Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. Craig H. says:

    “The laws of physics tell us – that which is not prohibited is required, that which is not impossible, must happen somewhere: The strangest things are happening every second, because those things that don’t violate the laws of nature are required” – Physicist Lawrence Krauss – who does not get a tingle down the spine, when integrating these comments from modern physics? Now juxtapose those comments with Frank R. Wallace’s Long Wave article…. an article that develops the hypothesis of advanced civilizations, integrated with the Prime Law. This suggests to me, that the Prime Law almost certainly exists, throughout the universe… in civilizations that have passed from the old Rule of Man dimension… into a protection from the threat of force dimension.

  2. Gregory K. says:

    Imagine, with the “Prime Law” in place, everyone can Have, Be, and Do what they want. With no more Initiatory Force and Fraud and also no more” ISM’s” like in Socialism, everyone is Free to be who they Really Are. No Longer Acting a Certain Way in Order to be Accepted.

  3. S.S. says:

    Let’s make the prime law a bit simpler – THEY SHALL NOT KILL – DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY. all dis-ease is caused by our actions onto others, all wars are caused by ignorance of the prime law – it’s no secret we have always known killing is wrong.

  4. I.P. says:

    The Prime Law is a game changer which will pave the way for a higher quality of living and will once again make the American Dream what it once was. The prosperity that will open up as a result will unify the American people to become the greatest nation on Earth.

  5. Craig H. says:

    In laying my cards on the table – I have no hesitation in saying that I believe the Prime-Law is the single greatest idea, in the history of mankind: greater than the ideas of Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, or Einstein, and everyone else – and even Darwin… who’s idea I would consider the most universally applicable – to ever come from one mind. Why such reverence for the Prime Law? It’s the only idea that moves us beyond this dimension: It allows us to move our minds to a deeper reality… an otherwise hidden reality, one concealed by mysticism – and to which we are otherwise blind. Universally speaking, the Prime Law in this sense, goes well beyond even the breadth and depth of Darwin. Indeed, the Prime Law may be the only idea with a universal reach as wide and deep as mathematics. Further, a new Prime Law dimension would I believe – blend otherwise specialized areas of science into larger universal concepts of reality.

  6. S.S. says:

    All governments are fake and run by criminals. governments pretend to protect us but instead rule and dictate to us. Criminals take over nations and then go fight other nations and take over other nations. Most people are selfish, cowardly and ignorant, that is why criminals win every time. to bring America back, we need to educate the people a lot, get them to care about their fellow man and to watch for the well being of others. Instead they care only for themselves and watch out for nobody. they expect government to do all that when government is corrupt & incompetent.

  7. Craig H. says:

    “This expulsion of air through the pharynx and larynx, out of the mouth and into the public world, can be beautiful, can be entirely exquisitely beautiful. The very sound of the tongue hitting the back of the teeth, the precession and rhythm of words, can entrance, seduce, delight, thrill, and win the World…. and its a power we all have inside us” I have never seen this to better effect than in the words of Frank R. Wallace and Mark Hamilton.

  8. Craig H. says:

    Co-evolution is not uncommon in nature. One example is the relationship between honey badgers and honey guide birds. The honey badger cannot find bees nests, and the honey guide bird cannot break into them… thus, they co-operate with one another, the bird guides the badger to the nest and the badger breaks in – and both get the honey. But such specialization comes at a price… if one species dies out… so does the other… unless it somehow learns to adapt. One could perhaps draw an at least loose analogy of the ‘co-evolution’ of the ruling class with the working class: both have become over specialized in relying on each other for survival… the ruling class lives of the working class through neocheating, and the mystically orientated working class needs to be led by the ruling class. Where the analogy breaks down, is that this ‘man-made’ co-evolution is self destructive… the cure is the need for a new dimension rooted in the Prime Law.

  9. T.S. says:

    “They’re surpassing the one and only proper purpose of government and that’s to protect the people” I couldn’t have phrased it better.

  10. Craig H. says:

    Through many years of integrating Neothink concepts… my mind has been so deeply penetrated by these integrations… that it is impossible to have a thought, that is not colored by these integrations… Neothink has been hardwired into my neurons… Neothink hard wires reality onto the neo-cortex, and allows one to see through deep layers of mysticism. Wallace/Hamilton/Savage have done their job well… If anyone has the ability to construct a new dimension…. Mark Hamilton does – other self-leaders will also take up the challenge.

  11. Nicholas J. says:

    Mark Hamilton opened my eyes and gave me great hope for life. He taught me about the wonderful benefits and power of neo-think. Because of him i expand my mind pass limitations. My heart and deep sincere appreciation goes to the person who deserves it the most, Mark Hamilton.

  12. comment says:

    Flaw-filled man made laws, are destructive for one reason… they lead to force or the threat of force… which leads threatened individuals into either performing actions that go against their nature, or to morally act in self defense – often at the risk of their life, or their freedom. The Prime Law removes all impediments to individuals fulfilling their happy nature… how? – by removing force or the threat of force from civilization.

  13. Craig H. says:

    Don’t over-complicate the purpose of the Prime Law. What is beautiful about the Prime Law, and its strength – is its simplicity. It has one purpose, remove the decision making from flaw-filled-man. Man is corrupted by his own mysticism, his internal flaws… thus, the human mind is very easily manipulated… don’t hate the Ruling Class, realize that we are all victims within an upside dimension… yes, one should absolutely objectively judge… and indeed, where necessary punish parasitical elites, but always realize that we all operate from within a corrupt upside down dimension. As such, we are all to a greater or lesser degree, capable of destructive flaw-filled decision making, this can be neutralized through the Prime Law.

  14. Frank M. says:

    If your read Julian Jayne’s book, the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind, you will learn that thinking is not conscious. It is an automatic process following a structure and the materials on which the structure is to operate. When we let a political or spiritual leader define the framework of how something should be, they are determining the conclusion we come to. They are dictating how we think. They do this for their benefit, not ours. When we take control of our thinking and become our own authority, they we can make break throughs and move our life to a higher level.

  15. Craig H. says:

    Profound love of something or someone… can only come from a deep objectively integrated understanding of it’s/their nature… that is what makes it profound to the individual doing the integrating. Love on this level of understanding… is as objectively real as the Earth on which you stand…. and in understanding this – one comes to a corollary identification, profound love of the Prime Law… naturally leads to profound happiness. Indeed, how rational civilizations throughout the universe are run, can be summed up in a single sentence: ‘Profound love of the Prime law, leads to profound happiness’.

  16. C.C. says:

    The Prime Law is the foundation from which the 12 Visions will naturally flow. That flow will be more stimulating than we can now imagine. The effect will be a growing exponential love for the Prime Law, the love will grow… as our creative essence grows. This love will be an immovable force against any flaw-filled decision. Thus, the ultimate protector of the Prime Law – is a potentially infinite outpouring of love: a real love that comes from the deepest stimulation of our natural creative essence.

  17. Carl J. says:

    The degree by which you are allowed to be an individual, is the degree by which your happiness is fulfilled. In this upside down dimension, individual freedom is rarely seen as an innate right… but something you have to earn at the expense of crippling your psyche – in paying off the Parasitical Elite: what they give with one hand, they take (in larger proportion and through deceit) with the other. Indeed, freedom within an anticivilization, isn’t freedom at all… because however free you feel, you are ultimately in a looser dimension.
    Carl J.

  18. Craig H. says:

    A new free from ‘flaw-filled-man’ dimension, does not have to be created…. it already exists. It is naturally available to all – , when imperfections are removed as identified in the Prime Law document: ‘A power-reactor explosion of prosperity, love, wealth and health takes place’. Each individual can start this journey, within their own mind. Self-leaders are already beginning to shape a new dimension. But the flaws in man are so great, that achieving the critical mass of mystic free individuals to bring on a new civilization is a mammoth task… Instituting the Prime Law driven by the emotional appeal of the 12 Visions, is the keystone … the brilliant identification that the flaws can be removed from man-made decisions as a written law… is child’s play compared to trying to remove mysticism on the individual scale alone. Just as the improvement of the Magna Carta with the United States constitution was an evolution in ethics, the Prime Law completes that evolution.

  19. D.A. says:

    Don’t ask me how but two years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton and in the letter it was like he was personally talking to me and when I tried to dismiss it i couldn’t. I am a member of the Neothink society.

  20. Gregory Klatt says:

    The Prime Law will Free the Health and Medical Industries of Man-Made,Controlling Regulations so people can recieve Better-Than-Ever Health Care.

  21. M. says:

    Who is Mark Hamilton? He is the man no politician can replace. He is the Genius over all geniuses. He’s more than a prophet, he is bringing us the true integrated realities of all the Masters of the world and more, his Twelve Visions’ Party will move this nation out of chaos caused by deceitful illusions into the Nation were the poor is a thing of the past. Mark Hamilton and his visions have inspired me a one the poor to become powerful in my Self Leadership and rise to an undefeated life. Mark Hamilton rocks and he will free this nation with his Neothink Society, into the New World of Love, Honesty and Real Freedom for all. I vote for the Twelve Visions Party to save my Nation under God, indivisible, with justice for ALL.

  22. Russell G. says:

    2012 is here. It is the time for man to free himself. The Prime Law and the TVP can do that for all mankind. Let America show the rest of the world how it is done. Vote for Jill Reed for president and save yourself and your country. All the power belongs to the people.

  23. M.J. says:

    Lizards within the Mediterranean were moved from one island to another and within a couple of decades, they had evolved a completely new diet, their jaws changed, their stomachs changed and they evolved stomach valves. North Korea is involved in its own experiment. The famous night photo of North Korea – there is barely a speck of light. North Koreans are on average six inches shorter than South Koreans. Is North Korea evolving a new species… a separate gene pool of ‘morlock’ dwarfs. To extend this analogy to civilization as a whole… would a new Prime Law dimension evolve a species of human that is further from us, than we are from North Koreans.

  24. Ogden R. says:

    There is a pleasing sense of certainty that the “Prime Law” is being integrated into more and more people’s lives, when I observe positive comments and video content on the web, and hear conversations from others. Most of the observed, are those who aren’t in politics, ruling class style. As the “Prime Law” gather more support and momentum, then we will see more government folks join in.

  25. Craig H. says:

    “The Singularity — technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and non-biological intelligence, immortal software-based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light”… ‘The Law of Accelerated Returns’ . …The Prime Law would rapidly advance those accelerated returns.

  26. C says:

    2012 is here…. I hope in my heart there is no more fear. The parasites distorted us, captured our minds, now time for rapture, lets dis-empower their kind. Mark Hamilton and the Prime Law, a new way of thinking, a new dimension… a place for puzzle building invention. The self leader is coming, overcoming bicameral following, 12 Vision focus, no more anticivivilization wallowing… no more lies.

  27. David M. says:

    The Prime Law is what civilization has been waiting for since the beginning of civilization – with the Prime Law in place we will all prosper toward a brighter future finally free from the oppression of the rule of man. Slowly the healing can begin. No more will laziness and dishonesty be the default. No more will the “authorities” rule with fear, force and the threat of force.

  28. Carol L. says:

    The Prime Law contains the elements of honesty and simplicity that can create an environment of world-wide unconditional love. Only unconditional love can protect humanity from self-destruction. The 3000 year old secret can propel humanity into the 4th dimension by changing an egocentric world into a world ruled by love and respect toward all people without exceptions. Thanks to Mark Hamilton, we can all take part in creating that world through active participation in the Twelve Visions Party.

  29. Frank E. D'A. says:

    Man needs THE PRIME LAW like an eagle’s need their wing’s. THE PRIME LAW gives mankind a free mind. A human mind has the ability to understand any thing once it under stands it. Mark Hamilton has done it! All we have to do is understand it. It’s the key to life. Find out for your self and become a member. Mark Hamilton has shone me the way. He will show you to, IT’s totally amazing, a dream come true. Managing THE PRIME LAW is the opposite of following the rule of man. For the sake of life, vote T.V.P and trust Jill Reed that she wont sell out to the 1% and will stand righteously for the 99% to make us all The Individual.

  30. Craig H. says:

    Today the ‘average’ person knows far more, and is less specialized than Aristotle/Bacon/Galileo combined – physics students today are expected to understand Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity better than he did. But in an anticivilization dimension, this upward trend is not deterministic and guaranteed, civilization can very quickly collapse into a sea of mysticism, what neuroscientist Sam Harris called a “Yawning Chasm of nihilism” …The Prime Law is desperately needed – to take us to a new dimension on an ever upward curve.

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