Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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As first identified by Frank R. Wallace we live in an anticivilization… in such a bizarre upside down civilization, creativity is essentially ‘killed’ in most adults… we are creative beings… that is our fundamental essence. Without the rule of man independent creators will naturally flourish. Anticivilization entertainment is like a drug that fills the void where our creativity should be.
We need to wake up people. We want things to change but we expect change to happen by itself…..It doesn’t work that way. The 500 plus people that think they will control the rest of us for ever is coming to an end. I agree 100% with Mr. Hamilton. With the implementation of the “Prime Law” we can all prosper the way we were meant to prosper. We need to be able to create and build without having to look over our shoulders and being afraid of the big bad wolf…”Government”. Think about how good it will be when the Government actually protects us the way they should protect us, instead of them forcing their man made laws over us to benefit only themselves. Mr. Hamilton, you can count on me to spread the word. But folks…we need all of you to participate in order for this to happen.
Tanya L.
You are a wise man and thank you for telling us the truth about the US government. I favored your video.
Our American people need to wake up and look around all over the world. What is the shape our economy is in? What is the real # of people out of work? Are we truly FREE??? Are we being protected from those who would rule over us to our detriment! I do not see that we are prospering, I do not see freedom exemplified by recent horrendous laws passed that leave the “common man” with NO freedoms at all. All of this is now being thrown into our face, directly=yet I see no public voice speaking out. It is up to all of us to save us as Self Leaders. Think on that for awhile.
This is great as long as no one can claim anything in the universe for himself. The world and everything around it belongs to us all and that’s how it must be in order for The Prime Law to work.
There is no man on earth who wants the prosperity of another human begin except MR Hamilton. Blessed be to you Mr. Hamilton. Thousand and one people in the world are struggling and nowhere to turn to and is never ending problem. Never met you, maybe we will one day. What you are doing to mankind is inexpressible. Thank you let the Natural LAW reign. Thank you Mr. Hamilton.
It is time our lives be improved because struggling day after day, year after year Dear Mark Hamilton I am in for it . So that our lives be improved for your sake. Let the prime law govern, with your direction we all will prosper. Thank for making the world a better place for mankind.
Mr. Mark is right about it!
Start first with you. The Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will eradicate man from ruling over and interpreting law – a system imperfect in nature. Start first with our selves to begin upholding a pure way of living free from the dictates of others. What makes us happy? What do we want? Whatever it is, we will find peace in knowing we are upholding natural law – the Prime Law – in our daily life. I am very happy to do that personally, and I have created beautiful relationships with beautiful people as a result. Life is precious, and time is a precious commodity. I would much rather lead myself than be led by others!
Adam H.
The Prime Law is a unique approach to governing as portrayed in this video. It will cause the government to have a less regulating control , and allow new businesses and entrepreneurs to flourish. The Twelve Visions Party and its party platform is worth checking out. The current system is not working. We need to take a new approach and check out all options. Maybe the Prime Law and The Twelve Visions Party have the solutions to help this ailing economy. Maybe this is just what America needs to lift itself out of poverty and grow the ninety-nine per cent that is struggling to keep their heads above water. It will take a team effort. We all need to be a solution to the problem, and today our main problem is our struggling economy.
Our Prime Law will no longer allow the governments to be able to wage war on the people. The Prime Law will be in place and exist for all of us. We will no longer have to suffer from not having enough money to pay this or that because with our Prime Law we will all be rich, and the way this will happen is by us the working people will be sitting on top of society and we will be taking from the working class. This will happen by implementing initiatory force upon those in the working class who must adhere to their man made laws and regulations. This will enable us to live better lives and a world full of wealth, health and peace. So please take a hard long look at our prime law and the twelve visions party and then you will see the true meaning of all of this.
It is time we made every one Rich I support the Prime Law.
My expressed knowledge is based primarily on Neothink Prime literature, in which the authors do acknowledge Ann Rand’s views as a matter of fact, but is based largely on the writings of one Dr. Julian Jaynes in: “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”. Yes, this is no longer the industrial age, but rather, it’s the information age. Now, I’m not quite sure I understand why you assume this envisioned evolution to a world of limitless wealth, near perfect health, and abiding peace will be void of the entertainment industry.
After the Prime Law and Protection only budget are passed, thirty or so years from now, civilization will have advanced so far that we wouldn’t even be exchanging values we create–like services/products–for money any more. We will evolve to where we are exchanging it for the value of our increased pride. ..pride that our services were of value to others.
Great video thank you!!! Keep it up
Imagine a nation richer than the world has known. Today we face the Political Cycle of Greed – lawmakers (Politicians) write laws and lawyers and lawsuits take from business which is the basis for all wealth. Those who make the rules have broke We The People by sitting on top of society and taking from the working class value creators and value destroyers. This only happens through initiatory force upon those in the working class who must adhere to their man made laws and regulations. Uniting we can make even our politicians lives better. Imagine a world full of wealth, health, peace. It is possible with a government of protection only.
The Prime Law is our State of Mind… How each of us creates our own universe is a reflection of what is, when we understand what this means The PRIME LAW WILL be in place and exist for all of us. We must use our mental focus to get this concept flowing through us, we must focus on it so much, that soon it will become as easy as breathing the beautiful air we breath, without even thinking about it we just do it. We Know it, we understand it, and we will think about it naturally, with No questions… <3 <3 <3 Persistence…
With the Prime Law, governments will no longer be able to wage war on the people. After perhaps one generation, the thought of even hitting another person would be a foreign concept. The Prime Law will dissolve the ego-minded agendas.
Consider the computer revolution of the late 20th century. It advanced too fast for the government to tie it down in a web a limiting regulations like it has with all other industries. So now today, we all have computer buying power that just a few years ago, only millionaires had. Also, the selling-off of all government assets to the private sector will be known as the Great Displacement Program. All those other things that government was involved in that they weren’t supposed to be–that we used to depend on them for–will now be serviced by genius entrepreneurs in the free market. And the trillions of dollars in profit that will be made off of that colossal sale will serve to pay-off all government’s debt…including debts to the citizens of America.
Citizens will certainly pay the voluntary taxes because we will want to maintain the peaceful quality of life we will all be enjoying. And it we will certainly be able to afford to pay it due to our buying power multiplying 100 to 1000 times! Let me explain: without initiatory force coming from a government on the offense, ALL industries will be free to thrive and advance without limit. This will be known as The Great Technological Revolution. The free-market competition will drive the value of all products up and at the same time, drive prices down. Ordinary people today will be able to afford what just a few years ago, only millionaires could afford.
The TVP is bringing forth the Prime Law AND the Prime Law Budget(AKA the Protection-Only Budget) Once the Prime Law Budget is enforced, ALL government spending will be limited ONLY to matters of protection of the citizens. All government bureaucracies will be discontinued, for they are operate through initiatory force, hinder society’s growth and disregard our freedoms. Government will become a business model of protection. We, the customers, will not have forced taxes. Taxes will be a voluntary payment only.
The prime law sounds interesting, I’ve tried researching more on it to no avail, can you point me towards more info on this 3000 year old secret?
Tony M.
Sure the Laws were created by man / the people and the Laws are there for the people of the Government to uphold and the people to follow…..but when you have the Government abusing the laws for their own benefits and not for the benefit of the people, then you have a problem. The problem is , who is there to prosecute the Government and lock up the Government officials/Leaders…??…using the prime Law.
Chaivoun B.
I hear you 100%. We can all become successful in our own right, but the rule of man tries to interfere. Its a difficult obstacle to face, but it can be done. I am always trying to maneuver around the agenda of other people. I obey all the laws and do not interfere in the rights of others, yet others try their hardest to manipulate me to join their agenda. I almost always resist, but sometimes they can be so overpowering/. Therefore, I find I’m more successful on my own because I stick to my goals, my agenda, and my lifestyle.
Interesting, some valid points here, worth considering.
Mike F.
The Prime Law is God-mind reality and will bring the reality of protection for individuals to LIFE! And is the only one.*************** All in one, one in all.**************
Angel T.
Nowhere in the US Constitution does it protect our rights to that absolute degree. So we can’t just go by what we feel the laws in the Constitution are supposed to stand for. IT HAS TO BE STATED in absolute detail. This is why we have laws and this why they are always written in such detail–>in attempt to cover ALL the basis. Had the Prime Law been part of the US Constitution, we would have been governed by rule of FLAWLESS law and the quality of life in America would have never fallen… contrarily, it would have constantly improved. Fortunately, it will when the entire non-ruling class is unified, votes the TVP President/VP (Jill Reed/Tom Cary) and officials into office, and we have the Prime Law finally amended to the US Constitution.
Much like our laws written in the US Constitution that were created to nurture/protect our quality of life in America have been gradually weakened by irrational changes to the Constitution by government officials for the irrationally selfish purposes of the ruling class as a whole because the Prime Law of protection was missed. Leading to the grotesque and now quite overt disregard for our “unflawlessly” protected rights, like government abuse of authority from physical–to financial–to coercive personal intrusion into our lives(that WE allow). We have been governed by rule of law when it should have been rule of flawless law. The Prime Law..the way it is stated, covers the irreducible, FUNDAMENTAL protection of the individual in articles 1 &2. And then states in article 3 that “NO EXCEPTION SHALL EXIST FOR ARTICLE 1 and 2.
The US Constitution was written toward that DIRECTION.. apparently with that intention as you said: for an individuals’ right to be protected from injustice. Yes, It clearly moves in that direction, but it certainly does not unequivocally “stand for” that. For if it UNEQUIVOCALLY stood for that, the behavior of government would have never transmogrified as it clearly has since 1787. The Prime Law was the most important missing piece of what the US Constitution should have been. It was kind of like filling up a massive basin full of water intended to nurture living things, but that basin was designed only 99% flawlessly. It had a small hole at the bottom and all the water that was intended to be used for nurturing, gradually became no water at all!.. because of that hole (the missing Prime Law) that was overlooked.
Investigate 9/11. Look into building 7. Search for ‘the truth about religion’. Investigate the engineered current financial crisis IE: ‘Matt Damon’s Inside Job. Research past, confirmed ‘false flag’ incidents orchestrated by the very forces you wish to see defeated. Try to figure out how in the world….the US political system has been allowed to be corrupted so thoroughly by greed that to this day….crazy war spending continues as does the US empirical crusade. As does the departure the US Constitution as law. By nature corruption operates outside of legitimate people’s laws.