Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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As long as civilization is allowed to progress on a technological/scientific forever upward curve… then it naturally follows that civilization becomes less and less specialized… for example: Aristotle was more specialized than Francis Bacon… Bacon by simply living in a more technologically advanced time, new more than Aristotle…. and as a natural progression Galileo was less specialized, or more integrated with reality than even the combined knowledge of Aristotle and Bacon.
In many respects this is the best of times. The ability to integrate knowledge like never before in history, is already breaking down our need for bicameral follow the leader instruction. We are already revolutionizing our minds by ‘plugging our brains’ into the Internet. It is almost the perfect tool, to allow the integration of knowledge across otherwise specialized boundaries, freethinking bloggers don’t tend to specialize… they integrate knowledge across many sources. It is hard to see how the parasitical elite can survive this technological/mind revolution.
Joe R.
Iran is an example of an extreme contradiction between modernity and Dark Age mysticism. With the nuclear ambition of Armadinejad, and his proclamation that ‘Israel should be wiped of the map’… mixed with his messianic proclamations, leads to a deeply disturbing cocktail of modern weaponry, mixed with Dark Age thinking. Armadinejad believes that the World will be saved, after collapsing into chaos… a chaos that he will be happy to encourage. The Prime Law/12 Visions is the antithesis of such chaos, and is the protection that will be needed to defend against such Rule-of-Man madness. The younger generation within Iran, are ripe for accepting the Prime Law – they are largely secular and have had enough of religious bullying.
Rule of man is what infects people with diseases such as anger, jealousy, greed, the need to control others, etc. By eliminating rule of man through the Prime Law we free our minds to serve our true purpose in life through creation. The ability to create allows us to control our own happiness and wealth.
The main point to digest though is that the Prime Law is NOT like any other law. It is the only law with no antecedent… there is nothing more fundamental, it is the foundation. Because it drills down to the nature of the individual at the most fundamental level… it removes the potential for initiatory force, driven by Flaw-Filled-Man. Not only is the Prime Law the guarantee protection from initiatory force, it is also a guaranteed protector of itself… in other words, the Prime Law – protects the Prime Law.
There is no such thing as a collective thought. Wherever you identify a flaw-filled-law, take note that the law began with a thought – a flaw-filled-thought of an individual. It may of course be true, that the decision to carry out the law… was decided by vote of a committee, it may even be true that more than one individual initially came up with the idea… they are however, individual thoughts and are individually, potentially flawed. Thus, the protection of individuals from other individuals through the Prime Law… is not a protection against the committee, or group, or tribe – et al… but against the flaws of individuals, the microcosm of one.
As identified by Mark Hamilton: Establishing the Prime Law and the results there of – is not a hypothesis… needing to be tested. The degree by which flaw filled man is removed – taken out of the potentially corrupted decision making… is the degree by which individuals within any society can rise from their knees, to fulfill their creative potential. The flourishing technology that came out of the US, built on a nearly flawless document – contrasted against the power grab of a despotic king, a flaw filled man… but, all men are flawed, and that includes Jefferson and Paine. The Prime Law is the ultimate protector of the individual, against flaw filled man.
Craig H.
A yet unseen outgrowth of the establishment of the Prime Law, will be the merger across boundaries, from many otherwise specialized disciplines. This merger will lead to unimaginable super technologies. This merger will lead to a synergy that will go beyond the sum of the individual parts, of any otherwise specialized area. It is this synergy that will lead to – until now, unimaginable technologies, puzzle pieces of reality that are hidden from our view because of specialization. Where this synergy is particularly needed is in the area of medicine… in the race against killer super-strain viruses. This collapse of specialization traps, will also lead to the collapse of country boarders… and ultimately a universal one currency money supply.
One could say that a measure of how free a society is… is the degree by which it approximates itself to the Prime Law. The two extremes on a scale of such an approximation would be the comparison of North Korea to the United States. North Korea is an example of the destruction of The Prime Law to the extremist degree possible; one could hardly imagine North Korea pushing this extreme much further, without imploding on itself. One can hardly imagine the horror of living in a society where the ego is so utterly destroyed… where all one does is praise the ‘Dear Leader’ from dawn till dusk. Both societies do have one thing in common… neither have explicitly identified the Prime Law. That is what is necessary… until a society consciously and explicitly identifies this law and applies it… it will always have the potential to slide down the scale from freedom to tyranny.
The new Twelve Vision’s Party is an answer to America’s economic problem’s, the T.V.P in contrast to other parties has the potential to bring dramatically good result’s for our economy. America will return completely to it’s super power status again and surpass that. The T.V.P and the Prime Law overarching the U.S. Constitution will provide a greater platform for the economy, combined with the Neothink Society producing human asset’s with it’s ancient knowledge is an unstoppable combination for prosperity in America.
I agree that man is his own worst enemy. Ego, creates greed and power lust, particularly when a man experience triumph over others by using it. Man’s weakness is that once he has this “power” over others (witness KimYungLi now deceased), he has no viable means or reason to backtrack from what he started. UNLESS, he has an epiphany of sorts, into true reasons that equality is in fact a prime.
The “world is changing”, and I’m glad to be a participant in the change. As an example of change; just this past holiday celebration time, I had the pleasure to get some very valuable education on self. Educating me about aspects of the human-being that I never knew before. This experience was building more “puzzle pieces” to answer questions that lingered in mind for many years. I want to thank the Honorable Mark Hamilton for helping me to begin to build , and integrate facts, to form the “big picture”
Yea, the prime law sounds sweet but just like any other law, man breaks laws subtlety, manipulation, greed. the governing body will only work if those people are void of love of money and power, not control of sex drive thereby not able to be manipulated or bribe or blackmailed to meet some group or persons self-lifting desires. Yea people start out with great innocent intentions to help mankind prosper but most will fall through beggarly elements in the world already. Until man is taught and excepts the way to conquer the Beggarly elements of the world and accepts his identity and how they fit into the world for purpose then it won’t work and nothing will.
Of course the ruling class oppress, but without revolution it is impossible to remove the ruling class, knowledge is power and it is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding that causes inner wealth and happiness.
Don’t look toward the external for the cause of evil (except in the case of what you teach children). The real cause of evil is a self infliction… allowing the mind to collapse into a sea of moral relativism – the belief that their are no absolutes, no universal principles. An example of which is the belief that all cultures are equal, and thus one should not criticize, this itself is evil because it can lead to totalitarianism…. the unwillingness to criticize Islamic fascists over a few ‘blasphemous’ cartoons for example. Only look to the external in one sense, for the cause of evil… what adults teach children. Are you going to teach your child universal principles (The Neothink Discovery, by Frank R. Wallace), or are you going to poison their mind with anti-reality mysticism, for example: the difference between astrology and astronomy, or alchemy and chemistry, or Adolph Hitler and Thomas Jefferson.
My prior comment is meant to bring to light that the American tax payer is being taken advantage by the ruling classes. First and foremost the ruling classes who are supposed to represent us are actually enjoying a life of royalty with out consequences. While you and I are paying the tab for all of this. I think it is a sad reality. I believe in Mark Hamilton I believe in The T.V.P.. I believe in the truth. We have a chance to make actual change. Something we can be proud of something the next generation can be proud of. Thanks for listening.
Hello all, just a bit of info that the T.V.P. is needed now and the Prime Law. If you go to how many U.S. Senators and congressmen are convicted felons. You will be surprised to see that in 1999 the number of Congressmen that escaped tickets and a variety of driving offenses from speeding to DUI do to congressional immunity that number is 217 members of congress. Here in 1998 the number of Congressmen who were arrested for drunk driving but were released after claiming Congressional immunity that number is 84. This would not happen with the T.V.P. and the “prime Law” everyone would accountable for what they do. I am still looking for recent numbers
The mistake is to believe that happiness comes from the satisfaction of a particular, want, need or desire. This is false and a misunderstanding of our nature. What brings happiness is the pursuit or the ever upward climb… it is the creative journey and not its completion, the progression from one desire to another. This is why specialization devastates the mind… the rut of mediocrity, that is taught on mass in most institutions of education today… sets the mind up for misery…. and that misery is carried on in the work place, and propped up by the Rule of Man in keeping individuals ensnared in specialization. Mark Hamilton building on the brilliant work of the extraordinary genius Frank R. Wallace, developed the specific tools needed that allow us to break out of specialized thinking.
In your talking points you talked on how the “Prime Law” will MAKE ALL THE PEOPLE RICH! All peoples, even the current rich, want to see the betterment of this country. We all want to do better. We need to “stop the blame game” and get to work. It’s no longer a joking matter. We need to put the brakes on this escalating decline this country is in. We need to get the people spending money again. In order to spend more money, we need to MAKE MORE MONEY! The “Prime Law” and the”Twelve Visions Party” may have the solutions to getting us on the road to prosperity again and making more money.
When hearing the word ‘evil’ …many intellectuals will often dismiss the word as meaningless. Saddam Hussein’ purging of ‘traitors’ is a blueprint of how to very quickly, instilled fear in the population… the infamous video recording of that purge, is nightmarish to anyone of common heart. Not only are half the cabinet accused of being traitors… the other half are forced to be the executioners. A few of the accused were spared from execution and released… but not before being severely tortured. Thus, they were messengers to society: ‘this could happen to you’. Paraphrasing Christopher Hitchens: Not even the Nazis, ‘night of the long knives’ purge were so masterfully despotic in breaking the will of the people. As Hitchens says: “I have no problem calling this evil”. Only in a bizarre upside down Rule of Man Dimension can such evil occur occur…. in a Prime Law dimension… evil would have no meaning.
Progress can only occur in a society that allows reason to flourish. Reason requires thinking… and the more reasonable effort one puts into thinking, the more able one is to implement those thoughts through progressive action. Objective thought leads to knowing more and more… and the more one knows the more able one is – to function as a happy individual within society. The widest application of reasonable thought, within any society, is that which is directed through business. The only impediment to reason is the Rule of Man, that through the parasitical elite, essentially regulates against reason and critical thinking… by attacking the core of where reason is able to flourish – business.
This is the biggest Truth ever and, I can feel it to be True
The TVP is the only correct political party that will save all mankind. We all need to promote and vote for everyone who is running on this ticket and show our support by doing whatever we can to make sure that we gain the control we need to put the current politicians out of office! The only way we can change our stagnant way of life is to show others the way! Our children need to be taught from birth all about Neothink and to understand the false illusions that are being promoted by the Neocheaters in society. Teach your loved ones the same because you are never to old to learn how to take control over your life and stop others from taking your life force away from you.
The key to the survival of civilization is the free market. The meaning of laissez-faire capitalism has been completely lost in a swamp of socialist proclaimed falsehoods and propaganda, that leaves the individual psychologically damned, and rift of self discipline… the discipline that produces a Henry Ford, James J. Hill, Bill Gates and indeed, a Mark Hamilton. Very few today have a grasp of economics. We are given to believe that the desire for profit leads to unfettered greed, the destruction of the environment, wars, monopolies, imperialism, racism – et al. George Reisman in his brilliant book ‘Capitalism’ reveals the true nature of the free market… a market free from the Rule of Man. How to implement the self leader mentality is instructed in Mark Hamilton’s book ‘The Neothink World’.
Some of the evidence that the “Prime Law” have been studied and implemented is all the comments that are expressed within this website. It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the value-generating comments that are here, causes me to sense that soon, most, if not all life on this earth will be experiencing homeostasis, and prosperity.
I had not considered how many forms of control had come into my life until I read three large books from the Neothink Society. I started to notice all of them. I was a business owner and found that the easiest forms of control, through initiatory force, to spot were within government. I do believe government should protect its people and support that concept. I simply do not support a government that only survives through initiatory force to make their own agendas work. With a protection-only government your taxes would go down because over 50% of our government’s costs are not about your protection. A great question Mark asks, and I ask you. “Why should one adult control another?” Now, I ask you: What happens when someone tries to control you? Would you like to be richer?
The 19th Century free thinker and entrepreneur Lysander Spooner – In his written work ‘CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, RELATIVE TO CREDIT, CURRENCY,AND BANKING’ …in discussing the nature of certain contracts, that have an obligation to be fulfilled because they align with man’s nature, in protection against force… recognized the Innocent mind of man, uncorrupted by politics and ‘lawyerise’, naturally recognizing such obligation: “To an unsophisticated mind, nothing could be more self-evident, than the unconstitutionality of these laws. Yet they are enforced by the courts, and submitted to by the people, without their constitutionality being seriously questioned.”
There is something wondrous about knowing that you can shift your psyche from one dimension to another… and one can do it by simply integrating a never before recognized mental state, built from the ‘mental warehouse’ of conceptual thoughts and ideas, that at their honest best… objectively define a previously hidden aspect of reality (at their worst, they do the opposite by creating mystical concepts and ideas). In the short term this sudden leap from one paradigm/dimension to another, can startle the intellect… in the long term it can change society forever. The Prime Law and the 12 Visions, is a striking example of taking the mind to a new mental plain – not a mystical plain – but one fully akin with an individuals nature.
We are drowning in collective quicksand, as the World’s elites drive a wedge between the individual and his mind. If you think there is very little connection between the leftist policies and what the Nazis did to their own people – think again. But this is not about politics, one can just as easily be critical of politics on the right – indeed, it is not even fundamentally about capitalism over socialism… which too narrowly misses the necessary psychological shift. It is about shifting to a new paradigm: supporting neither the left nor the right or anywhere in between… but rather, recognizing the rights of the individual, not to be put under the threat of force in entering a new dimension – where nobody can be exploited. Where the fundamental idea of the Prime Law is the precursor to a naturally occurring more noble ‘none political’ politics.
Without Neothink you see only so far beyond the illusions. The greatest Literature ever written for advancing your life.