Listen To This Video To Understand Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law
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interesting video. This guy speaks good sense but I think it will be a long time, if ever, before we see his ideas manifest in this world.
I agree, we are a product of our environment, and the use of initiatory force has been passed to us by our parents ext, ext.That’s why i don’t hit my kid.I will stop the cycle, at least in my family, again sorry to hear about your father. God bless you and yours.
Hi I have seen you videos and am very compelled by how you speak. I have heard of Neothink before subscribing to you channel but I have not found where else I can learn more about Neothink. Do you have a bookstore that I can find your books? Thank you!
“Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come”.
Victor Hugo
The Prime Law and The Law of One is what we need to strive for.
This is a refreshing point of view! I just heard positive solutions to today’s government woes! We are not hearing anything new from our politicians. It is just the same old, same old. No more song and dance and dancing around the issues! We need real leadership and real cutbacks and real changes in Government. Now more than ever we need new solutions that will rescue the middle class and rescue the economy. In this period of history it is not time to sit on the sidelines. Our country needs us!
You should be president.
Today, the Supreme Court voted that the mega-banks that brought about the housing collapse by selling mortgages to people knowing they would default on their loans and then bought ins. policies on these accounts would not have charges of fraud brought against them… The govmnt. bailed them out and then exonerated them of any wrong doing. This action caused many to loose their life savings and their homes. If I rob a bank, I go to prison. If the banks rob the people gvmnt. steps in to save them.
Yes the PRIME LAW is what it is meant in order to accomplish the goal we now have!
The Prime Law will result in a Government providing a Service to people. To protect the people only. Force is only used when someone initiates coercion or threats upon others.
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party is a radical and necessary change from our current government that only thinks of us citizens on election day.
The Prime Law as essence of the TVP (Twelve Vision Party), the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton Literature, are changing the traditional concepts of politics, which for
millennia has been established as a system of control over the population with the use of force. The new politics of TVP and Neothink is an exciting change to make way for the Civilization of the Universe in motion.
Oh… Wow. This guy actually makes a lot of sense! I thought it was going to be like “I have a secret that’s been hidden for 3000 years that will make everyone rich and happy, all you have to do is by my book for $19.99” but no. Not that any government would install the prime law as its too far away from what we currently have.
Through divine guidance, the founding father of the US authored the declaration of independence in 1776,the constitution in 1787,and the bill of rights in 1791.the united state was envisioned as a place where, for the first time in record history, “we the people “would be sovereign. Great spirits from afar as India have declared US constitution as “the greatest constitution of any government in the world”. To take this back, PLEASE VOTE FOR JILL REED and TOM CARY.
The Prime Law…I love this idea. Simple…effective. Evolution at it’s finest.
This 3000 year old secret will save our country! Our forefathers saved us from the rule of man when they got rid of King George. But our forefathers missed the 3000 year old secret! I love my forefathers but I don’t want to miss this 3000 year old secret like our forefathers did! Our country men need this 3000 year old secret NOW!!! VOTE FOR JILL REED/TOM CARY BE APART OF MAKING EVERYONE RICH INCLUDING THE POOR IN AMERICA THIS YEAR 2012! COME JOIN THE BEST MOVEMENT ON EARTH! HELP SAVE THE WORLD
NEW DIMENSION we need this to happen soon!!!!!!!
This is refreshing. Individual responsibility is very important. We need to come together and protect our freedom not be a slave to governmental systems – war to destroy-people health land food and children because that is what is going on friends…
first read the prime law back in 2001, and still learning from it, you have discovered the common denominating cause of poverty, initiatory force, WOW! simple and powerful strait to the REAL cause (common denominator) – INITIATORY FORCE
ill vote too !!!
be the president! i would vote!
His name is Mark Hamilton..the founder of the Twelve Visions Party. Jill Reed and Tom Cary are running for President and Vice President of the TVP. See or END POLITICAL GREED..VOTE JILL REED!
I just subscribed to your videos, love ’em!
The Prime Law will Free the Health and Medical Industries of Man-Made, Controlling Regulations so people can receive Better-Than-Ever Health Care.
Are you awake? Have you become a self-leader? “And if YOU ARE A SELF-LEADER!” Have you started a clubhouse in your area? And what are you doing to STIMULATE those you have already spoke to? Before you can awaken others you must first be awake!
We all can point fingers at who is causing all of our worries. And yes there are plenty of people who don’t know about the Neothink Society and the Grass Roots Movement called the Twelve Visions Party and it’s platform to make all the people rich including the poor. And they know nothing about the 3000 year old secret that the establishment has kept secret from them called the Prime Law.
Very informative!!
Hi Neothink Society, Just stopping to say hi and tell you that I like your channel! Stay in touch! Cool feeds by the way!
How do we implement the Prime Law??