Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

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2,512 Responses to Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law

  1. M.F. says:

    In an ideal world this would work, I hope things can change and everyone’s consciousness can change.

  2. I.V.P. says:

    I think this guys speech is too complex for some to understand. the thing is, the people of today are greedy and want power in order to live a “happy” life that they see on tv or hear from music and they strive to get that power (in this case its money). try to imagine a world where money doesnt exist. what would you want from life? there is no reason to take from others because you can get it on your own easily. no jealousy because everyone has the same things and therefor no power.

  3. F.N. says:

    This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. — Abraham Lincoln

  4. N.M. says:

    Very very interesting Mark! I enjoyed what you said, shall watch some more.

  5. C.F. says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! XO

  6. Ditka C. says:

    When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty

  7. C.F says:

    Hey, very good thanks! 🙂

  8. I.M. says:

    Ya I totally agree. My friend told me about it but he said it was new age disinfo or something like that LOL. So I was really pretty skeptical about it at first but after watching it I’m pretty convinced this guy is the real deal. It’s hard to believe we don’t have people like him in government already.

  9. Vazran says:

    All laws come from man, so no such thing as a world without man-made laws(unless you live by yourself in the jungle). Mankind has been debating how society runs best for ages, and they come up with various ideas. The “prime law” is one of these ideas. It sounds good, but it’s still “man-made”. Laws aren’t natural or self-evident.

  10. I.B. says:

    This looks legit.

  11. N.H. says:

    This guy should run for president

  12. N.F. says:

    quite interesting

  13. Z.S.B. says:

    I should clarify that the Twelve Visions Party platform hasn’t changed. Rather, the delivery/message of the profound benefits and impact on everyone’s lives is much better conveyed.

  14. upkar sachdeva says:

    Hi Mark, is prime law and prime cure have the same idea. I am looking for cure for aging. Do you have a seperate book on cure for aging. If you do please offer me the book by mail. The CDs I reeceived are very good. Thank you.

  15. P.A. says:

    In other words, the people are not owned by the government. The government is owned by the people.

  16. Z.S.B. says:

    I just read the updated Twelve Visions Party Platform — Fantastic! I often consume information to learn if it will resonate with not just myself, but a much wider populace. My “guestimate” is the numbers will prove conclusively that this updated TVP Platform is much superior to the previous TVP Platform. Get it at: The link is at the upper left side bar: National Platform.

  17. Geallain says:

    Even in America (land of the free) GREED & lavish WEALTH are granted to our governing politicians.

  18. Sophia M. says:


  19. Frank E. D'A. says:

    I have been around getting people signatures for Jill Reed to be on the ballet to be USA president .I averaged about 80 to 100 signatures a day .I gathered over 1100 signatures in the hot sun all day long with a smile from ear to ear.the more people signed it the happier I became.Only 300 people where approved , because the lady’s at the court house found one reason or another to Keep Jill Reed from being on the ballet in MS.So write her in Reed/Carey and see our dreams come true

  20. S.A. says:

    People are selfish by nature, including politicians. In fulfilling their own aims, they are corruptible. The truth is that they don’t care about you at all. They only want your vote for their own aims, and to do so they give you the impression of caring about you, whilst actually working towards business interests of the people and companies that give them their paychecks. Even the most ethical people in government would not be immune to this. And that is why giving power to the few is flawed.

  21. Zhan R. says:

    If you cannot know what a human is by their biological footprint as well as the psychological and sociological demonstrations they tend to exhibit, then you should not rule over them.
    If you ever treat a human as a dog, even if the intention is to protect them, even if it is to prevent harm, you will always lead to disaster.
    Try this with the intention of Moral Diligence onto the Scots. The English has attempted this for years and with what? Failure.
    Without knowing humans, you cannot rule.

  22. Zhan R. says:

    The primary purpose of government (depending on what you define government to be) is to insure tranquility. From tranquility comes prosperity and peace, which allows a populace to continue in continuous chain reaction until something should damage that reaction.
    Now what a government is… is any sought after agreement or condition for regulatory behavior between two or more people, usually in agreement with said people.
    But more important than knowing what government is… is knowing humans.

  23. M.P. says:

    Alright, I read the prime law online and it said that force is not to be used against anyone unless it is to protect against people who violate the Prime Law. So really the Prime Law is Libertarianism, along with a security measure to prevent the disease of the rule of man from taking over. I want the Prime Law!!!

  24. Rocky S. says:

    yeah.. u.s lead by un seen !!
    always control society hopes, and the way of thinking

  25. M.P. says:

    I like the idea of the Prime Law, but I don’t understand how we can combat thieves, scammers, murderers, and other criminals without force. Although the Prime Law would prevent the disease of the rule of man, I don’t see how it would help to clean criminals off the streets.

  26. L.T.W. says:

    A Day of Thought Many , most people, if you ask them if they could make a difference, would they? Naturally governed by the forces of nature or human instinct we would say yes. The word yes seems to flow out of our mouth simultaneously. Wanting to change comes from man’s desire to improve himself! But actually making the commitment to truly change is *almost impossible! Today you were given the power to change the world, will you act? A Day of Thought will change EVERYTHING

  27. Art A. says:

    This man’s idea is perfect. Well said. I wish that people in Governments around the world could implement this idea.

  28. Vritra A. says:

    The law is prime. This argument is so valid.

  29. Cheryl J. says:

    When my husband and I were raising our two sons, we always stressed to them…”Never start a fight but always defend yourself from harm!” The Prime Law is exactly what our country needs! We have been lied to for 3000 years, we will not take it anymore! Vote for Jill Reed/Tom Cary to put The Prime Law amendment into action with our constitution! GO JILL!

  30. Marcus Savage says:

    If you have not seen The 3000 Year Old Secret, it may be a good idea to check it out. Mr. Hamilton explains the only VALID PURPOSE of government is to PROTECT its people. Without going off course with many debateable topics, money is an issue everyone is familiar with. You may think I am being protected, so how am I NOT being protected? Well it doesn’t make much since to raise prices during a recession. This is not meant to protect anyone, it’s meant to protect the pockets of a wealthy few. Leaving everyone else struggling. Control as simple as regulating resources is enough to keep a population limited, therefore UNPROTECTED against circumstances foreseeable or not. The introduction of the PRIME LAW in government will PROHIBIT the use of INITIATORY FORCE. What does this mean? For one, technology would be able to rapidly advance instead of being released when “allowed”. Which leads to products at a more affordable price. Technology is just one area to be positively affected by the PRIME LAW. If this has sparked your interest, you can learn more at Thank you

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