Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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Beyond compassion, I’d say it is humility that is the prime law. Everyone has innate compassion within them. Humility however required work.
In yesterdays world man creating things with their pair hands behind closed doors, our hands is only designed for two words, the two(L L ),when you creating things, you create it in light, and love.
The Prime Law is the Key Factor in Business, as well as other aspects of life and Government. Example, my Wife worked for a Government Contractor on a Base. It’s ruined by a few employees instead, I’ll explain why. If these employees don’t like you, then they will push you out using Irrational Dishonesty. These employees use the Supervisor, whom they befriended, to get rid of them. This is one of many reasons why the Prime Law (and Business Values) are needed. My Wife Quit and a Friend, Fired.
Gregory R. K.
The world as we know it is ending. By that I mean the economic world. There will be no recovery. It will end and a new world will arise from it’s ashes. “Standing in line, believing the lies. Bow down to the flag. You got a bullet in your head.” A bullet known as media. Question everything. Nothing is certain anymore.
Those who disliked are people who think is boring or people who love to be ruled over!
THANK YOU for returning the Sub- I am VERY interesting in you material :))
These secrets will depoliticize the career politicians into a government that will not suppress its people, but will however allow people to succeed and feel beyond their wildest imaginations!
Some really good thoughts in all of your videos. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mark. My computer has been down with a virus for a few weeks. I think i have it running now. I have been kept busy.MY son sent me a series of books The Life and times af the far east. I read them years ago but I totally see what you are teaching is the same . We are God Man and it is in the bible that the power is within us and we are to be living and helping our fellow man. We literally can move from place to place through our god man power. This teaching has been around since Christ. It is just we think we should be the power instead of the god power within us. I haven’t kept up with out my computer so hope to do better now. Thank you are a genius.
You are a very wise soul god bless you
Mark Hamilton is trying to save your life from the political elite that live off your hard earned dollars. The TVP is the only party that makes sense. Please vote for Jill Reed for president. It will set you free.
Being a “Self Leader”! That is what being a mature person is all about! Learning to: TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN LIFE”! Your life is about WHAT YOU PUT IN MOTION! Stop the blame game and focus on what you can do to make a difference! When you go out and make a difference, you are not only helping yourself, you are helping others! Get your focus off yourself, and turn your focus outward! That will reap a positive reward, and you will be generating positive energy! Energy out equals energy in, or, a positive reward. Prosperity is all about attitude and your frame of mind. Change your mindset and practice “Law of Give” and “Law of Outward Energy”, and you will begin to propel your prosperity into a tangible reality! Learn from the Prime Law! That is a great place to start!
Implementing The Prime Law would help the government have more focus. Ending the rule of imperfect man and some of government’s imperfect laws would produce more freedom for the average American. You would see small businesses begin to flourish again! Man would be able to attain his full potential! You would indeed see “the rise of Man”. Riches and prosperity would not be for just the few, but for the many!
It is way past time that we as a human race got it together so that poverty is gotten rid of. We have the rich and very rich to the point that they can’t spend what they have in their life. We should spread the wealth so that we all get a life. I am not talking about sit down money, no opportunity is what I am calling for. The money is there to make a real difference and we can do this in our generation. Instead of all of what we have punishment and crime. We come this way once We All should make a difference towards GOOD.
Give me liberty or give me a [democrat or republican] in the Whitehouse. Choose lady liberty by voting for Jill Reed TVPNC.ORG as President of USA. Ms. Reed will get the prime law passed as an amendment to the constitution which will prevent the death of middle class. The first American Revolution started with Boston Tea Party. The Second American Revolution can start with the TVP [ Tea Vote Party ] where America can peacefully vote out the Parasitic American Lawyers at the ballot box.
I truly KNOW what the essence of Marks writings are. and that essence is: Take FULL Responsibility For Your OWN Life because Your OWN life is solely Your OWN Responsibility. NEVER blame anybody else or anything else for Your failure and NEVER believe that anyone else or anything else for Your success either! Why? Here is the reason why: if You had not participated, You would not experience that success or failure. Ever notice that when YOU have a problem, You’re there? Ever notice when You have a success, You take credit for it and, still, You are there?
READ, READ, READ, READ, READ Mark Hamilton’s writings IN CONTEXT. Don’t just read a piece here on page 24, a paragraph on page 211, and a sentence on page 347 and THINK You have it all figured out. That is a very unwise, lazy, and dishonest way of going about it. What is wise is You claim the responsibility for clearly understanding and KNOWING what His writings are all about. I was fearless in reading them and now I radiate unstoppable power and confidence in My daily (and nightly) life. I control the situations around Me and if it APPEARS that I do not (which I may INITIALLY not), then what is out of My control now comes INTO My iron-grip control NOW! Mark Hamilton’s writings contain the eternal keys to living that extra special life You were ALWAYS meant to live and are missing out on (if You are miserable and broke that is).
I have a statement that evolved over time. That eternally noteworthy statement now accepted by MILLIONS is: “With the acceptance of ENOURMOUS responsibility RESULTS IN GREAT POWER!” Think about that! It is true! It REALLY is true! The more You get “banged up” by anything or anyone else, the stronger You become and the better and more proficient You truly become! Success is attainable! It may not be the easiest thing on planet earth but I will tell You this, it BECOMES easier and easier and easier with practice! HOW EXCITING!
I remember when I first joined The Neothink Society. I was totally in a bad state, probably the WORST financial state. Not anymore. I now know EXACTLY and PRECISELY how and why I got into the EXACT and PRECISE financial state I was in. NOW, I am steadily and surely making My way into INSANE WEALTH thanks to what I learned from Mark Hamilton! I also read Kevin T. Natural Cures books and listen to audios He has produced over the years since 1995. I have been combining (integrating) the magnificent wisdom and eternally helpful knowledge in BOTH Their writings.
But if you need a little C of U now let me tell you where to go. Go to your nearest Neothink Clubhouse meeting and enjoy a few hours of heaven on earth Written by a Coordinator of a Neothink Clubhouse who was once just like you!!
Thomas S.
As all this has been done mean there is still lots more work to do we need to get The Twelve Visions Party Candidates Elected and have office holders to get the 3000 year old secret the Prime Law amended to the U.S. Constitution. Because the Prime Law and our Presidential Candidates offers HONESTY not Truth offers HEALTH not DISEASE offers WEALTH not POVERTY offers PEACE not WAR. And when the eyes of the world opens to the Honesty of the Prime Literature and the 3000 year old secret the Prime Law That is the day this world ends and a New One Begins the day we all finally see heaven on earth the Civilization of the Universe.
Thomas S.
As seekers of a better way then the way life is now. Somehow find a letter in the mail. From that letter tough choices are made. And that is you either agree to move forward with this new knowledge you just received or you don’t! But if you agreed to move forward with the new knowledge and study hard to understand this new knowledge better known as the Prime Literature. You can go on to become a self leader. By then the Prime Law should be applied into one’s life yes the 3000 year old secret. And if one continues studying the Prime Literature one can go even higher and become a Coordinator, Mentor, and a visionaries and as we come together we form a Society we call the Neothink Society. And then grow a Grass Roots Movement called the Twelve Visions Party.
Mark Hamilton is right when he talks about initiatory force. It does not belong in Government, in business, or in individual people’s lives! Too much control will suffocate the geniuses of America! Free the geniuses and you will free the world!
The visionaries saw what our forefathers saw that all people will be wealthy, with the pursuit of happiness. The Prime Law only brings us back to what the Constitution stated originally by our forefathers. So let’s embrace it and vote for the Prime Law. Let our geniuses soar like an eagle as they were meant to be and the prime law has and will continue to release the Geniuses of society.
Mark Hamilton wants only what’s best for all of us not just the rich. Mark wants to see everybody have health wealth and be happy. That’s what the Prime law is all about.
There is only individual performance, there is no “something bigger” running Government, running business, running our own lives. The Prime Law protects the individual. The Prime Law dismantles the illusions.
For most life seems short. One can provide honest hard working days producing values for 30 or 40 years and not feel satisfied. There is no satisfaction because man-made rules not only deter us but in some cases prevent us from creating values. Creating value is what satisfies because it is the foundation of one’s legacy that will be remembered. The Prime Law allows one to build a legacy.
Modern socialist and communist governments are still pyramidal family structures with centralized power. This is the oldest and the original form of government. In these forms, the Law rules over the people and protects government. It is Hive/Herd philosophy driven by animal instinct. A republic, where the government is limited and subject to the law while the Individual person (man) is protected by the government from group (animal), is the evolution of government.
Love you Mark!!! Never Settle we’re going bigger than life.
Bootz C.
I wish our government officials would watch this and join our movement. The ruling class and force is what we have now. We have to change or become doomed.