourselves where “the ruling class” and elite have taken us all these years! It’s time the ball game is changed up! We need real answers and real solutions and a new direction! Starting with The Prime Law is a great beginning!

  30. N.F. says:

    Force and war are unnecessary and unacceptable. Let’s focus some thought and concentration on a society of peace, prosperity and creativity.

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