Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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The problems IMHO are greed and corruption. These problems are complex and cannot be legislated out of humanity’s composition. The answer though, you are on to. It is to educate people upon the dark effects of pure greed and selfishness. Of aggression, of invasion. It is to show humanity that the good in us can rule, but we must not be apathetic. We must not be lazy. We must chase the truth and demand integrity from our fellows. These things are matters of ‘true education’, not ‘legislation’.
Good video, an interesting thought. However, I think that Constitutional Law represents the same idea by protecting the individual rights and freedoms of every citizen. The US Constitution clearly stands for an individual’s right to be protected from unjustified ‘initiatory force’ of all kinds. So, forcing the body politic to operate under Constitutional Law could have the same effect IE: if the people enforce their will to not declare/support wars of aggression.
We have to bring everyone’s awareness level up. Then and only then will we as homosapians advance, but only those who are willing to learn and apply the new knowledge to better our species!
Mark.. There are a lot of people (masses might be the word) who have ears to hear what you’re saying… as we come to realize the only (law) resides deep within the heart of the individual, who is protected with a force far beyond thoughts we can presently conceive. Much Peace& Love, Care
This of course, includes the medical industry; in which the results will be the eradication of all diseases. Our buying power will multiply a hundred to a thousand times(ex: We can now afford the computer power that 15 years ago only millionaires could afford!) All people will experience a LIMITLESS, wealthy lifestyle unhindered by the debilitating regulations of a government on the offence.
The rich and famous, wealthy business people, falling middle-class, poor class…This is our chance. Let’s unify the ENTIRE non-ruling class who are victims of the relatively small ruling class and all stand together to vote the Twelve Visions Party President/VP(Jill Reed/Tom Cary) into office THIS YEAR 2012. The TVP will get the Prime Law and Protection-Only Budget ratified and we will rapidly enter into the Great Technological Revolution where ALL industries will be free to advance like the computer industry did between the 90’s to now(it advanced too fast for the government to tie it up into a web of regulations as it has done with all other industries).
We are trapped on this 3D dimension, the only lesson to learn here was to experience all and every single emotion feeling or experience (duality). but we are about to change into another form of consciousness, to live freely and easily. not explore emotions cuz we already mastered them and we know what’s good and right, we are about to enter to a gold age where materialism and capitalism does not rule the world anymore. we are about to start a new type of life based on mutual respect and equality, under 1 and single rule the free will existence. but before we are able to live that kind of life we need to pass trough a big revolution, we need to change and evolve and set our mind in a different way we need to start thinking different we need to expand our consciousness first.
I like it ! It might work if the president say this.
Go for it Mark Hamilton and be the president of the United States and save our world before it is too late. I am on your side and will do what must be done to dump the ploy politicians and the rule of man.
Organized government in and of itself, is not the primary solution to eradicate suffering, which would suggest that because a government is organized – this somehow eradicates suffering (a government could be very well organized, in carrying out a fascist agenda for example). The primary solution is the recognition of the individual as a minority of one, who needs protection against the initiation of force… and a government of individuals that recognize this fact… and implement and organize based on it. But even this recognition is not enough (this was the goal of the founding fathers). As identified by Mark Hamilton… the decisions themselves come from the Prime Law and not the potentially bad decisions of men…. however reasonable they may appear.
Despite living at a time of the most potentially enlightened modernity, much of humanity is reverting to the most base and backward forms of tribalism. Whether it is following a wacky gay bashing Florida pastor, or a renown child raping religious cult – that can seemingly get away with it – because what the pope says is apparently infallible, or a religion that is far easier to get into than most – a few words in praise of Allah will do it…. but so difficult to get out of, if you value your life. The only cure to such tribalism is a good dose of reality… such as the reality presented within the none tribalistic, individual promoting Neothink concepts.
Please run for president before it’s too late…
The Twelve Visions Party amending the Prime Law to the US Constitution and instituting the Protection-Only Budget is not directly about making everyone rich (even though that will certainly be the result). It is directly about CREATING THE CONDITIONS for all people to be free to prosper without limit and live happily.
I’m curious as to how long the estimated time for The Prime Law to take effect. I’m from the U.K and over here it is really tough, people are being fired from their jobs, over 75% of teenagers are unable to get jobs… I’m 19 and I might be considered young but my knowledge of what the Government has been doing since the day I can remember has always been bad… I’m not looking to be rich and have lots of money, all I want is to live in a world where nobody suffers and everyone is equal, no one should live under a classes i.e Working Class, White Collar… so yeah, I’m really interested in this idea and will look further into it… thanks for lighting up my day!
The TVP brings forth a two-fold solution: the Prime Law AND Protection-Only Budget. Because the Prime Law is a Natural Law (intrinsic to our very existence as conscious human beings)and not a man-made law, it gets down to the absolute fundamental of “protection”. When ratified, that flawless law will governs man..and flaw-filled man will no longer govern law. And, understand that the Protection-Only budget will bring forth the Technological Revolution(see TVP Platform @ tvpnc dot org) which will spawn advancements in technologies including those for PREVENTION of crimes rather than “crime follow-up”(what we have now). Crime will also progressively lose it’s appeal as citizens will be unhindered and free to prosper without limit–living wealthy, peaceful lives with nearly perfect health.
What you described is what has been going on in this world since Cain killed Abel. It has never stopped and will never stop as long as we are under the rule of man. Most wars begin over jealousy because the people are mystified. The Prime Law is pure and the only answer to save this country and free us from slavery to the parasitical elite. If you like being a slave then vote for a democrat or a republican and remain a slave. Once you walk out of the darkness and into the light you will never return to the darkness. If you want to be free vote for the TVP.
further than this at this point, I just got the idea that In theory this sounds great. However, I see the prime law being in diametric opposition with human nature in that, that is, if you break it down even further it is an eye for an eye. Therein having the potential to incite war on a global scale the moment someone murders someone else. The point being, say person 1 is killed by person 2, person 3 to protect themselves from person 2 kills person 2, it’s a chain reaction waiting to happen as far as I can gather.
Only the TVP can save this country now. You have to see through the illusions painted by the republican’s and the democrat’s they are all the same. Only the TVP can end the rule of man and make all the people rich including the poor. Walk around with a big smile on your face like you know we have already won (because you know we have) and tell everyone about the great things to come. Welcome to the C of U.
As the video finished I said out aloud to myself this : “Yes….but ….. who the heck is going to draw any attention to it in the slightest?” Because everyone wants to cut corners. The elite put pressure on government to alter laws so that they can move about financially and successfully. Small time people dodge tax and do half jobs. The Lazy lie and scrounge. Rich or poor everyone is cutting a corner somewhere. What is being said in the video is absolutely correct, but he may as well of said “everyone be honest and no-one will suffer” which to be honest, i already knew that!!!
Excellent and to the point! Thank you!
Please read the TVP Platform. We know one thing for sure: If we continue to allow the ruling class/government to suppress society (via the absence of the Prime Law amendment) we will NEVER realize our full potential, suffer in poverty, poor health, despair and die. Yes, we know for sure EXACTLY how that will play out.
We’re all doing our part to promote the TVP. It’s just about repeating small efforts of promotions. The TVP WILL be successful the more people who support the Prime Law spread the word through quick videos, songs, websites, comments etc. over the internet(especially). More to come!
I already know that the governments of this world have suppressed the people of this earth into poverty. Look at world vision, they have made so many billion dollars to combat poverty, but it’s the government of Africa that kills their own people. We have to start looking after each other without race hate and celebrate what we are capable of. That is to eradicate the ones that suppress us, only then we can achieve peace on this earth.
I always wanted to live in a world free of parasitism and now the dream can be reality. The Prime Law heralds humanity’s coming of age.
More and more citizens are becoming aware of the Twelve Visions Party (the non-ruling class unifier) everyday. Many have good questions–all of which are answered in the comments by other Visionaries or TVP Mentors and in Mark Hamilton’s writings. Most readily available is the TVP National Platform at tvppnc dot org. Also see brand new TVP Song recently posted on YouTube titled: The Prime Law (Visionaries)–TVP Song! which explains the TVP’s purpose through artistic stimulation within less than 6 mins.
That is really great.
You are completely right Mark what you say here, The rule of man is the root of all problems but the people who rule the man are scared and dangerous with nuke power, You need to get the message to the military who have minds like spoiled children but much more dangerous, Evidence has been found of nuke bombs from 1000s of years ago on this planet! Do you think it might be possible that 1000s of years maybe 30,000years ago the people all woke up and the powers that be erased life to protect their Rule over man? this is why history is written to control minds, The hole system is bogus, I fear that the powers that rule our governments and killed J.F.K don’t care who or how many they kill as long as they can continue to rule the man! Please answer me for I do very highly value your opinion, Also II own (integrated honesty com) and would love it to be used for a good purpose !
If only it was so…
With the Prime Law humanity can be mighty again and then the innocent can rise to freedom.
Until the human race fully grows up and gets away from labels such as Asian, Black, White and simply converses in terms of individuals… then tribalism will always have the potential to percolate to the surface in a conversation. We are moving to a global economy, travel is now essentially universal…. the gene pool is shuffling from a wider diversity. As long as that global interaction is allowed to continue – the gene pool will be so shuffled, as for race in terms of color to be meaningless. It is only by recognizing the absolute importance of individuals in these none tribal terms, that we can fully mature as human beings… and grasp the full meaning of the Prime Law.