Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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Courage any of you no matter if you are hearing or hearing impaired (deaf) or handicap, or poor or what-so-ever Mark Hamilton love to save us all of this America and the World, too. Go and learn soon as possible that will wake your right chamber brain, will change your life, Wink !
Together we will make all the people rich including the poor.
It’s all coming together, the energy is right and things are getting done. The future will belong to the innocent and creative. It is like the Universe is greatly assisting.
When you were young what were you taught in school? Many of you probably answer math, science, English, academics, and you are correct. Why were you taught these things? All of your answers may vary here, but may I ask why? Well, I know the answer and it is one I think all of you will agree with. You were taught all of those things in school so you would serve and obey. Who were you learning to serve and obey? You we’re learning to serve those who made your curriculum, your money, and your job. This is the secret that has been cleverly hidden from you for 3000 years, just as Mark says in this video. We’re all sick of serving masters we hate, why continue? Mark is telling you the power is in our hands. It’s all about changing our minds, and declaring to our poor leaders or masters we’re done with you, we can lead ourselves and decide what is best for us! We will no longer allow you to live on our toil, and force us to serve you!
Mark Hamilton gave me a second chance in life. I had been in an industrial accident and the injuries sustained prevented me from continuing the work I was doing. This caused me to go into a major depression. put on top of that a divorce and a bankruptcy. I am now a value creator and have taught this to my children. I could go on and on about what Mark has given me. Mark, I love you with all my heart. Thank you
Yes we do have the right to be happy. And yes we have the right to prosper. I child can understand this. This is a Fantastic law. Thanks for your hard work to bring this to the people.
Mark thank you for pointing out the problems with man made recession. Too many people are brainwashed by our society into believing we have no control over what the Governments do. They say “we cannot do anything” without even trying. Fact is the Government are paid by the tax payer and therefore the tax payer has rights over what happens in our world. We need good women who are not governed by money, but care about children and human life. Read my poem Plastic God, Plastic Jesus, Plastic World. People need to stop fighting over who is the right religion and start thinking about all our children and making sure they are all safe and happy. Bless you Mark I have subscribed. My name is Sharon J. B. a women that is no longer brainwashed by man.
The world is coming to you.
The Prime Law will free the Geniuses. When someone does a course on business they teach them how to not succeed in business and rather they teach how to have their business conform to government regulations. When the geniuses are free, society will soar technologically and in every other way. No more will dreams be crushed in the cradle.
This conceptual thinking can lead a nation to new heights. With this Prime Law we will see poverty diminish, diseases cured, terrorism and crime decline, unemployment stopped in its tracks, our declining standard of living rise, our education system soar, and our country’s fall into bankruptcy will not happen.
Jill R.
Good Theory
Have you ever wondered why politicians and media heads are always so perfectly groomed and polished and read from a script?
The Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party is our last chance to finally turn this world right side up. The clock is ticking.
In Love and Peace
Very interesting! Very NECESSARY!
Prime Law is the goal of all PRIME MOVERS EVER Live. IT WILL PREVAIL AT LAST..
Thank you. Everything makes so much more sense now.
Right on man. I agree
Change starts with taking responsibility for your life. Thank you, Mark Hamilton for the gift that your work is to our society.
Great speech towards the new era of living on planet earth without oppressing entities and people.
Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest Value Creator and Visionaries. He is dedicating his life to improve all of man kind. He has the answer to do just this. Do yourself and everyone else justice by reading, watching, and listening to every literature, video that he has taken the time to show all of us. I feel very privileged to be included in our growing family… the neothink family. Thank you for taking the time to write me my invitation is May 2007….. the greatest day in my life.
What an eye-opener. I never knew how simple it was to understand why my family hadn’t prospered. The force of government on my dad’s small business pinched our profit, my grandma’s profit in her business was pinched-off and so was mine. Why should one adult control another? Absolutely not! Protect the children and all of us from iniatory force so that we can rise up into the riches Mark Hamilton speaks of here. Government can lead this nation into prosperity more easily than it can force it into poverty. Prosperity for all in 2012! “2012 – Quantum Leap Year for Mankind!” per Jill Reed TVP for me for sure! lovechildwon Finally!
No more rule of man once the twelve visions party is in office and after words implementing the prime law will end the rule of man and we shall all be free and sore like an eagle in flight! Go TVP!!!!
The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party are truly what are going “Make All The People Rich…Including the Poor”. Join our Grassroots Movement as we get the party started and create a Twelve Visions World that will enable everyone to enjoy a fulfilling life! Be a part of the movement that will go down in history as THE MOVEMENT that moves us towards a spectacular future! The Prime Law will guarantee that future when it is amended to our Constitution. Join us as we celebrate Prime Law Day on March 24th in a community near you! Thank you Mark Hamilton for your dedication to humanity! Join Today.
The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party are truly what are going “Make All The People Rich…Including the Poor”. Join our Grassroots Movement as we get the party started and create a Twelve Visions World that will enable everyone to enjoy a fulfilling life! Be a part of the movement that will go down in history as THE MOVEMENT that moves us towards a spectacular future! The Prime Law will guarantee that future when it is amended to our Constitution. Join us as we celebrate Prime Law Day on March 24th in a community near you! Thank you Mark Hamilton for your dedication to humanity!
I have never heard or thought of the Founding Fathers this way. I do agree with what you are saying, but I also believe they had very good intentions – corruption, power, and greed just got in the way. Exactly what they fought against except that our current government has more power and taxes us at a higher rate. The Founding Fathers went to war with a government that had less power than our current one. It is time to rise as a People and take our country back. Voting left or right doesn’t solve our problem anymore. It has come to a point that only bullets will solve our political problem in this country. We must take this country back – the sooner the better.
We need to simplify government. Our current system can’t see the forest for the trees!! It has become a big, tangled complicated mess. We need some new life, some new ideas to help solve our government woes. The Twelve Visions Party has a lot of fresh new ideas. It is worth checking out. They may have the solutions to helping this ailing economy.
In my life I have never come across a more Classy act then the act of Mark Hamilton, to orchestrate a country with pure honesty, to put the answer in our laps, for following his heart and never stopping to give his thoughts to his fellow brothers and sisters for the beginning of peace on earth. Thank you brother for being a real brother, and an awesome Maestro, for the new tune to live by…
Once the Prime Law is set in place in the US. The World will witness via technology how initiatory force will be no more. Government will be only for protection; and also as they see everyone becoming Rich – even the Poor; all peoples of all countries will want the same and the Rule of Man will be no more. No more wars! Freedom to choose and peace will rule this planet!!!
Yes!!!…” THE PRIME LAW ” will govern humanity and no exception shall exist for any of its articles!
A creative civilization void of the rule of man will not kill the entertainment industry. Entertainment has a value… that is, if the entertainment is objective and based around man’s nature… and it feeds the ‘soul’ (soul in this context should not be taken to mean anything supernatural). Particularly entertainment expressed as objective art… whether that be a play, painting, film, music etc. Leonard Peikoff is very good on this in the book: ‘Objectivism the Philosophy of Ayn Rand. What will be void in a creative civilization is trivial art that has no objective value and is used as a form of escapism.