Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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As identified by Frank R. Wallace, consciousness does not evolve… it is either there or it is not there. Thus consciousness has an equality that is separate from our genetic nature. The Prime Law integrates with that understanding. It is a tool to protect the individual from initiatory force: the individual as a none average minority of one. Without such protection mysticism destroys the otherwise natural conscious process – which is a natural outgrowth of the complexity of an evolved brain, that switches to a conceptual mindfulness of itself and its relationship to reality.
Within an upside-down-dimension (what Frank R. Wallace called an anticivilization) there is nothing assured and deterministic, about a forever upward trend from tribal hostility toward social civility. As Richard Dawkins has pointed out: “the trend is rather like a saw-tooth on a log scale” … it goes up and down, but the overall trend is upward, but there is nothing inevitable about this slow upward trend within a Rule of Man dimension. However, within a Prime Law dimension, the upward trend from the tribal to the civil would be an inevitable and unstoppable upward curve…. indeed, the scale would switch from a ‘saw-tooth’ pattern to a geometric or perhaps even exponential forever upward trend.
Only with full recognition of individual rights can one fully desire to create values for society. This is the true meaning of liberty. We are social animals …and at our best want to do good for others – that good – comes from the freedom to create (and cannot come at the expense of our own liberty). Creativity cannot come to full fruition in the minds of men who live within a threat of force dimension. Such a dimension pays-lip-service to doing good for society – under the euphemism “the social good” …this good is in fact evil, one is expected to do good, and to do so under the constant threat of force (leading to ‘body-and-mind sacrifice of individuals to the State). The remedy is the Prime Law – the protection of the individual from the threat of force. In an upside down ‘threat of force’ dimension, an individual will never fully grasp the concept of individual rights – and as such will not fully respect the rights of others, never mind their own.
Scientists themselves often pay more respect to government funding, than entrepreneurial endeavor… who usually gets mentioned first amongst scientists…. government sponsored Francis Collins or American biologist and entrepreneur Craig Venter…. Venter achieved the apparently impossible – sequencing the human genome without a cent of government funding and independent of Francis Collins. Most scientists today are not entrepreneurially spirited… which is the same as saying they are trapped in specialization.
At the deepest level of understanding of the universe, specialized science disciplines naturally merge – such as the merger of biology with quantum physics and computer science, an example of which is studying photosynthesis in plants… at the level of the photon and its interaction with a plants internal structure, there is quantum interaction, the physicist Seth Lloyd has described it as a quantum algorithm. There is already the tantalizing evidence that even the sense of smell is not just chemical, but also quantum… studies have shown that European Robins for example may be ‘none chemically’ smelling green and blue light quanta, that allow them to navigate. The Rule of Man is in resistance against this integration that collapses specialization, indeed, government funded science often forces scientists into narrow specialization, rather than integrating across disciplines.
A bio/nuclear weapon world will not survive the Rule of Man. The only chance we have to protect this ‘Pale Blue Dot’ is by protecting the individual. Society is pushing agendas that corrupt the ‘innocent child’ within us all. Obeying man made laws and regulations is essentially corrupting our consciousness and the consequences are corruption… the parasitical elites feeding of that corrupted consciousness. The upward curve of civilization is not inevitable… a civilization can very quickly destroy itself and will do so to the degree that the Rule of Man enslaves the individual through initiatory force.
We are one, thank you for your wisdom and contribution to clarity like a thousand watt candle in the dark, brilliant!
I’m so glad I found your Channel ! I’ve known of your Neothink org before, but not known how to bootstrap myself out of those abhorrently ‘attached’ to me for ‘world – broadcasting’ purposes… (needless to say…) Since ‘they’ cannot think for themselves, ‘they’ve’ preyed upon my benevolence to ‘help’ them ‘think…’ Problem is, their minds fall to their own lowest past behaviors creating their current troubles… I cannot extricate myself from their NEED, bodily & psychically ‘attached’ to me as they are… YOUR Channel is a breath of FRESH PEACE TO ME ! ! ! THANK YOU ! ! !
Charles B.
A lot of people want government to lead them. I also believe that we need to bond as civilization to prosper and work together. Humanity has a lot of potential to make the world beautiful… I want to serve others, poor and sick for the future… somebody has to work and devote for the better…for the children…
I am 12 and I agree with ur video
I Agree 100% with Mark Hamilton.
It might seem like an odd identification, to say the Prime Law, is a consciously invented concept, that acts as a tool to interdict natures algorithm – what does flaw-filled-man have to do with nature? – Understand, that when individuals are unthinkingly following laws from flaw-filled-man, they are doing so because of a remnant of nature evolved bicameral behavior… which corrupts the conscious mind within a Rule of Man society. Another way of saying it is: A society that has reached the level of awareness, to identify natures algorithm, is a society that should of put the bicameral mind ‘out-of-business’ …but Plato built a deadly flaw into society that tries to drags the mind back to a bicameral state (see Julian Jaynes, ‘The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind’). In a Prime Law society, puzzle building integrations of the creative mind, would complete the ‘switch-off’ from bicameral to fully conscious man.
I believe that Mr. Mark Hamilton the founder of the Twelve Visions Party. Has developed his foundation of the Twelve Visions Party upon a vision towards the goal that which dramatically improves civilizations. His description of the Twelve Visions Party’s National Platform I believe is one of many of his deepest integrations of work that is filled with lots of confidence and faith beyond what others may and can acknowledge.
If only this law was made possible! 🙁
When a creation happens, there still needs to be put into place a process of procedure for that creation to happen. Thus there is always a need for workers, at jobs,,, yet it would be beneficial if these workers receive a percent of profits, and not just a wage, so to speak. And health protection for the workers.
If we were in right-way-up honest Prime Law dimension… you could completely reverse your statement to: ‘we don’t need to teach anyone how to do good things’. A baby is naturally innocent and good…. it is anticivilization ‘meme’ programming, from an early age that leads to the bad, and indoctrinates us into a bizarre upside down dimension… and this bad programming is completely unnatural – because it is a distortion of our ability to integrate reality, because of mind corrupting mysticism.
Just as Pauli’s exclusion principle states that no two electrons in the same atom – can occupy the same quantum state… so, no individual can be both profoundly happy and deeply sad at the same time… this would be as contradictory as denying Aristotle’s A is A law of identity, all these statements are connected, they say something objective about the universe… that there are no contradictions. A profound happiness dimension has never existed on planet Earth…. we live in an upside down, Rule of Man dimension. Profound happiness will only occur when we shift to a new mental state, where the Prime Law occupies the space, now occupied by the Rule of Man.
The Prime law could be said to be the antitheses of Plato’s cave…. the very opposite ends of a spectrum. At one end is complete freedom of the individual…. at the other total slavery. Very few of us have experienced the extremes of almost complete slavery – a North Korea like existence – on the other hand, none of us have ever experienced complete freedom, except perhaps as innocent children, unaware of sensing living in a ‘dimly lit cave’ …an upside down, Rule of Man dimension. The Prime Law will give us back our innocence. How? – By recognizing that the primary goal of man is profound happiness… and that can only be nurtured, within a self-leader dimension, that finally allows Plato’s Rule of Man dimension to die.
Wow, god bless you for standing up an waking some up.. we all should praise this man for risking his life to get the truth out. recognize an give thanks…praise u Mark
The Rule of Man is not the primary cause of an upside down dimension. The cause goes deeper and comes from an understanding of man’s psyche – it relates to what has been called ‘Plato’s disease’. Just as moths natural guidance system misfires when a candle is introduced, and they spiral into the flame… so, Plato’s dimension, causes man’s mind to misfire and spiral into a sea of mysticism, as apposed to otherwise mentality switching off its bicameral programming and jumping to a self-leader dimension. The US constitution can be seen as a man engineered document, to counter natures bicameral programming, that misfires in modernity (but this was not explicitly identified… thus, the document was left exposed to potential corruption by flaw-filled-man)… the Prime Law is integrated with a deep understanding of mans psychology, his bicameral past – and thus fully protects and correct against this flaw.
The 3,000 year old secret,The Prime Law,and the tremendous good impact it should have upon society,more wealth,better health,advanced new technologies,no more unnecessary war’s and peace of mind,any real good in life have been kept in the dark,since then,by ruler’s of the world.Knowing well the full potantial of The Prime Law and how it has it’s effect on society without initiatory force.Instead ruler’s of the world have maintained the human race busy in mysery,lost and distracted making it easier to be controlled as a whole and never knowing about the truth and it’s many wonder’s life truly has to offer.
It’s a great day indeed when the Prime Law is in place – yes let peal the chimes of freedom. Once civilization gets over this small hurdle, things will start to get better rapidly. The dark ones have been holding the geniuses back for too long. Now longer should fear and power rule.
Why is it that we need to teach and encourage people in senior positions how to do good, but we don’t need to teach anyone how to do bad things, moral, immoral or amoral perspectives? If someone can truly answer this single question correctly, the conditioned suffering in the World would be reduced considerably?
I believe that the Twelve Visions Party’s “National Bylaws” is a groundbreaking document that will change the way political parties had behaved and misbehaved since the very beginning of this great nation. The Twelve Visions Party’s “Prime Literature” is of thousands of pages of very prime literature that develops an idea system. In which for a very much better and new world could raise and rise. This Prime Literature idealizes the Twelve Visions Party that has been in the works of author Mark Hamilton for more than three decades or more than thirty years. Which I believe that his thinking tools and applications will free our civilization from subjugation of political leaders and their ruling class pushers that are very much seriously downing America.
I think the Prime Law is brilliant: What will keep it from moving forward is the shrine-like way in which everything relating to it brings the individuals to the name Mark Hamilton. I am not trying to discredit Mark. Its just that every intellectual idea presented in all these materials goes through the Mark Hamilton filter, which gives it a strong religious-philosophical vibe. In order for this philosophy to truly be upheld, there needs to be a lot more equal billing. There are a lot of VERY well thought out responses, But at best responders are responding.
The preying on the gullible and the religiously misguided by a small minority of self-serving anti-civilization individuals at the expense of many should hopefully be a thing of the past. People need to be enlightened to the fact that they are someone and can be a productive value producing members of society. With enough desire, passion and the support of the people around them we can all achieve the lives we would like to live. Only when our rights, health or lively-hoods are adversely effected should there be laws. “Prime Law”. Not the ridiculous laws and regulations that are holding societies back from positive, productive and prosperous existences.
Imagine, in a Twelve Visions World, when you can be doing Business that you Absolutely Love doing. So much so, that you find it difficult to stop on Friday nights. Plus, with the Prime Law in affect, there’s no Regulations as to Create Values, through your Business, for Yourself and Others.
Gregory R. K.
Darwin in his day, recognized the stagnant mindset of the Ruling Class. Realizing that the elders of academic mind, would be the last to give up on the Platonic idea of the immutability of species. Indeed, in his book: ‘On the Origin of Species’ he appeals to the common mind of his younger audience: “Whoever is led to believe that species are mutable will do good service by conscientiously expressing his conviction; for only thus can the load of prejudice by which this subject is overwhelmed be removed” – Charles Darwin. I suspect the Ruling Class will equally rebel, against the evolution of the mind, that comes from grasping the dimension shifting, prejudice breaking Prime Law. Darwin was essentially asking his readers to become self-leaders in not listening to authority, but instead, integrating reality. The same mind-set is needed to disseminate the Prime Law far and wide.
It’s hard to imagine the pre-Darwinian mindset. Things Were seen as immutable, having a Platonic essence – a poor reflection of their perfect universal form, in some kind of vague Platonic heaven… a cat is not the best of all cats, but simply a reflection or ‘essence’ of some perfect geometric cat. It’s been said, if Darwin had not read: Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus, that he wouldn’t have discovered the driving mechanism of evolutionary change – Natural Selection. Malthus recognized the geometric increase in population of reproducing offspring, would lead to a scarcity of natural resources… this led Darwin to realize that variation of individuals within a species, would lead to a survival advantage of one animal over another… a perfect example of the mind suddenly switching to a new, less specialized dimension – from Platonic essence to Darwinian mutability. The Prime Law will similarly switch individuals to a new dimension.
The Prime Law is prerequisite to honesty in legislation, law enforcement, and between any 2 people. What actually happened in those 3000 years in which the Prime Law was suppressed? Recorded history reads like an indictment against the abandonment of Individual Internal Authority. The single tool employed by the rule of man for all those years has been to initiate force, fraud or coercion, by any person, group or government, against any person, his property or contract. Initiatory force propped up regimes, from “Democracy” to outright dictatorships! As you may surmise from this video by Mark Hamilton, the Prime Law as supported in the Twelve Visions Party platform liberates all from the “rule of man,” and frees all individuals to create the wonders to come. Go for the Twelve Visions Party. At least look at it seriously. The Prime Law is the key to the new world, where everyone may opt to be happy and prosper, and live in peace under the rule of flawless law.