Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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Man would foolishly never allow this to happen. (MAN) created and maintained “government” which some of us are smart enough to realize is corrupt at every angle but societies are still brainwashed and individuals will always be opportunists. See the ugly truth is simple; man’s intelligence is ultimately an incurable disease that infects man with delusion, greed, selfishness, jealousy, spite, hate, prejudice, racism etc. The law is perfect, perfect is something man can sadly never be.
The more I hear and see what is going on in today’s world, the stranger it gets. Truly people can see what a big mess the world is in today. Now is the time to learn about the Truth. Mark Hamilton has written many books that do just that. Do yourselves a big favor and read them. You will learn all about yourself and become your own leader. You will no longer want someone else to lead you, You will no longer Blame anyone for their mistakes. You will learn the truth about everything. All of your questions will be answered. You will be able to grow mentally. You will no longer feel guilty about anything. You will desire a much better world to live in and bring your children into. The first step to leave all of the current corruption behind in to vote the TVP into our new government.
To be fair the prime law is basically the foundation of most laws.
I have always looked and searched for things to benefit all humanity. THIS is the golden key to benefit all.
All that was obvious to me. Now, how does he plan to do that?
Ricardo R.
Just too great to watch this video and it always tells you and gives you hope.
Phoinix H.
Author Mark Hamilton explains correctly that our trust in flawed men to lead our government has lead to poverty and suppression of the individual. The more oppressive and powerful the govt the more the individual is held back from prospering. By limiting govt power to protection only or self defense the rule of man ends. No more can a govt pick winners or losers, pick one group above another to “help” or “punish”, exercise force against individuals or business they don’t agree with. He has founded the Twelve Visions Party to end the power element in politics or rule of man. Limiting the power of government to protection only will effectively end all the other bankrupt and corrupt purposes of government. The individual will be allowed to innovate and prosper with govt off his/her back. This will make all the people rich including the poor as the TVP says.
Joe G.
One important thing that I have gained from Neothink and it is huge. I am a free thinker. I am not blindly following the media or what is being told to me. If don’t understand something I will be open minded to listen to the reasoning until I either understand it or can verify it is b.s. Thanks Mark Hamilton. For sharing with us who know there is something more.
By becoming a value creator, you are fulfilling your universal essence: you are switching your mentality to a new dimension… a dimension that psychologically disconnects you from the Rule of Man. But within this specialized dimension of parasitical elites, value creation becomes difficult. Indeed, the parasites have ‘dined long and well’ spreading into every industrial nook-and-cranny (could a Bill Gates like entrepreneur succeed today?). The Prime Law is desperately needed to protect civilization from the parasites. The Prime Law, in combination with Mark Hamilton’s ‘Friday-Night Essence’ business tools – are the needed remedy, to take us to a new dimension.
Every time I watch and listen it gives me a wonderful sense of feeling. This is a great value to tell all who watches and anyone who should be watching this video. Mark Hamilton does what everyone should be doing, which is to carry our world into a bright and never-ending future. As we watch current events and speculate what will happen next, the Neothink Society is looking toward creating a future of wealth and happiness. The world needs to thank you and support the installation of the Prime Law for a better world.
Every journey begins with a single step. My saying is, do you want to keep slaving away in a system that is working against you? Pulling hours of sweat and tears just to in the end receive income that is below your living standard?
Just questions to ask yourself. don’t ask me, or anyone for the solution, it’s your responsibility if you want to see change. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Ghandi. Be independent, man.
Wow! I always get a general feeling of Peace and general well-being from watching this video from Mark Hamilton. The more I hear it, the more it makes Universal sense to me for every person on the planet. It’s the only idea I’ve ever heard that simply fixes everything; … even the biggest problems that mankind has ever faced for over 3000 years on Earth simply disappear. Without anyone having to raise a finger, as if overnight, simply eliminating guns ‘n fists-backed politics throws the fish-net of human darkness off of all conscious humans, who otherwise can’t escape unhappiness and struggling on their bellies to the death under it. I’ll be spreading this hope toward all 7 Billion members of the Occupy Wall Street 99%, wishing that they hear this as their spring plans gather momentum. Love of life and Freedom to us all!
Well said and spot on.
Until the day comes, when, all the governing bodies throughout the world, abide by the Neothink Society’s Prime Law, some governing bodies will continue to bully, torture, or even kill some of its citizens, simply because they openly disagree with its way of governing.
Realize that under the control of initiatory force, individuals are forced into value production, rather than value creation. Value production does not create anything new. It’s the stagnant specialized rut of most businesses today. As Mark Hamilton shows… the one exception today is the computer industry… where prices rapidly free-fall… indeed, it is not only a geometric trend it’s an exponential one. Preventing initiatory force would release that creativity in every industry.
Craig H.
The Rule of Man inherently, punishes the many, because of a few, in favor of a few or to expressly empower the man or men, that make the rule. That is the way it has been for 3000 years or more. This describes the upside down paradigm we live in, which favors the few at the expense of the many. Understand, Mark is not saying, no rules at all. There are many rules we need in order for society to function efficiently. Like, the rules of the road, for instance. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Carl J.
Understanding consciousness comes from understanding the Universe. Frank R. Wallace in his stunningly beautiful ‘Long-Wave’ article, pulled together and understanding of the Universe and the nature of consciousness within that Universe, that left those who read it – struck dumb and open mouthed. Consciousness is the creative force of the Universe, that controls the Universe… by manipulating the other ‘two’ forces – energy/matter. The Ruling Class kills that creativity and thus one could say those rulers are making war on the Universe.
Craig H.
We all agree to those rules so we are not crashing into each other all the time, right? But, once enforcement of the rule of man takes on a coercive nature through initiatory force, that my friends, violates the prime law. I will demonstrate the implications of the Prime Law here.
Carl J.
Creating values for society is what I have always stood for, been recognized for and not valued for VALUES i CREATED FOR MY FELLOWMAN. WHY? That is what Mark Hamilton stands for: VALUE THE CREATORS. After reading Mark Hamilton’s Master Books, I saw the light! society values my achievements and I ask myself, “Do they understand the values I’ve delivered to others that mean more than a plaque on the wall? I love my brother Mark Hamilton. He is in reality a true Neothinker. Wasn’t that what Master Jesus was too? I am convinced because I am a Neothinker. Thank you Mr. Hamilton.
As Mark Hamilton explains, the Prime Law, effectively eliminates the rule of man, in favor of a natural law that simply allows mankind to be good and the best we can be. If you haven’t noticed, many, if not all, manmade laws are pretty dumb. By nature, they assume you’re either stupid or just plain bad. Think about this for a second. If you’re just plain bad, you will do bad things regardless.
Carl J.
There is more to the Prime Law than living free. It is about the meaning of life. For example look at a colony of ants. They all work for the survival of the colony doing the tasks they were meant to do. That same concept pertains to the human race. We all have a purpose which is to create, the side effect of conscious beings. Without threat of force, the purpose of the Prime Law, these actions would become natural. Everyone would be happy and wealthy not only from their creations, but the creations of others as prices fall.
Many of the laws are set up in such a way that in order to survive at times, you must figure out a way around them. There is no intent to do harm or commit fraud, you are not committing initiatory force upon anyone. Most laws also make you a criminal before any crime is committed. The assumption is that you might or you will. See, you’re not allowed to be good.
Carl J.
Where would I be without Neothink information… still directionless, uncertain, and destructive. The literature takes you on a unique journey and illuminates the dark cave of the mind. Paradigms beyond the conditioning of the masses could ever see by themselves. You too can dump stagnation and join the liberation of consciousness.
Will conscious human beings continue to make mistakes under the prime law? Yes we will. Remember, as a result of being conscious, we have the ability to respond differently to make it right. The act of responding differently is a nature given ability that allowed us to become conscious. Responsibility is therefore the very essence of ‘Being”. Simply, aware of good and bad, right or wrong. Our very nature is to respond, given new knowledge. That’s what makes us human and therefore good.
Carl J.
It’s not absolutely clear in this clip how prohibiting initiatory law can eradicate the immense global problem of poverty and create wealth. It is only clear on how this helps to preserve democracy and freedoms. I do agree with Mr. Hamilton that ‘poverty’ did not always existed in human civilization in the ancient world, and that the modernized, industrialized world has accentuate poverty to a very difficult and complex stage of development entrenched within the global economy. Simply said the producers / workers that is now everyone’s role has too little willingness to give and too much avarice to satisfy, and takes delight in a pecking order or who have and who have not. …to be thought about and continued…
Zedar T.
We need the protection the Prime Law provides. It will once and for all allow us to be good and the best we can be. It protects us from others that do not get it. Others that have unmanaged over sensitivity’s whom fear you might act as they themselves think. Others that, because of their misguided thoughts, education or genetic predispositions, arbitrarily decide that they are qualified to make the laws.
Carl J.
Ancient and modern Government text books describe “Anarchy” as the best, or most perfect, form of government. So far, as the ages have past, nothing has come to pass to implement the absence of the rule of man until Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law to permit the creation of unprecedented wealth. Order your free booklet now and help us encourage and promote the arrival of a new and golden life-on-earth era.
John L B.
We have seen that throughout the ages, that most times, it is those that make the laws, break the laws. This is why, most laws make no sense and the Prime Law appeals to what we call, common sense. That is because, unequivocally, it is a law of nature. The beauty of Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law amendment, is that it will not only control governments, but the law makers as well. It is the ultimate protection for all fully conscious human beings.
Carl J.
You Mark Hamilton, You are a special person .You are a genius. I believe what you are doing and support you. Neothink is the answer to humanity.