Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. W.W. says:

    Neothink came into my life at just the right time, I was unhappy, lost, depressed, un-sure of so many things, even though I had a good head on my shoulders, I had so much crap blocking the true power of my mind. Neothink saved my life to be honest about it, I began to change so quickly after I began reading and integrating all the knowledge from the first book I read through. I never read anything like it, Neothink helped me to make a lot more money, save my relationship with the woman I love, and become the man I always was destined to truly be. The knowledge is priceless that I learned and continue to learn from the Neothink books.

  2. I.C. says:

    I do want all of you to know that I first was introduced to Neothink (a new way of thinking) in 2007. Before that I was not happy with life. There was too much abuse, lying, cheating, stealing and murdering. Hard to live in a world like that. Then I met Mark Hamilton and through his mentoring I learned what life really is. I am now a self-leader and will never want a leader again. Someone that leads you has the permission to do it right or do it wrong. In our case, our government. Look around you and see what they are doing and we are paying for. Vote the TVP in and we will have a beautiful world. The life we are meant to live. Honest, Healthy, Happy, Wealthy and Loved.

  3. donald day says:

    Have you ever wondered why humanity has suffered and struggled all these thousands of years? Most of us understand now that we’ve been controlled and manipulated since the beginning. We’ve finally matured to the point now that we know that it’s time for a fundamental shift in the way we think and live, and that shift includes The Prime Law, The Twelve Visions Party, and Neothink Radio.
    It just amazes me to see how much progress mankind has made in just the last couple of years–all the power elites that are coming down, all the success stories all around the world of people of people turning their part of the world right-side-up.
    We’ve come a long way in the last couple of years, but we still have a long way to go.
    This is the most amazing time in human history. We’ve come a long way but we still have a long way to go and not much time left on the clock.
    Jill Reed and Tom Cary at the drivers seat this November will be the most life-changing event the world has ever seen–if we make it happen. That’s a big “if” but I’m Starting to think that it just might happen.
    In Love and Peace

  4. Graig H. says:

    When our paradigms change we change… this is never truer than with our psyche. The shift from Aristotle’s geocentricism to Copernicus’s heliocentric view… was not a shift in reality – reality does not budge – it was a mental shift of our consciousness. As we go through these mental shifts we enter new, never before known mental dimensions, that take us closer to reality (another example is the shift from Young Earth Creationism to Darwinism) …the next major shift in consciousness is happening… the shift from the Rule of Man to the Prime Law… leading to the rule of individuals over themselves. These major shifts are not collective, they are individual and are chosen. That is why some people still remain ‘stuck’ in old dimensions… such as Young Earth Creationists.

  5. Ogden R. says:

    I encourage all those who have not had a chance to read any of the literature produced within the Neothink Society. One book I suggest reading is The Neothink World, by Mark Hamilton. There are many other books within the Society that you may want, also to read, but whatever choices you make, please add (Neothink World) to your studies. For, the values that are contained within this book, will guide anyone to greater success and happiness. The book will “blow your mind”…in a positive way. Please allow me to briefly explain; the expression (blow your mind); it is an expression some of us used, that were living in that mind expanding era, to express the idea that, some of the things that people become aware of, would rapidly expand the individual consciousness to a level of awareness that was never experienced before…like Neothink knowledge.

  6. Craig H. says:

    We live in a bizarre world… where we are told all cultures are equal and one should not judge. A bizarre world where for example: the feminist Germaine Greer can support the cutting of a child’s genitalia with a sharp stone (in the name of religion) …because it is part of their culture, and Where the liberal democrat politician Shirley Williams (on an episode of Question Time) can respond to the question: ‘Is Salmon Rushdie’s knighthood an insult to Muslims worldwide’ – called it bad timing and a deep offense against Muslims… and seemingly having no concept of – freedom of speech. I am no fan of knighthoods… but I am far more offended at the wests surrender of common sense to religious bullying. The Prime Law is desperately needed to ground humanity in a dimension where common sense trumps insanity.

  7. Craig H. says:

    The Ruling Class has no shame. They think their position of power, gives them the fundamental right to treat the ‘lowly’ working class as slaves. We live in an unnatural divide and conquer civilization… our minds are conquered, from an early age we are constantly told “you can’t do that” …this slowly destroys are imagination, and destroys our big pictures of life, and we become divided from our true self. It sets us up for a life of control by the parasites in power… as we constantly look outside for answers, instead of inside. Once our minds have been corrupted, the ruination of our bodies quickly follows. It is time to make a stand and say enough is enough.

  8. Gregory R. K. says:

    The Prime Law will bring Happiness, Peace and Prosperity for everyone Year Round. Even the Poor.

  9. B.T. says:

    The government we have now has limitations on an individual.

  10. M.W. says:

    The prime law has no limitations to an individual.

  11. Lila says:

    Living in Prime Law principles will bring in the sort of happiness, peace, and joy that this particular Holiday Season is capable of for us all, daily–> So Happy Holidays as we move into this supreme New Year! Love you ALL!

  12. Julie W. says:

    I want to thank you for giving us a chance to be with you and the and the Twelve Vision Party and hear all the good things you have to say.
    Julie W.

  13. W.K. says:

    With on-going appreciation for having bold and knowledgeable people such as Mark Hamilton, deliver values in the form of well researched and composed concepts, is a great benefit to all. As Mark spoke of the “Prime Law” being the guiding principle that will keep each person clear minded so they will deliver maximum values to society, and in so doing, life will be better for all.

  14. S.L. says:

    I do like listening to your message, thank you for doing what you do 🙂

  15. D.K. says:

    The “Prime Law” concept is certainly a different way to look at governing. It is quite a radical change to the status quo we have become used to from the concept of our country. It is a simple way to look at governing. Much as “love thy neighbor as thyself” concept. Is mankind ready for a change this drastic, only time will tell. I would like to hear more about the “Prime Law”. It is a lot to digest and certainly makes one think. How can a law so general in nature work for the whole populous?? How can replacing our current system of laws and law-making with the “Prime Law” work?? The Twelve Visions Party sounds interesting. Checking out their platform wouldn’t be a bad idea. The current system is not working. Maybe they have something new to offer, and some new solutions to our country’s problems.

  16. Graig H. says:

    Through grotesque mind warping mysticism: we have psychologically set ourselves up, to live in a failed paradigm, that distorts our creative ability. We are at our happiest when creating values, but most of us are trapped in a routine rut… unable to grow our minds beyond division of labor – value production. Mark Hamilton has made the distinction between the division of labor, and our Friday Night essence. Following our creative essence grows our psyche… following routine rut division of labor, shrinks it. This ‘stuck-in-a-rut’ thinking, scrambles the natural creative ability of the mind.

  17. H.V. says:

    The Neothink journey with Mark Hamilton has open up the door for me of living the life i was meant to live. The Prime law will lay the conditions for millions of genius of society to create and solve all our problems in the areas of Medical business and technology. Thanks mark Hamilton.

  18. Gregory Klatt says:

    The Prime Law should be taught to even the Youngest Mind- The Infant.
    At birth, the Infants Mind is as empty as a unprogrammed computer, but has this Deep Motivational Drive and is Learning at a Magnificant Pace, with their Six Senses.
    Therefore, it’s up to the Parents to Live the example as well as teach the Child. As an Infant and Toddler they have no sense of whats Rational or Honest. By Teaching them Values and the Prime Law, Mostly living the Example as Infants and then also Teaching them as Toddlers they will have a early start at Creating Values and living a Exhilarating Life.

  19. Steven H. says:

    If we can take the time to not only listen but to fully digest the life changing words that pure truth and supreme knowledge spokesman Mr. Mark Hamilton shares with us ,your life as you know it today will completely change for the better . The direction that he’s trying to take you and us in is supreme knowledge wisdom and understanding of oneself and other human beings, to become one with one’s self mind, body spirit and soul equals the nature of God! It is written that God made man in the image of himself, we have just been being fed the wrong food and eating from the wrong plate!
    Steven H.

  20. T.U.L. says:

    I just finished channel surfing some of the people that have commented here. There seem to be something very common in the channels of the commenter – I read about cures for cancer, D. Wilcox talking about loving each other, people describing life changing events. It seems that sustaining life is a primary topic of Mark Hamilton and TVP fans. What a contrast to what we see today in so many aspects of our health care in govmnt. If it is possible to turn the page of war into life an peace, I’m In.

  21. Kathleen T. says:

    Simply put, you are saying: Simplify the role that government is playing in our lives. Limit the government to a role of protection and as a role of security force only. Substitute our current laws for the “Prime Law”. Eliminate the current system of making laws by removing the role the House and Senate play. Remove or outlaw the act of initiating force by any person or group which includes the government. You are suggesting that this simplification of government will free man to pursue prosperity and bring wealth to all men. Also, as I understand it, it is the role and goal of The Twelve Visions Party to elect a president who will direct all these changes and bring all of this to pass.

  22. Erik says:

    Watching this videos that of MARK HAMILTON and others is such an excellent appreciation to all our PREDECESSORS to ALL PRIME MOVERS WHO EVER LIVE and breath taking action each day is to honor this GREAT SOULS. NOTHING IS MORE WORTHWHILE to be in the trench with you.

  23. Graig H. says:

    Go back 40 years and anti-aging seemed as likely as ‘fairies at the bottom of the garden’. But there has been a shift. Anti-aging is no longer a fringe idea. It is a large part of modern medical research. However, as Identified by Mark Hamilton, the cure for aging is an effect that follows two specific causes – which are: 1) the de-politicization of politics to remove the main impediment to radical research… regulating bureaucrats, who have a vested interest in controlling what research is allowed, and 2) switching the psyche of individuals, so life is no longer a burden. Some of us are aware of the decades of extraordinary nitty-gritty effort that has allowed the arrival of the 12 Visions Party and the Prime Law. That effort is now being mass Marketed to millions…. and is an unstoppable juggernaut.

  24. N.F. says:

    If you are looking for answers, you’ll find it here. Listening to Mark Hamilton will give you the full capacity to accurately understand reality. Knowing the 3000 year secret will release your full capacity and prosper.

  25. Mark W. says:

    We revoke the right to initiate force from all government owners and all government agents.
    Mark W.

  26. G.G. says:

    If you are looking for answers on whatever you need in your life? Now you have found it through Mark Hamilton. He’ll lead you the new dimension that you will have the full capacity for accurately understand reality. Expand your curiosity and listen to Mark Hamilton and you will find what you’re looking for.

  27. E.V. says:

    Government & nations are just concepts we create, only individuals exist. I agree with what Mark states; unless self-defense or protection of others from the initiation of force is the issue, force shouldn’t be an accepted means of getting what you want.

  28. W.K says:

    Neothink has been exactly what I’ve been looking for in my life. Through Mark Hamilton’s Heirlooms, Clubhouses and the TWP, I’ve been able to progress in every aspect of my life. Relationships, monetary, health and most of all vision. Vision of a whole new wonderful life that is out there in this wonderful Universe we all live in. I HIGHLY recommend you get involved with Mark’s teaching and obtain and read his Heirlooms. It will change your ice FOREVER! Trust Me!!!!

  29. Ron C. says:

    “The purpose of human life is to be happy” I agree with most of the things he say, but our goal as humans is not to be happy, and that’s the sad truth
    Ron C.

  30. D.K. says:

    Mark Hamilton spoke of it and you ask how is that possible for me. The TVP party eliminates mandatory fees and taxes, by reducing the size of government, eliminating subsides and other programs that are not working. These rules and controls were put in place were put in place by representatives in our government. You will be free to develop your individual talents to create the wealth and values you desire. These values you create can be enjoyed by others and keep on growing in this new civilization. You will not be alone, information and mentor help will bw available to support your success. This wealth you will also realize thru happiness in all areas of your life. A positive life. The TVP party puts in place the way to make this happen.

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